Mac OS X Tiger
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Mac OS X Tiger

Updated Mar 25, 2005 by Steve Grenier

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Fred Hall
Comment #181 Saturday, March 26, 2005 11:16 AM
Good looking and nice update Steve....and thanks for rearranging the order of the titlebar buttons in the "right" substyles to be Windows-convention. One feature request I'd like is the IE toolbar icons to "highlight" on mouseover. Not sure if you get my meaning, but for example when I move my mouse over the "Print" button icon on the IE bar, the background of the button switches from gray to "aqua" blue.
Steve Grenier
Comment #182 Saturday, March 26, 2005 1:52 PM
I would, but there is no hover state originally for Mac. There is a pressed state. If they added the additional state I would change it. I personally use a Styler theme for the toolbar It makes it look like a Mac.
Comment #183 Saturday, March 26, 2005 6:23 PM
This skin is getting better. There are a few things that all OS X skins are plagued with. One of which that 1.3 fixes that has always driven me nuts is the desire to use a large font with OS X themes. Thanks for decreaseing the font size. However there are a couple left that I think would make this skin "feel" a little bit more professional.

1) Is there any way to prevent the left and right edges of most buttons from looking egg shell like. They almost always come to a point and this gets worse the smaller the button becomes. They need to look more circular to be more OS X like.

2) The button bar in IE would look better if the buttons lit up a bit using either aqua or graphite coloring when pressed if not when moused over.

3) The same goes with the buttons in the quick launch area. They need to indicate to the user that you're about to select the button in question. They need to be lit up or backdropped in the appr
Comment #184 Saturday, March 26, 2005 9:47 PM
Forgot to ask where you got the wallpaper.
Comment #185 Saturday, March 26, 2005 10:42 PM
Steve, do you mind like hosting the Logoff/Restart/Shutdown Start Menu Shortcuts, and the OSX Perfect Shadow For WindowFX...or send them to me ( I'd really like them since it looks cool.
Comment #186 Sunday, March 27, 2005 2:40 PM
Wonderful skin.

Yet, I've found a couple of issues, one being that is almost imposible to resize the windows by dragging them from de bottom-right corner, I have to spend around a minute trying to hit THE pixel that actually drags de corner. Restarting hasn't helped. Have the same issue in 2 different PCs.
The second, less dramatic problem is that Illustrator CS's palettes (and ONLY Illustrator ones) lack the "close" button on the upper right corner. I mean, it IS there, but it doesn't show. This issue just showed up, so it might go away. Will come back with news.
Comment #187 Sunday, March 27, 2005 6:55 PM
Steve, where can i get all the files mentioned in your article? All the links seem to be broken. I need windowsFX effects, objectdock files etc...
Do you think you will add some more icons to your tiger iconset (the RAR one for example and the EXCEL one)?
Thanks, your theme rocks!
Comment #188 Sunday, March 27, 2005 7:45 PM
Great skin. I have one question how do you make that or get that album program. I have read somewhere it's made by Avedesk. I just don't know how do you make it. I'm not very computer smart. Some help would be much appreciated.
Steve Grenier
Comment #189 Sunday, March 27, 2005 11:10 PM
I consider making some of the requested updates in the updates for my older Mac themes. The questions about the stuff running is in my article you should read it. As for the links and the other I am working on getting a new host for the files.
Comment #190 Monday, March 28, 2005 5:27 AM
I can't get the apple menu, what can I do?
Nice skin btw:)
Comment #191 Monday, March 28, 2005 6:31 PM
Very nice work, Steve. Thanks very much for the variety of styles and updates.
Comment #192 Monday, March 28, 2005 10:15 PM
great job!!!!
Comment #193 Tuesday, March 29, 2005 7:55 AM
amazing theme, first off and..
how did you get your dock??
Steve Grenier
Comment #194 Wednesday, March 30, 2005 7:52 AM
Common guys, read the article. I didn't write it for fun lol.
Comment #195 Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:34 PM
Adobe Photoshop CS doesnt work anymore!!!! *tears* WHat do I do!
Comment #196 Thursday, March 31, 2005 7:12 AM
I counter a problem of checkbox. I cant see whether it is ticked or not. The bitmap is replaced by a blank one. Same goes for red closed button in the windows. Thx. I have already delete the folder contain the theme, then reinstall but to no avail.
Comment #197 Thursday, March 31, 2005 8:14 AM
Nice port. Well done Steve.

(Original message edited because I shouldn't have written it while I was in a grumpy old fart mood... sigh... the onset of middle age crisis... I dropped you and email about that.)

Steve Grenier
Comment #198 Thursday, March 31, 2005 4:00 PM
I had respect for you Tim. Not anymore.

As for the problem you were having ifree I answered it on the forum and I will here as well. Update your WB version to 4.5.
Comment #199 Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:34 PM
No matter what that dope says, this is an excellent package all around. People like him should appreciate the fact you spent the time to 1. make the damn skin 2. answering questions we may have 3.providing links and a forum. 4. The most important....ITS FREE!
Great job!!!
Comment #200 Friday, April 1, 2005 4:46 AM
To correct any earlier misunderstanding... The skin is top quality, and your execution of the look and feel of the original OS is excellent, along with your dedication to the requests of the users who downloaded it. For people who want their PC to have the look and feel of a Mac, I don't think they need to look further.

(I was having a bad day yesterday... my apologies. But once you have this Mac stuff completed, lets see some of your own creativity shining through in an original design.)

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