Autumn Colors v1.0
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Autumn Colors v1.0

Updated Oct 23, 2007 by unclerob

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Comment #1 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 1:19 AM
5 Stars My friend
Comment #2 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 1:29 AM
thanks Uncle Rob for letting test this beautiful skin
Comment #3 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 7:22 AM
Wow, very unique. I really like this Thanks!
I don't normally use the taskbar but I'm running it now so I can check it out. Very cool.
Comment #4 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 7:50 AM
This is great! My favorites are the "transparent" taskbars. You did a fine job. Are you planning a similar "Christmas" theme? �
Comment #5 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 8:35 AM
Hey Unclerob
This is a Great Skin. Think I'll make it my default theme. It deserves more than Three Stars!! I gave it FIVE Stars. Oh using it on 800x600, and it looks great. Keep Up The Good Work.
Comment #6 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 9:12 AM
Excellentamundo!!!! Like WOW!!

Your SS in the screen shot gallery simply pales into
insignificance compared to having it on my desktop.

I thought it was looking good back then, but your capture
of the Autumn colours and textures has me most impressed
indeed...yep, this truly is an amazing 5 star Windowblind.

Thanks for sharing and a well deserved five-fer.

Comment #7 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 9:22 AM
Special thanks to Calal for testing out my wb skin during the development process - you're spoiling me, I'm getting used to having someone remotely test my skins and give me feedback. �

Thank you everyone for the great comments, I don't know about 5 stars but 3 1/2 ain't bad - I'm happy with it - I'm happier that you guys liked it so much. No custom animations or toolbar icons is what keeps this blind from being a complete skin. I have tried animations at my end but I keep doing something wrong because the animation becomes distorted & pixelated which is why I haven't included that feature in any of my wb skins. As far as toolbar icons, it's a mix of being lazy & intimidated at working with graphics that are so small - I know I have to get off my duff and work on including those features in the future, until then I will be content at releasing these windowblind skins as is.

Thanks again to everyone for the great feedback, I love hearing it!!! �
Comment #8 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 9:31 AM
Has anyone tried resizing the taskbar to 2,3 or 4 rows high? Just curious as to what people thought of the leaves/grass background effect of using a glyph for the taskbar image which allows for a textured/picture taskbar background without distortion. I'd love to hear what you guys thought of that - on both the horizontal & vertical taskbar. �
Comment #9 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 10:28 AM
Thanks! Been waiting (im)patiently for this ever since I saw the screenie.
Comment #10 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 10:50 AM
Thanks tigerlady (I know you've been waiting), I appreciate your patience and I hope you enjoy it! �
Comment #11 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:02 AM
Very, very well done. Captures the colors of autumn very well. Easy on the eyes and a pleasure to use... �
Comment #12 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:02 AM
"Has anyone tried resizing the taskbar to 2,3 or 4 rows high?"

Using a screen res of 1280x1024 it looks great anywhere from 1 to 7 rows.

Great skin. One question. I notice the wp you have in your ss is a different one then in your pack. Do you have that one available also?
Comment #13 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:05 AM
Yet again, sweet brother. Maybe a little "busy" for my everyday use, but certainly a different "vision" when it comes to skinning.

Would love to see an "industrial shiny-dull-rusty-oily metal" theme from you

ie, beautiful polished metals on a foreground window, then change to a rusty, oily metal in the backround window. Nuts and bolts and rivets for buttons ect.....
Or indeed a polished metal theme, a rusty metal theme, liquid metal theme..

just some ideas i had for blinds.......
And with your creative skills now up and coming, im sure you could pull one of these off sweetly.


Im in uk now for another few weeks, so i wont be skinning anything soon, but cant wait to get my hands on the latest stuff available......

Keep it up bro, i'll kick your ass when i get back home!

Comment #14 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:06 AM
hehe, i said "pull one off!"
Comment #15 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:24 AM
One question. I notice the wp you have in your ss is a different one then in your pack. Do you have that one available also?

Actually when I took the screenshot I hadn't created the wallpaper that I meant for use with this wb yet. The actual wallpaper shown in this screenshot is freely available and ready for use by most winxp users, it's a standard wallpaper that is actually included with windows xp - it's called "Autumn" (go figure).

If you don't have it, shoot me an email to rfcilia at gmail dot com and I'll email you the file.

Thank you for the feedback that the taskbar worked on your 1280x1024 resolution resizing from 1 to 7 rows - That's great to hear! The glyph image used as the background for the taskbar is only so big, people with very large screen resolutions will probably see black areas where the glyph image ends. I was able to get it to work properly on 1400x1050 & 1024x768, anyone using resolutions bigger than 1400 wide will probably see some black areas.

MJBISME, thank you very much for the great feedback!!!

OFFICA WoD, you're a comedian!!!

Would love to see an "industrial shiny-dull-rusty-oily metal" theme from you

Anything is possible, time is probably the only limiting factor. Your black vista with brushed steel accents has done very well so there is probably a demand for the skin you're referring to.
Thank you for compliment on my skills, they are slowly up & coming, I'm learning new things with each blind and picking up some new skills along the way - my goal is to improve with every blind I release, I hope I'm accomplishing that even in smaller steps.

Keep it up bro, i'll kick your ass when i get back home!

Not again... Don't make me tell mom on you!!! �

Comment #16 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:38 AM
Actually when I took the screenshot I hadn't created the wallpaper that I meant for use with this wb yet. The actual wallpaper shown in this screenshot is freely available and ready for use by most winxp users, it's a standard wallpaper that is actually included with windows xp - it's called "Autumn" (go figure).

Ah ok. Havent looked in that folder in so long i had forgotten about it. Thanks.
Comment #17 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:59 AM
Great job! Love autumn colours!
Comment #18 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 12:43 PM
Really nice work Rob!
Comment #19 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 12:53 PM
Thanks DataCentre, the autumn colors were the inspiration for this skin - glad you liked it!

Thanks Boss, appreciate the great feedback from a veteran such as yourself - still waiting for you to start working on wb skin, I know you definitely have the skills for it. �
Comment #20 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 1:57 PM
No problems with this one Rob. Works great!!! This one gets a 5 from me.�

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