Comment #22 Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:53 PM
HA thats a im not saiying rude comments is a good thing but if you see the way our society is today its practicly impossible to go threw the day without saying something rude i have friends who cant stop saying something rude for more than 5 seconds , and when i say Friends i mean 70% of my school and about 60 % of my town as its being very small and i kno about almost everybody. today people have to learn to deal with "rude" comments, i have and so hasevery person i kno |
Additionally this is a fallacious statement. I feel sad that you think so little of human nature, that you feel this statement
has any validity. I think you might want to learn to watch and learn from life a little more, before you make such sweeping
comments. I think you will find that people are a little less cynical, than you imagine. I think if snowhawk77c, spent a little
more time formalizing his/her post and also his/her thought, this might be considered a constructive discourse.
Comment #23 Sunday, January 22, 2006 1:35 AM's site Administrators/Wizops determine exactly how 'free' the speech will or will NOT be on 'our' site.
I, too do not particularly 'like' this skin, nor am I likely to ever use it.
The big difference between ye and me is that IF I do not like it I can actually scrape together appropriate words to indicate that WITHOUT childish insult which is intended ONLY to irritate.
You are ENTITLED to say 'I do not like this'. That is called 'free speech'. 'This sucks donkey's arse' is called 'purile childishness' and won't be accepted.
All anyone wants is MATURE comment. If you cannot comment maturely you can always be 'sent away' to return at a later time once 'maturity' is mastered....
Comment #24 Saturday, August 19, 2006 4:02 AM

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Comment #21 Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:43 PM
Remakes of the older movies, the Disco clothes fashions, the cars (PT Cruiser, Charger, Impala, etc..)
Skins that are retro show the similar tastes, and some folks are nostalgic for that look and feel.
I wasn't trying to put anyone in there place, only stating that it is a shame that the younger, crowd
doesn't seem to see the underlying foundation here, from whence all the whiz-bang skinz, they enjoy,
have come from. It's not the dissenting opinion, but rather the tone.
Those are not commenets about how someone doesn't like the style, effort, or technical inadequacies of this skin.
That is an uneducated blurt of uncivility. Maybe if the folks that made those comments, took more than 2 seconds
to blurt out the comments in type, and spent the time to formulate a thought out critique, they might be lauded
for thier constructive criticisms, rather than being lambasted for being a jerk.