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File Size: 1.85MB
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Updated Nov 23, 2005 by ^^Gabriel

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Comment #141 Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:27 PM
I love the skin as it's a beautiful and sleek design... but I have to side with Caelux and aceboy222 on the taskbar issue. For some reason, activating the theme/skin is easily done and things are fine, but then for some reason the taskbar will randomly double it's height..which is annoying at best. there doesn't seem to be a setting to change this and only unloading and reloading will fix it temporarily. Any ideas author?
Comment #142 Thursday, April 16, 2009 4:07 PM
K�szike sz�pen. Nagyon j�. Xbox360 Winamp skin-t nem csin�lsz?

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