The Next 2 - Beta Preview
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The Next 2 - Beta Preview

Updated Aug 12, 2007 by Indakind

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Comment #21 Sunday, August 5, 2007 3:40 PM
i just downloaded this skin. by the preview it looks awesome. unfortunatly when i installed it i ran into a couple major errors. i do understand this is a beta version so i expect some error. i'm unaware if this is supposed to work in XP Home Edition (which is what i am running, since i refuse to join the Vista chaos) or not, but when installed it errored windows explorer and also drwatson(windows error reporting). normally this could be fixed simply by choosing to run a new task. when i tried to do that absolutly nothing would work. i could not even do a safe shutdown. the other issue i found was after rebooting, with the skin stil installed, i had no title bars, no min, max, or close buttons. if this was not meant for XP i understand and this was my fault for installing. if it was meant to work for it then these may be some issues you would maybe like to look into. on a lighter note though, i REALLY want to use this skin. great work on it.
Comment #22 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 2:33 PM
I will try to duplicate the crash you had, so I can fix the problem. Like I said in an earlier post about this theme: "I have been using this theme on my XP machine for about a year now" So I know it works. There were just a couple of tiny issues, but those will be fixed in the next release. One for XP, and one for Vista. I

I am in the process of moving this week so work will be slow. But in the weeks to follow... I get to use SKS 6!!)

I will post it soon. Thanks All!!

Jon West aka Electrik Jesus - Indakind Designs.
Comment #23 Friday, August 10, 2007 11:54 AM
Wow, this is turning out to be pretty amazing. I'm running it on Vista and the only real gripe I have is the green colored font on the menus. It makes it pretty hard to see.
Comment #24 Sunday, August 12, 2007 9:58 PM
Extremely well done!

On my Vista system I did notice that the radius corners of the Taskbar were: a) a bit jagged, and they were not transparent (black color). Other than that, I think this skin is dynamite.

Thanks for sharing and I particularly appreciate your attitude in regard to soliciting user suggestions, bug reports and the willingness to correct and implement them.
Comment #25 Monday, August 13, 2007 12:14 AM
Honestly, this update seems worse off than before and I'm suspecting it's just gotten buggier because what I have on my computer doesn't totally look like the screenshot. Some of these could also just be differences in design that I don't totally agree with, also.

The only thing that really seems like a bug to me is this. In your screenshot, the favorite links background isn't changed and looks like The Next 2, but on my computer, the background is changed and doesn't look good at all.

The font differences in the taskbar seem odd. Before, they were nice and consistent. Now they're different fonts and shadows different depending on what window is selected and what I mouse over.

I can't say I totally agree with the removal of the user icon from the start menu. It looked great right there and seems odd not having it there somewhere since the start menu has the space at the top for it to be there like it was before.

Lastly, I'm not fond of the title bar different between a restored window and a maximized window. It looks totally fine on the restored windows, but the black title bar on the maximized windows just doesn't look right. The tops of my Firefox windows flow together nicely when restored...

...but don't quite flow as nice when it's maximized.

On The Next 2, the title bars were white when they were both maximized and restored and it looked great.

Now I understand that this is still just a preview/beta version so I'm not trying to insult the skin or anything, but this update seemed to take a step back in my opinion. I'm actually wanting The Next 2 back to replace this The Next 3 I have on my computer but sadly I deleted it before installing the update.

Still, good work, but it feels as if some things need to be cleaned up again to make it flow better and make it more usable.
Comment #26 Monday, August 13, 2007 8:47 PM
I will address these issues this week and should have a completed update by next week or the week after.

Please post any other problems that you may find.

Thank you
Comment #27 Tuesday, August 14, 2007 6:34 PM
i have a 1440x90 screen XP the start menu overlaps in the log off area and acompact start menu would be nice but other than that it looks good on my laptop thanks
Comment #28 Wednesday, August 15, 2007 7:10 PM
Nice work (y)

Only two small points that are already mentioned The first being the corners on the task bar not being transparent (the black background in the corners) and the second is the favourite links background not being skinned

That said love the skin
Comment #29 Friday, August 17, 2007 9:55 PM
This is beautiful, like me!�
Comment #30 Wednesday, August 22, 2007 9:11 AM
OUCH that one just plain hurts.
I loved the way you tried to make the taskbar small but sadly that is the only part of the skin that works well.
The rest is nothing like ht escreen shot.
Missing test, border images missing, etc.

If you can get it to work like the screen shot, this would be fantastic!
NOTE Screen res for most is set higher that 1024X768.
Comment #31 Monday, September 3, 2007 1:15 PM
i just downloaded this skin. by the preview it looks awesome. unfortunatly when i installed it i ran into a couple major errors. i do understand this is a beta version so i expect some error. i'm unaware if this is supposed to work in XP Home Edition (which is what i am running, since i refuse to join the Vista chaos) or not, but when installed it errored windows explorer and also drwatson(windows error reporting). normally this could be fixed simply by choosing to run a new task. when i tried to do that absolutly nothing would work. i could not even do a safe shutdown. the other issue i found was after rebooting, with the skin stil installed, i had no title bars, no min, max, or close buttons. if this was not meant for XP i understand and this was my fault for installing. if it was meant to work for it then these may be some issues you would maybe like to look into. on a lighter note though, i REALLY want to use this skin. great work on it.

just to inform you. i found that the problem i encountered was not due to your skin. it happened with a couple others also. after i would download a skin and the bubble saying the skin was installed and if i would like use to use the skin now to click the balloon, it would error my software. not too sure why this is happeneing but it was no fault of your skin. i redownloaded it and choose to not use immediately and simply manually change it, it worked just fine. so i apologize for any time lost this may have caused you while trying to figure out the problem.
Comment #32 Monday, September 10, 2007 1:18 PM
This looks really nice!! Unfortunately, as I'm am a poor person I haven't lined Bill Gates' pocket with Vistaahhh cash yet, so an XP update would be awesome

keep it up dude!
Comment #33 Sunday, September 30, 2007 9:37 PM
I can't wait for the XP version, I regularly check back to see if it's been updated.
Comment #34 Wednesday, October 31, 2007 4:24 AM
i love this far its better than most good on my xp pc but with few graphics glitches.....i know it says to wait untill its finished but i like to test stuff alot and take risks!

my point is i simply love this skin, but am getting really figity about the release for XP!!

friggin awesome work Inda,�� keepit up most def!

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