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Updated Jul 04, 2005 by Fo-Liu

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Comment #21 Saturday, July 16, 2005 7:24 AM
Pattigayle If I'm not mistaken I saw the icons for Tux at Deviantart.Try to look at it
Comment #22 Sunday, July 17, 2005 1:10 PM
For the icon u must have iconpackager and replace PiXos theme library (*.icl) by icl in my zip unless u don t have piX os theme normaly its not a probleme the ippackager run if u have a problem send me a mail.
So for the bug I don t know why u have this prob may be the bitmap which make the low bar from this windows have been erased. So uninstall my theme and reinstall it if there is allways the bug I can send to u the part which u dont have.

So sorry for my english again!
Comment #23 Friday, July 22, 2005 6:01 PM
Bonjour Fo-Liu,

Pourrai-je aussi avoir le pack d'icones s'il-vous-plait? Voici mon adresse:

Merci a l'avance.

N.B.: Priere de noter dans le titre que c'est pour un pack d'icones...
Comment #24 Monday, August 1, 2005 12:53 PM
I never received the email! Oh well...

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