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Updated Jan 16, 2006 by kaiman0

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Comment #1 Monday, January 16, 2006 9:54 AM
OMG... Look at this piece of garbage!
Comment #2 Monday, January 16, 2006 10:05 AM
OMG... Look at this piece of garbage!

How constructive is that?
Comment #3 Monday, January 16, 2006 10:08 AM
I think you should have finished the skin before firing it
Comment #4 Monday, January 16, 2006 10:08 AM
OMG... Look at this piece of garbage!
   Sorry, lad...but that is exactly how WB skins used to be...and how they were displayed.  Learn some history...and learn some manners.
Comment #5 Monday, January 16, 2006 12:04 PM
It sad when so many do not know from whence we all came. I think they get spoilt by having all the whizbang skinz available right up front. This skin hearkens back to the .8 release of WB, very nostalgic in look and feel. Reminds me of the early Treetog, Dangeruss, DAK, JTFolden, Days...Then Allen Bond came along and broke the molds and really got wild with Ampulla and the like. This is a good start for someone, exploring the basic structures of a skin and building themselves a good ground work understanding of the basics. Better to start small, simple and humble and complete a skin, than to try and make an overly complicated nightmare that is neither aethetically pleasing or tastefull in composition.
Comment #6 Monday, January 16, 2006 3:15 PM
Im a little confused if this blind is displaying correctly. The preview colors are what I like..the gray/sage/green .....but only the top bars and top of the windows are in these colors. The task bar and start menu are in XP style bright blue. This would be nice if you could finish it all in the sage/green color. Also the X out buttons do not work. I have to close everything from my task bar instead. I hope you update this. I like these colors..but not the XP Blue
Comment #7 Monday, January 16, 2006 4:21 PM
Not too many forage through the 1999-2001 skins these days. I agree with Cygnus. And I agree with BX, needs to be finished before firing it at the populace. I hope to see an update on this one soon, with the skin having images throughout created by kaiman0.
Comment #8 Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:57 AM
Comment #9 Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:23 PM
Kinda looks like an old Dangeruss skin.....It's not that bad...Some folks still like to run the thicker frames..
Comment #10 Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:18 AM
I don't agree with Eltonfan
Comment #11 Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:28 PM
Eltonfan and snowhawk77c were dealt with handily by CygnusXII and Jafo. I don't want to be guilty of ageism, but usually the people with the crudest negative comments are those who are so young and inexperienced that they think it's funny to post the juvenile kinds of things they posted. They've forgotten (or they never knew in the first place) that this is a community of people who are supposed to help--and yes, critique--each other in a civil manner.

To Eltonfan and snowhawk77c: those kinds of postings aren't going to win you any friends here.

On other matters, it's nice to hear people discuss the heritage of WindowBlinds and skinning. I was there too.

The one question I have about this skin is: Isn't it using a Windows 3.1 window frame and controls? If so, that's some REALLY vintage stuff.

Good luck to you kaiman0. You seem to be off to a good start.
Comment #12 Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:09 PM
Yes, I agree with Adrenochrome... Only positive comments are allowed on Wincustomize. We scrapped the free speech rule back in 2001. From now on we MUST only post fun loving, kind comments. Even if the skin is a horrible piece of crap, which has been only given 1 1/2 stars, then you still must mention how lovely and great it is. We don't want to upset anyone on this fragile message board with the truth on how rotten some of these skins really are.
Comment #13 Friday, January 20, 2006 12:29 AM
I myself wouldn't go around boasting that I'm an "Elton fan."

Free speech has nothing to do with rude comments that only seek to destroy other's self-confidence. People who really understand free speech actually know how to use it for what it was intended.

Elton fan, you're a national treasure
Comment #14 Friday, January 20, 2006 8:28 AM
As far as it being vintage--a port of IRIX (not Win3.1...sry) has been done before...years ago by John T Folden, I think. I've not tried this skin, but it follows decent HUI guidelines far better than most of the stuff out there anymore. Pretty does not equal functional. As the guy said, it's beta. Beta=test it and tell him what doesn't work. Example: the comments abt the bright blue start menu are very useful. I'm sure he appreciates that kind of comments. Furthermore, give the guy some time to develop his craft. I started designing a more graphically pleasing port of IRIX/RiscOS a couple of years ago--but was discouraged because of lack of time and potential for criticism from the community.

Bottom line: lay off. It's a port, not a design. He didn't design those graphics, originally. Visit the link, then apologize, people.
Comment #15 Friday, January 20, 2006 8:38 AM
k, I'm sorry It's very lovely
Comment #16 Friday, January 20, 2006 8:51 AM
this is a privately owned website with which there are rules and regulations for it's users...called "terms of service". you may say whatever you like, but wincustomize reserves the right to remove or edit any post deemed unfit for the site. your "rights" do not include insulting other users, even if you beleive that they are "fragile". you can't go to work, call your boss a moron and expect to have a job afterwards. same rules apply here as they do in the workplace.

quite simply, if you don't like someone's work...why take the time to say anything at all? with a phrase such as "OMG... Look at this piece of garbage!" you are doing nothing but trying to offend this user. that is not within your "rights" as it applies to wincustomize. the quality of the work does not matter, you don't have the "right" to post rude and offensive comments here.
Comment #17 Friday, January 20, 2006 12:45 PM
Since i am young and inexperienced individual (i hate you for saying that CAUSE IM NOT!) I dont think i kno how to say sorry being that im young and so forth. and FYI i was "Crituiqing" (pardon my typing i was up all night BEING YOUNG AND INEXPERIENCED..and wasted but that another matter ) In a civil manner i was statign the truth when i loaded the skin it was blinding in a manner of speaking and well...come on this skin is form the old days they were all ugly (except for a few). and in the future maby try submitting something b4 you start an arguement aobu work weve all have had some bad work if someone said it suck i wouldnt care neither should anybody else its just one persons opinion not everyones so dont spaz out over 2 guys having an opinion. aslo you said and i quote : Free speech has nothing to do with rude comments. HA thats a im not saiying rude comments is a good thing but if you see the way our society is today its practicly impossible to go threw the day without saying something rude i have friends who cant stop saying something rude for more than 5 seconds , and when i say Friends i mean 70% of my school and about 60 % of my town as its being very small and i kno about almost everybody. today people have to learn to deal with "rude" comments, i have and so hasevery person i kno
Comment #18 Friday, January 20, 2006 1:16 PM
just because 70% of the people you know are rude, does not make it acceptable. and if you can't go through the day without being rude to someone, perhaps you need to check your own methods of speaking to someone. rude and offensive comments as they pertain to this site are against the terms and conditions of wincustomize. if you want to go outside and yell rude comments at the top of your lungs, feel free...that is well within your rights. if you want to do it here, it is not within your rights...this is a privately held website...not society.
Comment #19 Friday, January 20, 2006 2:12 PM
didnt say it was acceptable im just saying thats how people are today. not all of them mind you but the people who are younger such as myself grew up wiht dumb insults and bad language. what im merely stating is that only 2 people out of this entire commuinity (which im grateful to be part of) have posted that they do not like this skin (in one way or another), i mean like tech/ modern things, to me out dated stuff is just plain boring. its just an opinion theres no reason to get upset over it. whats 2 opinions out of everyone else going to do?. if i had made this skin and maby for example you said it was ugly it wouldnt matter its what you think of it not what everybody thinks and i know its not within my rights to say rude stuff if it was youd see alot of curse words in this post, i know i have limits on this site but stating an opinion isnt one of them. it was wrong to say it was ugly in the manner that i said it for that im i think this little argument shouldstop b4 it get out of hand or ends up involving more ppl
Comment #20 Friday, January 20, 2006 2:24 PM
i agree snowhawk77c...this isn't the place for this.

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