Comment #22 Monday, October 9, 2006 6:31 PM
no more arguments from me then...

Comment #23 Monday, October 9, 2006 8:46 PM
Yes, my debut on here was quite a memorable moment, until you guys beat some sense into me. And, afterwards I said to myself I was'nt going to comment on another skin if I had nothing to nice to say about, but I had to make an exception in this case. 15 or 85 yrs. of age a thief is a thief, and there's nobody to young or old to go to the slammer. If you don't believe me go to a juvenile detention center.
Vinny, I guess I struck a nerve to make you curse like that. How old r.u.? And what mistake did he make? Oh..he made a mistake and stole a skin, made another mistake and recoloured it, then made a mistake and clicked the submit button.
Mr anotherpaul,
The piracy came from him, obtaining an illegal pirated warez copy of SkinStudio Professional. Because there are certain things you can do with the pro version whereas the the free [trial] version you can't take full advantage of the functions.
Also he pirated [steal] [means the same to me] the skin[s] he used to mod[ify] it, then packaged it up in a file, then he distributed it. What he did in the eyes of the law was illegal, which should carry of fine, or the slammer.
I stand up for what I believe in I don't care what age you are, a crime was committed and to take up for it just means you agree at what they're doing, and what they're doing is right which makes you a co-conspirator. Then it will escalate. A lot of people has the same mentality, but once they get caught-up in something meaning [illegal stuff] they sing a different tune then.
Someone has to point it out to them, so these knuckle-heads will stop. If no one says anything about this, but praise, saying it's ok you'll get better as time roll on, that's not the case here. It's going to keep escalating. And, the main ones who's pirating, ripping, and modding is those young-bucks.
I should modulate my tone somewhat, but until someone broke into my office and tried to steal some software, I caught them in the act and called po-pos on them [lack for a better word], it was the cleaning crew 'can you believe that' -young bucks, which means if they'll do it in person they'll do it online. Thieves don't care. I'll bust them any chance I get. Don't let me get a hold to one of 'em then I'll be caught up too. You'll see me on CNN it'll read..Brian ????? a.k.a., ramesese cracked somebody on the head for stealing software...early this Sunday morning, and as they carrying me away I'll be like 'Man this crazy.
I'm just the messenger...Don't shoot the messenger
And to everyone who downloaded this skin please make a mistake and click the delete button.

Comment #24 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:50 AM
Comment #25 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:20 AM
And you know what? The police [po-po] call what you did libel. Public, written defamation of character. There's no gray area. It is illegal to malign Rebel2206's reputation through libel. Even on the internet, in forums such as these, the courts have ruled against asses like you who repeatedly and maliciously denigrate the reputations of others. Furthermore, as with anything else illegal in this country, you'll go to jail [slammer]. And then, just to top off the party, you can still be sued in civil court. And there would be no chance you would win.
So please shut up and go away.

Comment #26 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 7:46 AM

Comment #27 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:06 AM
And you know what? The police [po-po] call what you did libel. Public, written defamation of character. There's no gray area. It is illegal to malign Rebel2206's reputation through libel. |
im sry i had to reply again...i lol'd at how random that was

Comment #28 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:12 AM

Comment #29 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:46 AM

Comment #30 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:47 AM

Comment #32 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:22 PM
I was shocked on this thread by Citizen ramesese. He obviously has more time on his hands than he knows what to do with. He has counterattacked on this thread six times. You need to chill out, man. Judging others is a dicey thing. Unless you are perfect you really don't have the right to hurl stones at others. Be careful of your own glass house...
I have come to respect that this forum is to support and encourage as others before me have pointed out. Your rudeness so many times in one thread apalled me. What's REALLY bugging you? Address that before you write such harshly judgmental garble. This is not the place to vent your frustrations. The phrase "constructive critism" comes to mind. THAT can be done in a tactful and helpful manner. Sorry you appear not to have figured that out.
And once again back to the creator of this theme - keep on working at it - at least you are trying and sharing.
Comment #33 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:06 PM
I would'nt say I was venting, but moreless counter-offensive. You must have'nt read the other replies to me. I only gave what they gave me, call it silly or whatever, but nevertheless the truth. You could say I have a lot of time on my hands in my own office I own with 2 employees to boss over

I'm sorry maam if you don't agree but I have a zero tolence for theft. Not only of my works, items, and trappings but also in respect for others. So if that's 'harshly judgemental garble as you so elequently put it, I don't know what is.
I openly gave some constructive criticism in my opening arguments you may not have agreed or properly read or misread statements, but I said and will continue to say. This theme is a by-product of theft, a rip, mod, or whatever fancy word title you want to establish it as, nevertheless, it's stealing. Come down on me all you want, but you can't erase, delete this skin off of this website, it's here, and here through dishonest means. It does'nt take a rocket scientist to figure all this out, how is a person whom just turned 15 never skinned anything in life, has a copy of SkinStudio Professional because that's the only way to utilize all of the wb5.01 features then put out a skin, not even his skin at that. His profile is full of other peoples works and not his own.
Your only answer to someone who openly stole a work and modified without permission, is to 'keep working at it. Which is to say 'keep stealing you'll get way better as time goes on to modify someone's work so good that will no one ever figure it out'
If you think that is constructive critisicm maam I'm sorry for you not to be able to figure that out.
P.S. To answer your question about 'What's really bugging you? Theft, is what bugs me. And people who inadvertly support it.

Comment #34 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:15 PM
How bout this, in plain english.. S.T.F.U. and drop it.
If I am wrong in my agreement that this is simply a recolor of others work, I appologize to you.
If it's your own work then its a good job. Keep after it!!
Comment #35 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:19 PM
How bout this, in plain english.. S.T.F.U. and drop it.
If I am wrong in my agreement that this is simply a recolor of others work, I appologize to you.
If it's your own work then its a good job. Keep after it!!
Comment #36 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:03 PM
Ditto Phoon. Could not have said better myself . ramesese.....LET GO FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!

Comment #37 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:38 PM
Ask yourself, what good has any of your complaining done? If you honestly believe in everything you've been accusing then there's much better and more respectful ways to correct things than to repeatedly bitch about it in the comments section.
Comment #38 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:59 PM
Comment #39 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 6:03 PM
[most likely a downloaded pirated warez nut job] |
The piracy came from him, obtaining an illegal pirated warez copy of SkinStudio Professional. |
What changed between quote #1 & #2? An unfounded and/or false accusation of theft could be a CM offense...
Comment #40 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 6:04 PM

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Comment #21 Monday, October 9, 2006 4:13 PM
Yep, I understand you're frustrated there aren't more blinds and skinning has gone off the boil somewhat, but there's no need to act like you are better and you know better. You desparately need to learn how to modulate your tone.
Think before you post.
I too agree that this skin isn't great, it's a rip and it's a recolour, but where do the accusations of piracy come from? I missed that little nugget completely.