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Updated Nov 23, 2005 by ^^Gabriel

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Comment #61 Friday, November 25, 2005 12:07 AM
im impressed...very much I am..nice skin dude!
Comment #62 Friday, November 25, 2005 7:51 AM
Oh my God, very very very nice work!

I just love this one, thx!
Comment #63 Friday, November 25, 2005 8:33 AM
As i said before i still believe that you have copy my graphics, theft.
But at least you done it right.
Comment #64 Friday, November 25, 2005 9:12 AM
As i said before i still believe that you have copy my graphics, theft.
But at least you done it right.

Don't flatter yourself jackass.

Your website is green... so you think I copied you? You'd better contact Microsoft, I think they made this whole XboX 360 thing without your permission. You'd have a remarkably strong case. If you want some proof that the graphics are mine I can post the 200 layer PSD file for the skin...
Comment #65 Friday, November 25, 2005 9:37 AM
As i said before i still believe that you have copy my graphics, theft.
But at least you done it right.

Your website is green... so you think I copied you? You'd better contact Microsoft, I think they made this whole XboX 360 thing without your permission. You'd have a remarkably strong case. If you want some proof that the graphics are mine I can post the 200 layer PSD file for the skin...
I'd like to see what images I allegedly "ripped."
Comment #66 Friday, November 25, 2005 10:38 AM
Absolutely stunning skin. Thanks a bunch. I'm now going to have to design a wallpaper to match this one.
Comment #67 Friday, November 25, 2005 10:46 AM
Where can I get the wallpaper???

It's in the X360 WB folder
Comment #68 Friday, November 25, 2005 12:05 PM

I didn't say that you rip my graphics. Ofcourse you may have a 200 layer psd file, but if you see
my HUGE collection of it's psd files, with a lot more layers you will say nothing at all.
Am i wrong? Have you try to load my site throught your skin?
You better do it, and let us know your conclusions.
Now leave the Microsoft away, and face the facts...

P.S. In Europe you could go to jail for that.

Administrator and Webmaster of 'The Onyx'

Comment #69 Friday, November 25, 2005 12:49 PM
Uhh, your site doesnt exactly resemble the gradient. Just because something looks like the gradient green on your site doesnt mean its actually yours. I dont think someone like Gabriel who is very respected in the theming community would rip from your site. I really dont see how it resembles the website. Perhaps your moniters broken? Might wanna get it checked out
Comment #70 Friday, November 25, 2005 12:57 PM


Administrator and Webmaster of The Onyx

Comment #71 Friday, November 25, 2005 1:32 PM
This would of been better handled via email...
Please do so next time Please~!

I see no rip of your artwork by Gabriel here and for that matter know him to be a very valid artist who would never do such a thing.
It would of been nice for you not to be so open with your opinion for this.

Comment #72 Friday, November 25, 2005 1:39 PM
This would of been better handled via email...
Please do so next time Please~!

I agree.

Gabe, congrats for the excellent skin with great quality.
Comment #73 Friday, November 25, 2005 2:05 PM
Great skin, I just wish that the title image could be a bit a bigger so that I could you larger fonts on hirez monitor.

Comment #74 Friday, November 25, 2005 4:42 PM
I didn't say that you rip my graphics. Ofcourse you may have a 200 layer psd file, but if you see
my HUGE collection of it's psd files, with a lot more layers you will say nothing at all.

yes, you DID say I ripped you. I have no doubt that you made the graphics for your own site. You have a BIGGER PSD file, and So I've got nothing to say? Wrong.

Am i wrong? Have you try to load my site throught your skin?

Yes. You are wrong, you are also probobly a lunatic. To the second question, I can't decypher whatever pidgin english you used to construct it.

You better do it, and let us know your conclusions.
Oh now I better do it? Or what? Make me do it, I don't even know what it is, but I'm not going to be doing it. So there. NYAH NYAH! PPpppppptttttppp...

Now leave the Microsoft away, and face the facts...

P.S. In Europe you could go to jail for that.

Administrator and Webmaster of 'The Onyx'


Thanks for sticking up for Microsoft, someones gotta look out for the little guy. In the U.S. we have "Libel"

What is �libel�?

Libel is a written defamation. Generally, radio and television broadcasts that are defamatory are considered to be libel, rather than slander.

And yes its a crime, I might be a lawyer in a couple years, so watch those unfounded accusations.

Now assuming you think I DID rip you and you aren't using this as some half-assed attempt to get people to look at your website...

The skin was originally... gasp BLUE!!! DUN DUN DUN! Not only that... it was going to be a remake for WB5 of a really good skin called CORONA.

But then I got some feedback on the mock-up and decided not to pursue the skin. The possibility arose that I might be able to do some promo work for MS and so I mocked up a remake of the skin... the possibility was never realized but I went ahead and made the skin.

THe colors from the skin are based off the XBOX 360 !

I've never been to your site before today... nor am I impressed enough with your graphics to want to rip them.
Comment #75 Friday, November 25, 2005 4:51 PM
STJ, you are lame. Very lame. And you need a serious reality check...and maybe some prescription glasses.

Gabe, always quality work, I really like the controls, the tabs, buttons, etc. Such clean work.
Comment #76 Friday, November 25, 2005 5:35 PM
Great skin, Gabriel! but my only suggestion is that it would be good if you release a vertion for WB 4....., some of us dont have the WB 5..., well, just a suggestion...
Comment #77 Friday, November 25, 2005 10:24 PM
1. I am answering to your comments with my previous screenshot.
Your task bar has been designed exactly with the same way as i did my bar.

a. The green color
b. The radical gradient
c. The reflaction

2. Also you are calling me "lunatic". Perhaps because i defend my creations, my portal and my investion...
If you do not realize it yet, i 've spend a lot money and time to make this site, real.

3. "...the possibility was never realized but I went ahead and made the skin."
You went ahead? How? By stealing other people's graphics/technics/consepts?
Perhaps you are authorized from microsoft to create such skins and referring products like "xbox".
Or you are not?

4. "Libel" has many "holes" which means 'no-future' in Europe. Check it out if you wanna someday be a lawyer.
The visual elements of my website they may be copyrighted. Do you know that? If i have some papers to my hands
is that saying something to you? I would love to hear your answer about it...

5. Why and with who's authority are you referring to Microsoft?
I am authorized reseller. What about you?

6. What are you tryin' to prove with these screenshots and frases like
"the colors from the skin are based off the XBOX 360" ?
That you copy the colors and the style of the specific product and me?
Are you ever gonna make something yours and real good?

7. You have a great future as a copier. You make advertise to me and to Microsoft for free, stilling our works.
People can separate the original from the fake. Keep that in mind.

8. I didn't say that you rip my graphics.

9. I didn't ask you if you are impressed or not with 'The Onyx'.

10. Did you read at the bottom line what it says? Check again:

Copyright 2005 STJ
All rights reserved
'The Onyx' is a registered trademark
No part of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any way or by any mean, electronic, digital or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

Nothing else to add. I repeat that you could go to jail.

Administrator and Webmaster of 'The Onyx'.

Comment #78 Friday, November 25, 2005 10:50 PM
Your just looking to make a name for yourself arent you? If you download the skin and look at the taskbar and put it next to yours THERE IS A DIFFERENCE

Oh I wonder why he used green? Hmm, could be the xbox theme? I think that may be why, either that or im going senile, and I dont think I am seeing how im only 18 years old.

Nice try though .... not so much
Comment #79 Saturday, November 26, 2005 12:28 AM

Go to hell. I spent alot of time and effort into creating this skin... and not so you can use it as a soapbox to promote your sorry-ass website. I didn't "rip" you I didn't "steal" from you and I had no idea who you are or that your website existed before you posted today.
Comment #80 Saturday, November 26, 2005 1:41 AM

if you continue with this, the administration will delete almost all comments from this skin...., you can continue if you want so..., but via mail.... PLEASE!

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