W Seven
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Vista Ready

W Seven

Updated Feb 05, 2009 by butch123

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Comment #141 Tuesday, February 17, 2009 10:34 AM
hey sorry to bug but i have a problem here, when i download this blind no .rar file appears only the blinds skin but tnothing else now i want to make the start panel make it look like 7 with my vistart. or whatever its name is but i don't have the images needed to copy them into resource.... what do i do, where ic an get this?
Comment #142 Tuesday, February 24, 2009 1:55 AM
For XP How to install this windowblind and make it look like windows Vista 1. Download this windowblind 2. Download and install Vistart ViStart Beta 6 Build 3167 Link 3. Go into the windowblind file and you will find .rar file called ViStart. Inside this are the images you will need. 4. Copy the images in this to C:/ program files Vistart, Ressources. The images that you will find in there delete them and replace with the ones that you found in my vistart rar file. 5. Finished Maybe I'm a bigger noob than I thought, but I cannot find any windowblind file in either ViStart nor WindowBlinds. Please help me out? Thank-you and as always, great work!
Comment #143 Tuesday, February 24, 2009 5:18 AM
IfUrFeelingSinister Hi..Actually I was lost for a moment there but then I realized what you are talking about is my new winddowblind Desire. The reason you cant download it is because its in moderation. You must wait for Wincustomized to release it then it will be downloadable or you can go to my Deviant Art website and download it there...
Comment #144 Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12:34 AM
Love this..How can I change the user pic from flower to mine? when I click on it nothing happens Using xp
Comment #145 Sunday, March 29, 2009 8:07 AM
Comment #146 Friday, April 3, 2009 6:13 PM
could someone please tell me what causes the buttons to be distorted?

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