Average Rating: 9
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File Size: 1.94MB
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Updated Aug 21, 2006 by tehZERO

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Comment #221 Thursday, November 9, 2006 4:45 AM
Hi .Zer0.
I have to say this is very quality skin for windowblinds.I love this work.Very beatiful shine colours.The wallpaper is cool too.Exactly it is the best wallpaper on this world for me now .)I love if you move mouse on buttons and color of this button going to some shine and smooth color.You did great job.Many thanks fot that.But,I have got one remind.I would like to use this skin for some time and one problem is: if you move mouse on the date and time it is situated on the taskbar in the right corner The balloon appear immediately...In this ballon you can see the text...By the way you can see that in most of case...etc. (if you move mouse on some folder, you can see some info about the folder)... Okey, now the problem...The color of text is so light...Can you change the color of this to the darker, pls ? By the way: try to do some color schemes for this skin ...
I dont know if you understand me,if not please contact me on ICQ: 244690025.
I would like to ask you. Can you change that?
You are on the right way to grab some price mate.Keep working on this.You are simply best.

Bye and dont forget to me...I will be waiting for new realese of this skin.
cZ|RaL.f, Czech republic
Comment #222 Friday, November 10, 2006 11:02 PM
This is sooooo awesome. I got it loaded now.
Comment #223 Monday, November 27, 2006 1:26 AM
First off .Zer0. excellent skin, really great work. Second the link to the wallpaper doesn't work, so could someone please upload the 1024 x 768 darkbliss wallpaper to www.imageshack.us or send it to x_r3ap3r_x@hotmail.com if anyone could help me out that would be excellent. Cheers^_^
Moon Doggy
Comment #224 Thursday, December 28, 2006 1:20 AM
very nice blind but all the links to the wallpapers are dead and i wanted that really bad lol.i use to have it saved but got a new pc and didnt back it up
anyone have it somewhere to share (hopefully 1600x1200)any resolution???
Comment #225 Saturday, December 30, 2006 12:49 PM

Almost seems to me the wallpaper is included in the skin. Don't remember for sure, but check. I didn't download it specifically, and I just installed eminence a week ago. I have the wallpaper!!
Comment #226 Saturday, December 30, 2006 12:53 PM
.Zer0, I don't see you checking in here lately, but I have a problem that seems to be related to Eminence only!! When I open MS Money 2006, the window zooms way tall. Same width, but way tall. If I install Vista Plus v2, or Noire, or Noix, or Ceirous SX, Money doesn't do that. No other program I use does it either, just MS Money, and just, seemingly, with Eminence. Any ideas?
Comment #227 Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:40 PM
This is by far the best - and I mean absolute best skin out there. Thank goodness I came across it

One thing I'm a little confused of, is there supposed to be translucent windows on 'every' window? I get it on the Start bar and Start Menu (at the top)... but things like Mozilla and other apps are opaque (though I don't really mind).

Aside from that issue, I adore this skin - and .Zer0., I look forward in seeing any changes or additions to your skins (though I think it's perfect!!!).
Comment #228 Monday, February 12, 2007 6:13 PM
I love the skin... Just one problem, I use Firefox as my browser, and I've noticed that the last couple skins I've tried to use don't change the Firefox browser window caption bar...any suggestions?
Comment #229 Monday, February 12, 2007 8:09 PM
just wanted to say that I love this skin and you deserve all the download action it's getting and more.

I think it's super impressive that 6 months after you released this wb theme it's still getting a strong download response. You'll probably hit 3000+ downloads today (2/12/07) and that's just unreal - wow, maybe I'm just a noob but 3000 downloads in one day is just incredible! Great job on this! �
Comment #230 Monday, February 12, 2007 10:04 PM
wall paper link not working?
Comment #231 Monday, February 12, 2007 10:44 PM
Galdor, I wasn't aware that any of these wb themes actually touched firefox at all? Just windows components (which means internet explorer, not firefox), that's what I think anyways - I could be wrong.
Comment #232 Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:13 AM
Very nice, Like the dark sky, fits my mood
Comment #233 Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:07 PM
just started using windows blinds a couple weeks ago, so far this is my fav skin. The wall paper link doesn't work but it comes with the download.
Comment #234 Wednesday, February 14, 2007 6:06 AM
Great works,I love you....r works
Comment #235 Wednesday, February 28, 2007 2:02 PM
Does anyone kno where i can get the wallpaper in this skin?? The 1600x1200 version
Comment #236 Thursday, March 1, 2007 5:58 PM

Comment #237 Tuesday, March 13, 2007 6:52 PM
links too wallpaper bliss are broken
Comment #238 Friday, March 16, 2007 11:16 PM
The wallpaper is INCLUDED with the windowblinds skin. Just look in the Eminence folder after you install the skin.



PS: Check out my new site and test out a new Windowblinds skin that I am working on. Go to Zeroingin.net
Comment #239 Sunday, March 18, 2007 5:16 PM
Thanks for replying unclerob. Since I posted that comment, Firefox seems to have fixed itself. I'm not sure what exactly the problem was, but after I downloaded the newest update for Firefox, no more problems.
Comment #240 Wednesday, March 28, 2007 3:29 PM
Links to Darkbliss wallpaper are dead! This always happens to me when I see something that makes me go "uh!"

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