Cool Colors
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Cool Colors

Updated Jul 27, 2007 by Jeditharcus

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Comment #1 Friday, July 27, 2007 1:12 PM
where my comment?
Ok, Jedi this better than others.
You are not infamous..
Comment #2 Friday, July 27, 2007 1:46 PM
I think fameus. One day you will be a topskinner.
beautiful skin. I give you �������
Comment #3 Friday, July 27, 2007 2:20 PM
Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it
Comment #4 Friday, July 27, 2007 2:35 PM
Getting better all the time.Good Job.���
Comment #5 Friday, July 27, 2007 3:56 PM
Well, I can't put this on my vista machine and have it be anywhere usable. So I will give you some of my comments based on the screenshot.

Yes, this does look better than the last couple. BUT, you need to look at the bigger picture. The box next to the logoff dialog box doesn't have the titlebar skinned, how come?

Have you tried changing the glyphs yet for the logoff/restart/shutdown options? They are pretty easy to work with. You should also think of changing around the glyphs for min/max/close. Typically the min is different from the max.

The task pane with the blue text isn't readable in my opinion.

The noen blue of the taskbar doesn't flow with the rest of the theme.

Just taking the time to work on these few small things will greatly improve how this skin flows and looks.

Also, people need to stop just saying "looks good, keep it up" This site needs to get back to the higher standards that have been lacking lately. If we all took the time to added suggestions and opinions on our comments, maybe skinners would be submitting better themes.
Comment #6 Friday, July 27, 2007 6:34 PM
This a little better than your previous submissions.. but..

Your blinds have the look and feel of just being 'slapped together'. I know that sounds sarcastic, and I apologize for it. You ARE making an attempt and have gotten further than I have, but just because you think you have covered everything and got all the graphics in the right place doesn't necessarily mean you're done.

Some time spent testing your skins, using them...for a good period...or even using the forums to ask for testers, might assist you a great deal in working out the bugs 'before; you upload it.

I would recommend going to Skinartistry and checking out there workshop. You can upload unfinished skins for critique and the folks there are extremely helpful. I don't think you're a terrible skinner. I think you have a good grasp on the basics. It's the 'details' and little things that need polish. Don't be too stubborn or proud to ask for assistance with 'polishing' your new skills/talents. And don't be too eager to upload them. That's whats great about the skinning community. There are some great people willing to share there secrets, skills, and knowledge with anyone who asks.
Comment #7 Friday, July 27, 2007 8:11 PM
I have to concur with Po on this, and I might add that I see quite a bit of default images that have just been recolored. Not good...
But keep plukin away..�
Comment #8 Saturday, July 28, 2007 4:47 AM
massive progress... good work!
Comment #9 Saturday, July 28, 2007 5:12 AM
Yes progress. But one star??? I don't understand this system?
Comment #10 Saturday, July 28, 2007 12:05 PM
I believe the system is based 2 fold when a work is submitted.
1 based on previous submissions and their ratings.
2 what the beginning rating is given by the mod when it is posted

It is up to the visitors to either increase or decrease the rating based on how much they like or dislike the skin.

EDIT: I think that I can actually base this on experience. I submitted a screenshot of a new skin that I am testing/previewing for vstyler and it started out with 3 stars. It did this because of my past history of of submissions, the quality of the work/what the mod thought is deserved to begin with.
Comment #11 Saturday, July 28, 2007 12:10 PM
I have seen your skins and watched the comments. I give credit where it is due in that you are trying to improve on your skills with WindowBlinds. However, this skin much like the others has a long way to go.

My suggestion would be to put a lot more time and some self pride into your next skin before submitting it. If something is not working out for you then make a post in the forum and ask some questions. You can even do a WIP (Work in progress) post where you can show the progress of your skin and ask questions plus get advice as you work through to a finished product. People in the community will be much more likely to help out in this manner and the help will be overall more thorough.

All new skinners start somewhere and I myself had to ask questions, read tutorials, make forum post and so on.
Comment #12 Saturday, July 28, 2007 12:42 PM
It is up to the visitors to either increase or decrease the rating based on how much they like or dislike the skin.

I thought visitors weren't allowed to vote and only subscribers and apprentices could,even though I think that everyone should be allowed to vote.
Comment #13 Saturday, July 28, 2007 1:03 PM
I thought visitors weren't allowed to vote and only subscribers and apprentices could,even though I think that everyone should be allowed to vote.

Sorry should have clarified that. It's the people that are allowed to vote and take the time to download it that can up or down the rating.

It's actually apprentices and above that have voting privileges.
Comment #14 Saturday, July 28, 2007 1:35 PM
On your next skin try using the UIS2 format. UIS1 is very limited as to what can be done and IMO these days is an outdated format.

The transparency you tried on titlebar does not work IMO, since it now has no text so can tell for it what each window is, combined with the very hard to read text on taskbar buttons, it is hard to select window you want.

As already stated get rid of the default and recolored default images, you have done enough skins now that all images should be skinned/replaced.
Comment #15 Saturday, July 28, 2007 2:28 PM
Thanks for the advice on the uis2 format, I will use that from now on. I seem to be having trouble with skinstudio as it keeps changing the files that I do by merging them with other files I.E. the top window for some reason has the bottom part of the window on the same file(pic) and it keeps adding the pink outline even though I have tried like 6 times to recolor it I even erased the side and replaced the pink completely and it still showed.Also I have fixed the margins about three times but when I go to save it they go back to where they were.I think this might be because of the UIS1 as this never happened with the other skins I did(think I was using uis2 with them)I am going to switch this to uis2 and see if there are still the same problems then.
Comment #16 Saturday, July 28, 2007 2:28 PM
Another day, another Jeditharcus skin. Take the good advice people keep giving you: take your time, pay attention to detail. Use the skin for a while and ask yourself: would anybody want to use this skin in this state?

You don't see the likes of vstyler pumping out skins every 48 hours do you?

Sorry, I don't want to sound bitchy and all, but somethings gotta give.
Comment #17 Saturday, July 28, 2007 3:05 PM
I am just having fun with it as I have stated before I am learning and all of the skins are quite usable and actually I do each one in about a week(except for the transformers one)and spend about 7 hours a day on them as I have nothing else to do.Thats about 42 hours on each if not more.Also as I have stated before I am not getting paid for any of the stuff I do so let me have fun with it and do what I want.I will get better with time.Also as I am not a graphic artist like many of the professionals are here why am I always being judged like I am.Maybe there should be levels of quality for the submitters like a beginner section an intermediate section and a professional section so that when there is a new guy on the block like me who is learning and not a professional he doesn't get all the harassment from others who really don't have any right to judge anyone else since they don't know what they are doing either.I bet there are alot of skinners that have basically given up because of all of the opinions being thrown at them.These people probably were on a trial and were thinking of buying a subscription but decided not to when the s**t started hitting the fan.This means less money for skinstudio and that means less people to work for skinstudio as well which means longer times to wait for upgrades to programs and also maybe the company not having enough money to keep going and then there would be nowhere for anyone to do this at all,just because of a few bad apples in an otherwise good barrel. BTW I have been taking the good advice mostly but there are so many different opinions who am I supposed to listen to? Also it is kind of hard to remember everything everyone has said and I am not about to read everything everyone has said every time I start doing it.I would be reading all day and not getting any skinning done.I think if there is something that has to give it is the overly judgemental opinions of some of the people who submit comments so that when someone new to the scene starts reading the things said by SOME people they don't get scared away from downloading a trial or buying a subscription.Let beginners like me have fun with it and learn by doing and not by being judged with a waaaaaay too critical eye. This blind is an improvement compared to some of my earlier work isn't it? P.S. this isn't being said to Ooberman because of what he said ,but is being said to everyone out there who has just judged and not seen the good points there are too.
Comment #18 Saturday, July 28, 2007 3:07 PM
BTW I still am going to be doing the blinds as I am a VERY stubborn person (lol) and I never give up!
Comment #19 Saturday, July 28, 2007 3:48 PM
Maybe there should be levels of quality for the submitters like a beginner section an intermediate section and a professional section

I'm with you on that one Jeditharcus.
The idea has been brought to the table on several occasions, and also a WIP section. Nobody with authority ever takes it seriously though.
I would follow Po's advice...

I would recommend going to Skinartistry and checking out there workshop. You can upload unfinished skins for critique and the folks there are extremely helpful. I don't think you're a terrible skinner. I think you have a good grasp on the basics. It's the 'details' and little things that need polish. Don't be too stubborn or proud to ask for assistance with 'polishing' your new skills/talents. And don't be too eager to upload them. That's whats great about the skinning community. There are some great people willing to share there secrets, skills, and knowledge with anyone who asks.

Comment #20 Saturday, July 28, 2007 6:16 PM
Woohoooo windowblinds supports vista. And now months later, stardock still hasn't spit out any vista only skins. I didn't pay $20 just to have it collecting dust. Where is the vista wb section only. I'm really disappointed in Stardock and Wincustomise not being there for the vista people!

Very angry customer

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