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Updated Jan 13, 2005 by Ingui

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Comment #1 Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:09 PM
Looks nice.
Comment #2 Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:23 PM
Ingui great blind,and take care of the flu
Comment #3 Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:51 PM
Very nice Ingui. I love the color scheme. Thanks for sharing!
Comment #4 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:19 AM
Like this a LOT!! Is there a possibility of implementing a full sized start menu for the visually challenged??
Comment #5 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:23 AM
The blind is well designed and put together, works nice and smooth, but the gray on the start menu and windows are kind of dull for my taste, they make it look a bit flat I think, and although I love compact start menus, this is one skin that I would also like to see a full start menu on, because of it's style...just my opinion, but a very well made skin overall
Comment #6 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 2:21 AM
Nice Skin.... I like the color scheme you used if I may suggest one thing that you may want to tweak if you can is when you right click the desktop and go to "NEW" all the options in the menu are blurred until you go over the one you want... it would be nice to be able to see all the items in the menu...

Just a thought... other than that this is a great skin

Hope to see more of you great work.
Comment #7 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 4:54 AM
Good.... only one (big) problem - all the checkboxes seem to be invisible for some reason. OUCH!
Comment #8 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:57 AM
~ Very nice. With the new coloring options in the latest build this is definitely a skin one can use all the time. The above mentioned little tweaks need to be taken care of though. All in all, a very nice skin.
Todd Johnson
Comment #9 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:01 AM
Windows Start menu is pink Besides that, this would be a very attractive skin!
Comment #10 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:05 AM
~ The checkboxes can be made visible by disabling Translucency in the painting options.
Comment #11 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 3:54 PM
HI, I am a complete novice. Would you be kind enough to tell me how to find 'Disabling Translucency in the painting options.
As regards the skin, I think it is superb.
Comment #12 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:12 PM
I like this skin a lot! Really easy to use. Any chance on a full start menu?
Still a great skin!
Joey Lee*
Comment #13 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:17 PM
Where is the wallpaper?
Comment #14 Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:44 AM
Comment #15 Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:48 AM
Hmm... the update says buttons are fixed. The newly downloaded skin (with old one deleted first) says otherwise ... Still no checkboxes (try the coloring screen for an example).
Further, I don't see any "Painting Options"... If that's in SkinStudio, then it's NOT a fix, it's a workaround.
Comment #16 Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:32 AM
Very beautiful skin!
Comment #17 Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:58 AM
I really like your blinds. thanks.
Comment #18 Thursday, January 13, 2005 6:09 PM
Awesome, using it now. Hope you get over the flu, had that all last week not any fun. Great work on this wb skin. Thank you for sharing it.
Comment #19 Thursday, January 13, 2005 8:07 PM
OK, Thanx everyone for the kind words and I'm sorry for the errors. I blame the flu for overlooking some simple things. My next task is to figure out why I cant create a working sub-style with a full Start Menu.

Sir Lotherius... I am not sure what's up. I myself deleted the skin and then downloaded here, applied it and I have checkboxes. I would call that a fix, Microsoft does "workarounds" Can anyone confirm for me if it is indeed fixed? If not, I can go back to scratching my head
Comment #20 Thursday, January 13, 2005 8:10 PM

One more thing, someone mentioned blurry text on the Desktop Context menu under "NEW", I don't have that prob, anyone else have it? Or know why it might be so?

Thanx again

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