LORD OF THE RINGS GONDOR 2257Updated Dec 28, 2004 by ranugadthehobbit |
Comment #22 Friday, March 3, 2006 1:06 PM
"First Order - 6 Fonts
A font, similar to the font in the "Lord of the Rings" credits. But not very similar. That's why I made Aniron.

© Daniel Zadorozny"
I may have used Aniron I just can't remember. I'm not shure what you mean by $75 it's free so I'm sorry if you felt I tried to decieve you maybe I should specifically have said "A font, similar to the font in the "Lord of the Rings" credits." It looks like a Tolkien font to me and was off of a Tolkien font page so I said I added a Lord of the Rings Font. "DidN't you think someone would find you out" I am sorry you feel that way I did not make a false statement in my mind. Also I had looked at fonts similar to the ones you listed they were just not as readable in title bars as the one I chose that's why I didn't use them.
Also thanks for all the positive comments I appreciate it. And those who don't like the skin I'm sorry I made it for myself because I wanted some extras that weren't in the original and I thought I would share it so other people could try it. And the shutdown screen not being skinned may be your version of windows or of window blinds because I made this a while ago.
Thanks everyone
Comment #23 Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:54 AM

Oh yeah, and if anyone else wants the wallpaper please feel free to email me and ask for it. I don't mind sharing. Its a very good wallpaper. I always use it. Also I don't want credit for the wallpaper I want the person that re-made the skin to have credit, considering the skin is why I made the wallpaper.
Comment #24 Monday, February 19, 2007 5:27 PM
Comment #25 Saturday, December 29, 2007 6:44 PM
I'm not sure I'm doing this right,but I sure would like to see the wallpaper!
Comment #26 Sunday, December 18, 2011 10:47 AM
Very nice, this is what I was looking for, I would have given you 5 stars but it's a bit dated. Where are you and are you still skinning? Do more, you are very good. I've been a lot more picky about what I put on my desktop and this is actually very good. I'm tired of all the high tech looking stuff. More smoth and sensitive skins are needed. This one looks good on my widescreen monitor. Thanks!
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Comment #21 Saturday, February 11, 2006 2:16 AM