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File Size: 2.54MB
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Vista Ready


Updated Sep 12, 2008 by windoe

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Comment #21 Thursday, November 13, 2008 4:49 AM
salut vraiment tres beau ce theme !!!les couleurs sont superbes et les finitions impec... merci .
Comment #22 Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:36 PM
Merci Satory sympa de parler un peu fran�ais pour changer
Comment #23 Monday, November 24, 2008 12:04 AM
Thanks to YOU to take time to make constructive comments about my skins !
No problem. Always happy to help. Although I am not a skinner myself, par say, I still consider myself to have a good eye for graphics, color arrangements and so forth. But from what I hear from you as well as other skinners is that Windows XP has a lot more areas to the GUI available to customize than Windows Vista. Hence, XP can offer more opportunities to be creative when constructing a new WB over Vista. Is that true?
Comment #24 Monday, November 24, 2008 5:57 PM
Yes I think so. I don't have XP any more, so no choice to skin but Vista, but I think that many areas in XP were easily customizable , using SkinStudio 5. Now its easier for some parts, and harder for others. For example, I didn't find the way to play sounds on clicking windows buttons , like on XP... On my last skin (waiting for approval in GUIC08) I tried to skin parts I never tried before, changing them directly in WB Vista files. (Like control panel branding or IE animations). Anyway, I think that Vista is about to have a short life, like Windows 2000 before XP. The following Microsoft OS is not so far...

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