Mac OS X Tiger
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Mac OS X Tiger

Updated Mar 25, 2005 by Steve Grenier

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Steve Grenier
Comment #201 Friday, April 1, 2005 8:01 AM
Well that changes things. I was surprised hearing you say something like that. I know that more people want to see some original ideas and they will come through, I just want to finish what I started before I change paths. Not to mention I was also having a bad day yesterday. But in answer to your question yes, all the Mac stuff will go, just want to make it top notch before I forget about it.
Comment #202 Friday, April 1, 2005 8:19 AM
Good to see your dedication to the users, and I look forward to your future stuff.

(dropped you an email too)
Comment #203 Friday, April 1, 2005 2:05 PM
Incredibly impressed - this theme with the right hand (PC style) gadgets has dragged me away from Soul-Luna - and I've been using that since it was released - awesome!
Comment #204 Friday, April 1, 2005 4:22 PM

you got me hooked, now i need a bootskin. any idea's?
Steve Grenier
Comment #205 Tuesday, April 5, 2005 7:03 AM
I personally use Flyakites OSX, so it already changes the bootskin for me. So that is what I suggest, but make sure you don't install the login with it as it will mess up the logonxp logons you use.
Comment #206 Tuesday, April 5, 2005 12:03 PM
Heya Steve, awesome work here..

But is it just me or did you notice that the icons for excel, power point files are not "proper"? I see your PNG files and they have icons for excels and stuffs.

But when I installed your theme, my excel files icons displays exactly the same like my word files icon. And my powerpoint icons are just a blank paper icon. I did try to browse your icl file, but I can't seem to find those icons anywhere... think you can lend me a hand here? I did try to read your article, and I did also downloaded an extra set of your iconpackage, but I didn't help.

If you would be very kind, please drop me an email at I'd be waiting for some news hopefully when you get the chance to do so.

Thanks muchly,
Steve Grenier
Comment #207 Tuesday, April 5, 2005 2:57 PM
Norman, I made that set a long time ago and I had never added the number of icons as I should have. I will not update it however according to Apples Laws it's illegal so that one will remain until I get sued
Comment #208 Wednesday, April 6, 2005 12:13 AM
Herm.. would you mind just porting the PNG files to icl files for me then? Hehehe... I know it's kind of a personal request, but maybe if you had the time or the will to do it, I would be more than glad to have them.

Besides, I live in Indonesia, and I don't see any Apple corps around here, and for that fact I don't think they'll be viewing my laptop either.

If you do happen to want to do me that special favour, you can always email it at

Thanks again,
Comment #209 Wednesday, April 6, 2005 1:40 AM
ok. i've read though every comment on this page. at least i'm pretty sure i did, after the frist 100 or so it all became a blur. I read the article. I checked me WindowBlinds version, it's upto date. I restarted.
Why does it appear this skin is killing yahoo messager?
I installed this skin, which i love muchly, and now everytime I try to change my yahoo status the program disappears.
I unstalled and reinstalled yahoo.
I unstalled and reinstalled the skin.
Now, I'm 99% sure it's this skin, becuase when I unload the skin yahoo works fine again.
And it makes me sad becuase I really like this skin. It's so...simple, and smooth, and pretty. But I don't understand why it does this to yahoo.
Feel free to email me or im me.
Steve Grenier
Comment #210 Wednesday, April 6, 2005 6:57 AM
Norman, I highly doubt I will be doing that. Sorry man, but I can't do personal requests, I get enough of them everyday.

Now your problem with Yahoo doesn't make sense, I must have left the kill Yahoo messenger option checked off when I made it My only suggestion is to use per application skinning and disable the theme from skinning yahoo.
Comment #211 Wednesday, April 6, 2005 1:47 PM
Oh your such a smart ass. I love it. Thanks. That appears to be working. And once again, thanks fo making such a wonderful skin. It's very excellent.
Steve Grenier
Comment #212 Wednesday, April 6, 2005 2:58 PM
HAHA, thanks man glad you like it
Comment #213 Wednesday, April 6, 2005 8:09 PM
No problems Steve, I'm glad you're even answering me at all hehe.

Hey Steve, since you are very experienced in this, I am kinda of wondering why my right click is not skinned.. (WITH ANY SKINS), so I tried downloading new skins and stuff, and still my right click is not skinned at all. Only the color changes and nothing else.

I did try emailing windowblinds support, but they seem to be clueless as well as what is happening to me. I tried every means to fix it, uninstalling it, reinstalling, downloaded the latest version, installing, uninstalling.. and I must've done it at least half a dozen times now, and it still doesn't work. I am not sure why or what caused it, but it just changed one day.. no hang no errors no nothing.

Currently I am using the shareware version, hoping to max it out before deciding to purchase the registered version. But this problem doesn't seem to solve, and I wouldn't want to buy to full vers
Comment #214 Wednesday, April 6, 2005 8:10 PM
There's some kind of limit to the words for comments huh?

Currently I am using the shareware version, hoping to max it out before deciding to purchase the registered version. But this problem doesn't seem to solve, and I wouldn't want to buy to full version if this problem persists.

Akwardly, I installed windowsblinds and the next day a co-worked of mine installed it too. Some time back I have this right click unskinned problem, and the next day he does too. So I was wondering if the shareware can expire in some sort of way, but windowblinds said no.. there's no time limit.

Think you could lend me a hand?

Sorry to bother you and write such a long comment.

Thanks again,
Steve Grenier
Comment #215 Wednesday, April 6, 2005 8:59 PM
It's allright, it may be your OS if your aren't running xp. I personally would buy it as it corrects many bugs, or try the new one released today
Comment #216 Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:35 PM
I am running windows XP, and I did downloading the newest version yesterday haha, but still, no fixes hahaha. I am so unsure of what is happening...

Btw, awesome skin , I'm fully using it. And for the fact that I can't skin my right click keeps me disappointed.

Well I'd consider buying the full version, if windowblinds support could at least give me some answer of what is actually happening. An "I don't know" answer was kind of disappointing.. I am not blaming them though, I might be their first case. But they say they can't guarantee either if this problem will be solved if I buy the full version..
Steve Grenier
Comment #217 Thursday, April 7, 2005 6:51 AM
Check in the Stardock IRC channel.
Comment #218 Thursday, April 7, 2005 9:48 AM
Wow I haven't connected to mIRC since God knows when, and I don't even have that program anymore hehe.

I'll check it out then and see if I can find out any solutions for it. Thanks muchly Steve.
Comment #219 Thursday, April 7, 2005 9:24 PM
Steve, another question, I already used the windowsFX like you outlined in the article, but the menus are not shadowed properly (especially the small ones). I did everything you wrote on the article, and somehow I can't seem to get the shadows properly like the ones you have on the start menu, the right click, etc.

Mind giving me more advice?

Thanks again,
Steve Grenier
Comment #220 Thursday, April 7, 2005 10:26 PM
Make sure you check off skin right click menus or something along the such

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