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File Size: 1.94MB
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Updated Aug 21, 2006 by tehZERO

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Comment #201 Saturday, September 9, 2006 7:21 PM
i am new here, what program do i need to youse this skin? i waht bootskin. i dont know. or what program in the computer can i open in?.
Comment #202 Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:42 AM
Could someone help me? Why every time that I reboot my PC my wallpaper change for Darkbliss? I'm using this theme, but I'm not using that wallpaper, even so every time that I reboot my PC my wallpaper changes.
Comment #203 Monday, September 11, 2006 7:07 AM
Hey Im Liking this Good Work.
Comment #204 Thursday, September 14, 2006 4:14 AM
Superb skin. Can you tell me what iconpackager did you use?

Comment #205 Monday, September 18, 2006 12:50 PM
Could someone help me? Why every time that I reboot my PC my wallpaper change for Darkbliss? I'm using this theme, but I'm not using that wallpaper, even so every time that I reboot my PC my wallpaper changes.

Go to Windowblinds > Basic Settings > Enhance Desktop Elements and uncheck "Apply any wallpaper supplied".
Comment #206 Monday, September 18, 2006 5:27 PM
men this is the best skin out here im waitin fo da icons too....i give u a 20 lol this is da best fa sho
Comment #207 Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:38 AM
.Zer0, I've been using StealthOS from MikeB314 since I got Windowblinds about a year ago. I've changed my blind to this and have to say, it's definately a keeper. Excellent!
Comment #208 Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:38 AM
.Zer0, I've been using StealthOS from MikeB314 since I got Windowblinds about a year ago. I've changed my blind to this and have to say, it's definately a keeper. Excellent!
Comment #209 Wednesday, September 20, 2006 8:13 PM
I love this skin and am currently using it but am running into a problem. If I apply the skin the menus are opaque, which is what I want, but as soon as I open windowFX they turn transparent. Now I do have to disable "per pixel" in windowblinds, but I am just a beginner so I'm not sure how to approach this issue. In windowfx everything except drop shadows on windows is turned off. Any help would be appreciated.

Crimson Frost
Comment #210 Monday, September 25, 2006 5:22 PM
The only problem I have with this skin is that it seems to "squish" some things in dialog text boxes and put the color of the text in a really hard to see color such as this. It also seems to squish the fonts here too:
It may just be that I have a certain setting in WB that I should change, but I have changed everything relevent to the fonts, with no avail. EXCEPT going into the normal windows display options and changing the font size to large then back to normal, but then that messes up the coloring scheme of the rest of your skin, which is not what I wanna do.

Any help or improvements you can offer would be great. Thank you.

Comment #211 Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:05 PM
I download this and the computer won't recognize the wba file. What do I do?
Comment #212 Monday, October 9, 2006 11:19 AM
i didn,t get the darkbliss wallpaper with my windowblinds eminence download. the wallpaper links don't seem to work. can anyone help me. i just purchased objectdock yesterday, not for sure if my problems are my inexperience.
Daniel Lapoint
Comment #213 Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:38 PM
This is quite possibly the best skin I've ever found for WindowBlinds - Everyone else on here has a new standard to try to beat.

Excellent work, I love it.
Comment #214 Sunday, October 15, 2006 8:35 PM
I love this skin, but where can I get the icons used in the preview?
Comment #215 Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:44 PM
this is awesome!!! been using it for quite awhile, but decided to say something now
and i've got a question, you said there are substyles....i have no idea what you meant...can anyone explain?
im just curious...
Comment #216 Tuesday, October 31, 2006 12:25 PM
Some of the best work I've ever seen! Superior useful, full featured, every day skin. You can see just from a glimps why this one is a winner!
Comment #217 Tuesday, October 31, 2006 12:33 PM
Go back to your display properties where you change your skins. Underneath "windows and buttons" there is another drop down menu "color scheme". That is where you'll find your sub style skins that will make slight or ever drastic changes to that current skin. Most skins come with sub style skins.

Hope this helps.
Comment #218 Thursday, November 9, 2006 4:27 AM
Hi .Zer0.
I have to say this is very quality skin for windowblinds.I love this work.Very beatiful shine colours.The wallpaper is cool too.Exactly it is the best wallpaper on this world for me now .)I love if you move mouse on buttons and color of this button going to some shine and smooth color.You did great job.Many thanks fot that.But,I have got one remind.I would like to use this skin for some time and one problem is: if you move mouse on the date and time it is situated on the taskbar in the right corner The balloon appear immediately...In this ballon you can see the text...By the way you can see that in most of case...etc. (if you move mouse on some folder, you can see some info about the folder)... Okey, now the problem...The color of text is so light...Can you change the color of this to the darker, pls ? By the way: try to do some color schemes for this skin ...
I dont know if you understand me,if not please contact me on ICQ: 244690025.
I would like to ask you. Can you change that?
You are on the right way to grab some price mate.Keep working on this.You are simply best.

Bye and dont forget to me...I will be waiting for new realese of this skin.
cZ|RaL.f, Czech republic
Comment #219 Thursday, November 9, 2006 4:28 AM
Hi .Zer0.
I have to say this is very quality skin for windowblinds.I love this work.Very beatiful shine colours.The wallpaper is cool too.Exactly it is the best wallpaper on this world for me now .)I love if you move mouse on buttons and color of this button going to some shine and smooth color.You did great job.Many thanks fot that.But,I have got one remind.I would like to use this skin for some time and one problem is: if you move mouse on the date and time it is situated on the taskbar in the right corner The balloon appear immediately...In this ballon you can see the text...By the way you can see that in most of case...etc. (if you move mouse on some folder, you can see some info about the folder)... Okey, now the problem...The color of text is so light...Can you change the color of this to the darker, pls ? By the way: try to do some color schemes for this skin ...
I dont know if you understand me,if not please contact me on ICQ: 244690025.
I would like to ask you. Can you change that?
You are on the right way to grab some price mate.Keep working on this.You are simply best.

Bye and dont forget to me...I will be waiting for new realese of this skin.
cZ|RaL.f, Czech republic
Comment #220 Thursday, November 9, 2006 4:28 AM
Hi .Zer0.
I have to say this is very quality skin for windowblinds.I love this work.Very beatiful shine colours.The wallpaper is cool too.Exactly it is the best wallpaper on this world for me now .)I love if you move mouse on buttons and color of this button going to some shine and smooth color.You did great job.Many thanks fot that.But,I have got one remind.I would like to use this skin for some time and one problem is: if you move mouse on the date and time it is situated on the taskbar in the right corner The balloon appear immediately...In this ballon you can see the text...By the way you can see that in most of case...etc. (if you move mouse on some folder, you can see some info about the folder)... Okey, now the problem...The color of text is so light...Can you change the color of this to the darker, pls ? By the way: try to do some color schemes for this skin ...
I dont know if you understand me,if not please contact me on ICQ: 244690025.
I would like to ask you. Can you change that?
You are on the right way to grab some price mate.Keep working on this.You are simply best.

Bye and dont forget to me...I will be waiting for new realese of this skin.
cZ|RaL.f, Czech republic

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