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Vista Ready


Updated Jan 18, 2010 by MikeB314

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Comment #61 Friday, March 9, 2007 7:39 AM
Great Surj...
We are all happy it worked out for you.
The other problems are being worked out also. So everyone hang in there.
Vista WB's are not as easy as everyone thinks they are as XP was. But the problems will soon be worked out and everyone will enjoy things a whole lot more.

Comment #62 Friday, March 9, 2007 7:30 PM
ni da comprar eso ... onda , aerial de danilloOC es 104064006440640 veces mejor
Comment #63 Friday, March 9, 2007 11:19 PM
Ok Mike I just installed some new software for Vista and found that after I turned the windows defender program off - that photoshop is now working perfectly! There must be some kind of process that it is blocking to not allow MDI menu selections to be made in some way or another. Plus this has also improved the way skin studio is loaded.

I changed to another anti spy program that is recognized by Vista security. Plus installed new firewall with a better set of rules for networking than Vista has setup. That along with Nod32 AV.
Things are looking good now!

Comment #64 Saturday, March 10, 2007 1:02 AM
Nicely done Mike.
Clean, crisp design ....
I wouldn't expect anything else from you.
Mathias Grune
Comment #65 Saturday, March 10, 2007 9:45 AM
Nice, can you make a compact optix for XP please?
Comment #66 Saturday, March 10, 2007 2:06 PM
freee no buy
Comment #67 Saturday, March 10, 2007 3:31 PM
freee no buy

then dont
Comment #68 Monday, March 12, 2007 2:35 PM
Great skin!

As for cilful's comments that masters aren't uploading "free" stuff for him anymore, here's one I've been running a lot that is fully Vista compliant from a Master:

Also, Cil Ful, given that you aren't a subscriber and haven't bought WindowBlinds, on what basis do you complain that other people aren't doing stuff for you? Even in communism, it's supposed to be a give and take system.

Frogboy: how hard is it to get my name correct? Considering, this is my OTHER account (which I do not want established with the account with which I use OD, I use this). How could I even use WB 5.5 as there are no illegal ways to use it, therefore I MUST be paying for it. I wanted to rant, so I used this account, knowing someone would click on my user profile and use the typical "you're just a citizen" crap to say that my post was worthless. It's happened every single time I want to post here.

I use this account mainly for complaining, and for Stardock, sadly there are many things to complain about.

Paippr is a horrible theme. It is not even usable by any degree and would be a complete waste of space. So let me rephrase. All the USABLE/clean themes will be charged for, and all the time wasters will be free. This makes perfect sense.

2007 Will be the year of skinning....for a price
Comment #69 Monday, March 12, 2007 6:20 PM
Well that's not too fair, he wasn't to know you use two separate accounts and like a lot of people I quite like Paippr (which is a beta release if I'm not mistaken) and found it to be surprisingly usable.

There's still plenty of good and free content coming out too, how about PixelPirate's Adrenaline? That came out just earlier today.

Besides, it's not like charging for skins is new. There were plenty of people who released premium content via their own sites and such, for example, what about Essorant's premium suites? It's just that now with master skins in the WinCustomize galleries people are more aware of paid content now.

Anyway, this whole master skin thing is still pretty new and I think it would be fair to say that a lot of the skinners are just testing the waters with it, and it's not like they're not still releasing content.
Comment #70 Monday, March 12, 2007 9:36 PM
Hmmmm. That theme is beautiful actually
Comment #71 Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:25 PM
this skin should be FREE
Bebi Bulma
Comment #72 Thursday, March 15, 2007 4:44 PM
this skin should be FREE

Yeah and I want a free BMW but I wouldn't count on it. This skin is most definitely worth the truly minimal cost.
Comment #73 Thursday, March 15, 2007 5:52 PM
$4.95? You've got to be kidding!
Comment #74 Friday, March 16, 2007 4:23 PM
This windowblind is fantastic. It's clever and detailed when you're really looking at it, and utterly unobtrusive when you're concentrating on work. There have only been a few windowblinds thru the years that I have had a hard time "moving on" from and this will be one. It works particularly well with the Schwarz II Cursor XP, and I personally prefer Mormegil's IconADay Icons. Thanks so much. Worth every penny!

Comment #75 Saturday, March 17, 2007 4:00 AM
�Just paid for it My first master skin purchase and it was a great one �

This makes Vista Home Basic even better
Comment #76 Saturday, March 17, 2007 3:08 PM
This makes Vista Home Basic even better

Make it all worth it eh Mike?

Yeah, When I finally get Vista dual booted this is the first skin I'll put on it. Ive learned more from your skins than anyone else.

Your a Master Skinner in the true sense of the word. Congrats on your success with Optix. �
Comment #77 Sunday, March 18, 2007 12:46 PM
Very Nice Mike. But how come you aren't replying to what anybody says, I feel like I'm being ignored almost, People are showing their respect by paying and they can't even get a reply saying i'm glad you like the skin or something. But very nice work.
Comment #78 Sunday, March 18, 2007 10:01 PM
Thanks for the kind words, everybody. Sorry skinz2nice, it's just been really busy around here.
Comment #79 Monday, March 19, 2007 6:50 PM
Im just having 1 problem. I can't seem to find the background, its not appearing in my windowblinds.



If you could email a link to just the background (1024x768) or tell me what im doing wrong i would appreciate it alot. Thank you, love it so far.
Bebi Bulma
Comment #80 Monday, March 19, 2007 11:19 PM
Just look in the program files/stardock/objectdesktop/windowblinds/optix folder, they're in there.

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