Rusty Rooster
Average Rating: 9
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File Size: 1.49MB
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Vista Ready

Rusty Rooster

Updated May 17, 2010 by treetog

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Comment #21 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 8:18 PM
I was gonna vote 5, but had to go 4.

Why: The fonts chosen for popup menu items don't mesh well with the brushed background used in this skin. Specifically, they blend in to the point of being blocky and completely unreadable.

I had to manually select a different font to be readable. This is unacceptable for a top-rated skin.... it is fine with modification, but a 5 has to be a 5 out of the box.

(I miss the old 10 point rating system btw).
Comment #22 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 9:08 PM
Soo fluid-- great animations & cool button highlights, among other things. Thanks!
Comment #23 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 12:17 AM
Don't know why, but Rusty Rooster does not show up in the installed WB's list to apply it, although it's there in my WB folder. However, I am unable to apply it from there and I was so looking forward to running it with the rest of the suite, which by the way is fantastic. Any ideas as to how I may resolve this will be greatly appreciated. I just installed Windowblinds 5, and Rusty Rooster would not apply with the new skin installed balloon, if that has any bearing on it?
Comment #24 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 12:25 AM
Impressive work
karma tba
Comment #25 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 1:05 AM
A great skin by a great skinner....thanks for giving us something that isn't BLUE!!
Comment #26 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 1:40 AM
Cool work Renato We like ....a lot.
I kinda wanna loose the rooster though, to me it's a disturbing misplaced element

This skin / icons kinda reminds me a little of APB, tight and juicy look.
Thanx for sharing.
Comment #27 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 2:12 AM
Fantastic as usual Alexandrie.

"Compound skins"
Minor note: I reworked the (.sss and .xp) files and removed half of the images (all duplicates) and reduced the file size down to 714KB. Just a friendly suggestion from an outside POV.
Comment #28 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 3:52 AM
... and another great work/suite from the terrific team
(just a little bug with the "all programs button with non-english version, anyway i know how to fix it )
Comment #29 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 6:58 AM
Very nice!
Comment #30 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 7:48 AM
(just a little bug with the "all programs button" with non-english version, anyway i know how to fix it )

Note for the non english version (well at least in french) users :

In skinstudio in both normal and compact versions locate the "More Programs Panel"\"content Margins" section, and just switch the left margin from -121 to -155

Still for french users there's also a trouble in the compact menu version with the "Arrêter l'ordinateur" which is cut off. To solve this, you have to do a few things (still with SkinStudio, but u can open the RustyRoosterShort.sss file with a text editor and locate ...)

- in the XP Taskbar\User Pane\size of the user pane section, switch the widght to 253
- in the Programs List\size of the Programs List, swith the widght from 160 to 190
- in the Places List\size of the places list, switch the widght from 160 to 63 (190+63=253 )
- in the bottom bar\size of the bottom bar switch the widght to 253

to finish download this image:

and paste it in the RustyRooster folder

then change in "More Programs Panel\Backgrounds\More Programs Panel Background Image the .tga file by the same name but .bmp one and uncheck the "transparent" and "translucent" boxes

Note for all skinners who are giving a compact menu version of their skin and want it to work in other version than english

- It seems that the whole minimum widght off User Pane have to be at least 253 for a well display of "Log Off + Turn Off Computer"
- the repartition size of these 253 pixels are between "Program List" and Places List" widght is depending on the size of icons used in the Places list and also on how the image is drawned : 63 seem to be the good size if using 48 pixels icons but it should decrease to 60 i think if using 32 pixels icons

Hope it helped
Comment #31 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 9:04 AM
Great all around suite.
Comment #32 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 10:16 AM
Neophil, adjusting the text/font size on the all programs background to a tiny font will reduce the shift. Just thought I would let you know.

Again, Nice work guys.
Comment #33 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 11:45 AM
Night Train : not with a three image used for the all programs background
Jeff T
Comment #34 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 8:13 PM
The whole suite.
Just amazing.
Comment #35 Thursday, October 6, 2005 11:46 AM
Thank you very much, guys, for the kind comments. As soon as I manage wb5 to work on my computer I will update it for it. GO! GO!
Comment #36 Thursday, October 6, 2005 9:35 PM

Great stuff! This is wonderful!

Comment #37 Saturday, October 8, 2005 9:39 AM
I like this. I am just having some problems with an offset on the All Programs button, as seen here. I am sure I could fix it in SkinStudio, but am not sure how to go about it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Comment #38 Monday, October 10, 2005 2:40 PM
Hi there, while I am a newbie to the forums, I have been lurking and d/ling 'cool stuff' for a few months now, so... nice to meetcha!
This is a great   WB - clean and one of the �special� WBs that has qualities befitting use by professionals and businesses, ummm perhaps sans the poultry, as hawkon remarked:
<<<<< Comment# 26  By hawkon  - 10/5/2005 1:40:29 AM  I kinda wanna loose the rooster though, to me it's a disturbing misplaced element  >>>>>
I, too, wanna lose the rooster. It tends to make me think there is an inside joke or a trend that has (thankfully)  passed me by. But - to each his own, I can live with the little tiny rooster icon on some windows - and I just skipped the WP.
Now, here is what may possibly be the stupid question of the day...   Why are folks not uploading 'suites' to the 'suite' gallery?  I seldom find new files there, but WB artists are linking elsewhere to the additional elements that actually complete a 'suite'.  Leaving me unable to use my theme manager unless I package it up myself.  Did I miss something, or maybe I am confused?  Please set me straight - and regardless of the answer, keep those suites coming into the suite gallery - I lovem!!!  And kudos to the talented folks out there who keep me entertained, amused and smiling with their 'technical artistry' (or would that be 'technological artistry'? - hmmmm, maybe I should just stick with "cool stuff". )  I am a skinner wannabe, and hope to soon find my own 'cool stuff' being downloaded by the masses.
Thanks again for a great WB!
OAngelO  --- "Angels can fly cuz they take themselves lightly!"
Comment #39 Monday, October 10, 2005 4:12 PM

OAngelO: I did a .suite file, but for some reason I am not being able to upload it.

as for the rooster...I am glad you are being able to live with it GO! GO!

Comment #40 Monday, October 10, 2005 6:11 PM
had to say, i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the whole suite! (can you tell i'm nuts about it? ). then again, i love a whole lot of your work! keep up the fantastic job!

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