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Vista Ready


Updated Jul 02, 2008 by butch123

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Comment #21 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 7:19 PM
Zubaz Transparency adapts to your background, for example, in the screenshot supplied with the windowblind, it looks blue. Now if I was to use a green background, it would look green. Then if you are running windows Vista, you can go to Personalize, and click on Windows Color and Appearance, and here you can set different aspects of the windowblind to your taste. Hope this answers your question....
Fuzzy Logic
Comment #22 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 7:50 PM
Same Vista clone rehashed over and over. Have ever though about actually making a skin? The only difference between this one and the last one, is this one is so transparent its unusable.
Comment #23 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 8:06 PM
Fuzzy Logic...with all due respect I made this skin for myself and I have no intention whatsoever of not making Vista skins, as I like Vista and intend to continue. My suggestion is very simple, if you dont like it, then listen closely...dont download it, or maybe you rather I made VS and take money out of Stardock's pockets instead of putting money into them, makes no never mind to me. One way or another I am skinning Vista and intend to continue....but thank you for your comment....
Comment #24 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 8:15 PM
I believe Fuzzy meant why don't you make a skin that looks significantly different than your other skins . . not make a skin that is vista compatible.

And I have to agree with 2of3 . .no matter what wallpaper you have running, that skin ,akes it hard to see which window is which.
Comment #25 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 8:16 PM
i won't comment on the skin even though i approved it before it was deleted and resubmitted as a new blind but how can you making VS skins instead of WB skins take money out of Stardock's pockets? Sorry, but I had to laugh at that comment.
Comment #26 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 8:27 PM
Snidely Whiplash Of course I make VS here have a look see...
Comment #27 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 8:29 PM
Zubaz Actually I am making another windowblind that is not transparent like these are and has a completely different look to it. If things go good I should finish it in about a week. Thanks for clearing that up....
Comment #28 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 8:37 PM
Screw the bad comments, this skin rawks! I would give it 5 stars if I could rate it and you're still my fav skinner! Keep it up!
Comment #29 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 8:38 PM
butch, i'm not trying to be disrespectful here but how are you or any other person who submits here putting money in the coffers of Stardock and how will you making VS skins instead of WB items take money from Stardock? Dangeruss, Hippy, Voo, and many other extremely talented skiiners have either stopped skinning completely or severely curtailed their submissions and Stardock still makes enough money to keep Brad and the others happy.
Comment #30 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 8:44 PM
Its only a metahphor Sydney, I dont worry about Brad.... (Mr) Qernm Thank you very much I appreciate your comment �
Comment #31 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 10:10 PM
Comment #32 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 10:32 PM
All you did was strip the window frames and taskbar down to the borders and replace the start panel with a square flat color. Nothing else in the skin is skinned. It probably took about an hour to make. It's 90% unskinned for goodness sake. I am sure there are many others thinking exactly what I am thinking but are too decent of people to say anything. At least try to make a skin next time. sheesh. I am really surprised they let this past moderation since its 90% Diamond.
Leo the Lion
Comment #33 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 11:32 PM
I must say I've never seen so many negative comments from 'senior' members of this site. I think one thing seems to have been forgotten.....look at butch's download figures on his recent skins and you'll see how popular his skins what does that tell you? That fact alone tells you that there is a fairly popular following for his work. I don't skin because I don't have time due to work and family commitments so I am in no postion to judge the technical issues with this skin because I don't have the expertise..........but all I will say to the 'critics' is 'Go look at some of the other galleries on this site and start looking at some of the other work and start dishing out the same treatment'............. It looks like several 'seniors' have just decided to jump on the 'band wagon' and stick the knife in. Is this the way to encourage artists? Some people really need to think before they plant their fingers on the keyboard and chose their words more carefully, especially those who hold respected positions on this site. There is a way to give constructive feedback without making the person feel degraded. This is just the thing that gets this site a bad name and ultimately puts people off joining. It also has a knock on effect towards Stardock too............... butch, there are many people who enjoy your work - as is evidenced by the figures - take heart from that. Don't let the negative stuff knock you down. I am very grateful that there are people like you who are a willing to spend their time to share your work to fullfill one of my enjoyments as a user. I'm not an artist, you are an artist........and I'd like to say 'Thank you'.......and I'm sure many others feel the same way. �
David Rocha
Comment #34 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 11:33 PM
I love your WB skins, wonderful all of them.
Comment #35 Wednesday, July 2, 2008 11:49 PM
Nice one
Comment #36 Thursday, July 3, 2008 1:21 AM
I wouldn't worry about certain comments, do what makes you happy. I think your work is wonderful
Comment #37 Thursday, July 3, 2008 7:23 AM
Thanks guys for the comments, much appreciated.... �
Comment #38 Thursday, July 3, 2008 8:49 AM
Nice work Butch!
Comment #39 Thursday, July 3, 2008 8:55 AM
I rarely post skin comments, but felt I should add some points here. I like the "looking thru a glass window" effect these skins have, but there are some issues I think need to be addressed regarding these skins.


The first, and of major concern to me, is the "footprint" left behind by the minimize buttons in all the "clear" skins you have created. The only way to rid yourself of these shadows is to completely reboot.

The next issue I am noticing is the layering of text behind windows due to the total transparency of these skins. While it is pretty to see the wall behind, it is difficult to figure out the title of the window due to this layering. It might be a good idea to have only minimal transparency on the left hand side of a title bar due to this issue.


The Start panel transparency is nice but I think there could be again, minimal transparency in some places, when you mouseover, it goes opaque completely which makes it easy to read, but it might be easier if there was a "frosted glass" look to the areas that show that mouseover opaque block. And , the all programs and any other menues clicked on in start panel are flat and opaque, which don't compliment the skin as well as they could. At least having the list skinned to look like the taskbar's text blocks would have made this skin more complete.


�I placed the links to the images showing these issues as links and not as thumbs because I didn't want to take too much space here. I still think the idea is great, but think these issues are important enough to mention for future reference.
Comment #40 Thursday, July 3, 2008 9:19 AM
i don't argue the popularity of this skin or any other skin submitted by butch. i don't understand it but i don't argue the facts that many people use butch's submissions and butch has a very loyal following. what i needed an explanation for was the comment about putting money in the pockets of stardock. although i was never considered a skinner by myself, i never assumed i was making money for stardock back in the day when i ported what i considered the better msstyle skins to wb format. i asked for an explanation with every effort of not being disrespectful to butch and i'm referred to as "sydney".    also, there is no bandwagon that i'm aware of.

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