Windows Aero Blue
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Windows Aero Blue

Updated Oct 07, 2006 by Rebel2206

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Comment #41 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 6:08 PM
Yeah, you guys right. It aint no point in bitching about it anymore, [is that what I was doing?] I thought my first comment would suffice, then the herd of cattle came and dropped their 1/2 cent down, so I responded to the scattershots. However, as this thread draws to an immediate close, ask yourself, Can justice really be served? Will people's voice ever be recognized? Do people's opinions really count when there is an injustice committed? Should everyone just have the 'forget about it attitude? A lot of people don't care, but there is one that do. You may not think so 'What has this complaining done, I think a lot you will start to question, whether to just accept anything from anyone just because it's free. I think people should ban together and do something about these bandits running free ripping, modding, and pirating software. A lot of people know that they're doing it, and say the same as you.

So this message is for any rippers, if you submit a rip, or mod, without expressed permission. Ramesese will be there. I've shutem down over at d.a. and I'll do it here. A lot of those rippers pulled their galleries down, because it was found that is was a rip. Dudes ripping other dudes vista skins, and the like. What's next avatars? Icons? People's stamped statements that's at the end of people's forum messages? Gimme a Break.

Ramesese Out...
Comment #42 Friday, October 13, 2006 1:41 PM
Yeah, you guys right. It aint no point in bitching about it anymore, [is that what I was doing?] I thought my first comment would suffice, then the herd of cattle came and dropped their 1/2 cent down, so I responded to the scattershots. However, as this thread draws to an immediate close, ask yourself, Can justice really be served? Will people's voice ever be recognized? Do people's opinions really count when there is an injustice committed? Should everyone just have the 'forget about it attitude? A lot of people don't care, but there is one that do. You may not think so 'What has this complaining done, I think a lot you will start to question, whether to just accept anything from anyone just because it's free. I think people should ban together and do something about these bandits running free ripping, modding, and pirating software. A lot of people know that they're doing it, and say the same as you.

So this message is for any rippers, if you submit a rip, or mod, without expressed permission. Ramesese will be there. I've shutem down over at d.a. and I'll do it here. A lot of those rippers pulled their galleries down, because it was found that is was a rip. Dudes ripping other dudes vista skins, and the like. What's next avatars? Icons? People's stamped statements that's at the end of people's forum messages? Gimme a Break.

Yeah... we all love narcs dont we. Seriously I am beginning to wonder if you were the tattle tale of your whole school in grade school
Comment #43 Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:35 PM
Can justice really be served? Will people's voice ever be recognized?

Someone call Batman.
Comment #44 Monday, October 16, 2006 12:38 AM
Hey rebel...there are some idiots on this site, real idiots, but your skin
isn't that bad for a first timer. I wont use it but if it's "touched up" I probably
will. "ramses, or what ever his name is, obviously is a real winner and we all know
that now. Keep working at it.
Comment #45 Monday, October 16, 2006 12:42 AM
I never knew what an assjole really sounds like but now I know !
Comment #46 Wednesday, November 8, 2006 7:21 AM
yo peeps i for one think this theme is a xelent theme of corse this person could at least make some changes like the start menu but id still give this guy 8/10 for efforts give this guy sum peace he's a neub!!!
Comment #47 Saturday, December 2, 2006 3:56 PM
way to tell him pseudox13, rebel2206 i like the skin
Comment #48 Saturday, February 17, 2007 9:32 PM
lol, it seems to me like this guy ramesese is a frustrated gay that got married just to keep up appearances... I imagin him arguing like a queen, moving a lot his hands throu the air! Poor guy, he should be a neocon, racist and republican, supporting the war on Irak.
Comment #49 Thursday, August 2, 2007 11:01 AM
All I have to add to this thread is ROFL at the bitching, and practice makes perfect Rebel2206 nice first skin

constructive criticism:

#1. when making themes try and pick 1 or 2 primary colours to go with each other(not too much contrast) in order to prevent a confused looking theme

#2.Don't listen to (Citizen) ramesese

Comment #50 Monday, September 17, 2007 4:04 AM
wheres the method to the madness when you need it?�
Comment #51 Monday, September 17, 2007 4:06 AM
Great skin! i like it,,,, moreover, you cant please everyone and everyone is Not rameses!

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