Stargate Atlantis
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Stargate Atlantis

Updated Feb 24, 2010 by bradatharpe

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Comment #1 Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:01 PM
you should changed the way you do your skins, cause they look all the same, i know that you can do a lot better an give us very beautiful skins, keep going.
Comment #2 Thursday, February 25, 2010 5:29 AM
You can't Please everybody.........You must mean the borders. "cause you cant have actually put the skin on and opened a window and still say that.Besides. Didn't I mention. This is what I like. I'm making these for myself. I'm just sharing them in case anyone else likes them. Also. The gen 1 version is what the terminals looked like on the series. It's pretty accurate. How would you do it ? Show me. No really. I want to see how you would do this skin.
Comment #3 Thursday, February 25, 2010 8:00 AM
I'm sorry the way or you took my comment, I did not want wounded but far from always help you make better and expect the same degree as the best here, I know you can, I think can not do better than you, but if you compare with others like The Avman, Madcat21, Vampothika. You have used the reviews to make better and become better not take them for evil, finally I wish you the best and I look forward to future books that you will do because I'm sure what will be superb.
Comment #4 Thursday, February 25, 2010 8:21 AM
Well thanks. But I'm A truck driver. Not a skinner. It's just for fun and just for me. You can't compare me to the others anyway. Even If I were aspiring to their level Which I'm not. This is only my what 6th skin? Ever? Look at this as My personal Style. Did you Know I draw all this on MS Paint? That's probably Why you think I'm not doing as well as you think I should. But anyway.Thanks for the thought. Still would like to seehow you would do Stargate Atlantis. If you were to do it accurately, The frames come out more or less like mine I think. If you have the series on dvd look at I think seasons 3 and four you will see on the menu where I got the frames and background from.
Comment #5 Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:07 AM
I learned so sorry, I do not want you first negatively, I know some here have much more experience than you, but you still have the same courage and skill to do what you have and I can't do better myself, I gave my comments on a positive goal, because if people do not say they think the skinners could not be exceeded, at least I hope not to be discouraged and I hope you Reviews apologize for myself if you have been hurt.
Comment #6 Thursday, February 25, 2010 12:14 PM
I for one think you did a very nice job on this. Don't worry about the negative comments, as you say you're doing it for yourself. I am like you, I don't do special requests because I make my art for myself, First. I only wish that once I do start some serious skinning that my first 6 will look like like yours. I am also looking forward to yur future works
I think can not do better than you, but if you compare with others like The Avman, Madcat21, Vampothika. You have used the reviews to make better and become better not take them for evil, finally I wish you the best and I look forward to future books that you will do because I'm sure what will be superb.
Just a thought: If all the blinds looked the same this would be a very less interesting site. Personally I love the variety and watching how the artists put their emeotions into their works. I am not downloading this but it doesn't mean that bradthorpe is a bad artist, far from the truth
Comment #7 Thursday, February 25, 2010 8:13 PM
i see you are back with another skin,, dose look like all the rest.a shame i was hoping for something a littel diffrent but its still cool,,,my only problem is it dosent look nothing like stargate you should have done the start panle like the gate with the simbles on it.,but still a cool wb ,,
Paul Laroque
Comment #8 Friday, February 26, 2010 12:33 AM
First of all, I LOVE your LCARS Home Edition and this new Stargate theme... my only 'major' struggle is with the rather over-sized fonts at the bottom of my screen on both themes... do you or does anybody know of a "fix" for that? Keep it up... I'm sure skinning is harder than it looks like (easier said than done)... haven't skinned myself but hope to one day!
Comment #9 Friday, February 26, 2010 5:06 AM
Ok. I think I'm done here. I'm not hurt Angry or pset Okay?? Just gotta get this out. First off All the little niggling problems with the Font's All I gotta say is I love XP! Ya gotta love an os that allows you nearly absolute control over your color scheme. I have asked for help in that arena. The help has been, to me and my experience level tenuous and vague at best. Vampothica tried to help me, But obviously I didn't get it. As to the over-sized fonts. I need to see it. on LCARS HE if the font in the title bar is the same height as the title bar. Then it's accurate for LCARS. See the Screen cap for reference. If not show me,. As to the issue of all my skins looking the same.I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but here goes...OK Lcars Suite Looks similar to LCARS HE , Big Surprise there. The PCAP Series look similar to each other? Gee, Wonder why that would be. Tron??? Ok it's blue. What did you expect?? But To tell me that Star gate Atlantis looks like all the rest. Couldn't disagree more. And if it did, So what? With the rare exception. I see a whole lot of the same here. A whole lot of monochromatic Grey and black. With either flat grey or blinding white backgrounds. Again. I Love My Xp. Not limited to Black fonts. Did anyone notice the forced 3D perspective between the Places toolbar on the left of the window and the background? Tell me of another skin to do that? I Have been drawing Scifi themes here. And I like to think pretty accurately. If the seem similar then perhaps the shows are also similar..... If I'm not doing it your way then great. Please Do one your way. I am dying to see it. really. I've been to the Scifi Forums full of people who want these themes. Unfortunately for them and myself. No one made them. And I decided to learn how too little too late. If they all look the same to your eyes. Then take a look at what I'm trying to emulate Then you will see why. As to this not looking like Stargate. How do you say Tomato? or Potato? It's in the minds eye . My way isn't what you would do? Huh. Go figure. That's like your painting your house and you neighbor walks up and says That's not the way I'd do it. To that I would say "That's nice". "Show me how to do it." Then he say's "Oh I don't know how to do it myself I just know your doing it wrong." I find the concept Laughable at best. First you Try it then you can critique. J.M.O. Here are my reference shots. This is my baseline. Tell me again how I'm wrong? Again. I'm not upset. Angry, hurt, or anything. I'm just done with this. I did what I set out to do. I learned how to make windows look the way I want. The way "I" Want... I will go back through my skins and try to find and kill my mistakes and update them. After that I think I'll just go back to my trek site. C Ya!
Comment #10 Friday, February 26, 2010 8:16 AM
Brad...I think the first poster has a language don't take it to heart to much. And even when someone...your always going to have someone...comments on your work in a negative light...just shrug it off. You did a pretty decent job with this skin. And you'll only get better in time. Unless someone is a graphics expert...I'd be willing to bet most people that started skinning go back and look at the first skins they did and go WTF was I thinking! lol
Comment #11 Saturday, February 27, 2010 9:15 AM
It's all good. I figured there was a language difference... I'm not upset. I simply disagree. I don't think all my. skins look the same At least no more than anyone else here.Perhaps in grose but not in fine. I tend toward the blue ' cause I like it. To tell me I need to change the way I'm doing my skins is like telling a cat to not be so feline. I was Just trying to point out the fact I'm striving for accuracy in my skins as to the theme I'm attempting to emulate. If the show looks similar, then the skin probably will to. And pointing out simply telling me there's a problem sometimes isn't enough. sometimes it's necessary to show someone what the problem is. And sometimes what one thinks of as a mistake is in fact part of the theme. No hard feelings here
Comment #12 Saturday, February 27, 2010 5:14 PM
Paul. I reduced the titlrbar font size.
Comment #13 Saturday, February 27, 2010 5:47 PM
It can be hard sometimes when a comment is made the best bet is not to take it to heart *winks*
Comment #14 Saturday, February 27, 2010 6:08 PM
I think I wanted Jouneyman singled doight speaking of language barrier, I think the comments will help people to better themselves and for that purpose I left mine, not to discourage anyone, may be I expressed myself badly but I do not think journeyman am able person commented in French then criticize me on my comment is rather English unfolded, I finally know Bradatharpe can use the positive comments and I have no doubt no talent on the contrary.Bradatharpe I may be hard pressed to give my opinion on your skin, but believe me I have not wanted to hurt you in any way whatsoever.
Comment #15 Saturday, February 27, 2010 6:57 PM
Comment #16 Saturday, February 27, 2010 7:16 PM
I'm new at this so forgive errors. I attempted to download Stargate Atlantis, but it keeps requesting a file called .uis Any person familiar with where or how I can acquire it? Thanking you in advance.
Comment #17 Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:42 AM
I said it was all good folks. I'm not upset. Mr.Frero. Don't worry about it. If my skins look the same to you It's probably because these are the type of skins I look for. I'm attracted to the Scifi monitor os's that look nothing like Windows. Perhaps I should have emphasized I was recreating the human built OS. and the menu screens from the dvd's y'all were probably expecting something that reflected the Atlantean tech. as you can see from the screencaps that I got what I was going for pretty well accurate. Later I may try my hand at the atlantean tech. But I hope you don't think it's a rehash of TRON. Because from what I can tell It kinda resembles it. Alot of dissembodied flat hollographic screens floating in mid air. alot of hexagonal shapes with 45' angles. Yup more of the same. Should I even bother?
I'm new at this so forgive errors. I attempted to download Stargate Atlantis, but it keeps requesting a file called .uis Any person familiar with where or how I can acquire it? Thanking you in advance.


I also tried to downoad it and had the same problem. I think it's Firefox. 'cause I downloaded it useing Ie 7 and it worked fine. try that. if not I'll Email it to you.
Comment #18 Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:49 PM
I have IE8 with Windows 7 Ultimate and it totally refuses to download without the .uis file. Very much looking forward to Tron. Again, much thanks.
Comment #19 Monday, March 1, 2010 4:49 AM
I have IE8 with Windows 7 Ultimate and it totally refuses to download without the .uis file. Very much looking forward to Tron. Again, much thanks.
you said you were new to this. fine let me help you. I've already helped another. The .uis file is in there It works. I just downloaded it. Sometimes its all a mater of timing. Also a fresh reboot never hurt anything I'm aware of. Don't take this personally. Ok very nice. So you have the newest everything. That doesn't mean it's perfect. Sometimes newer isn't better. in fact I had IE-8 for awhile and discovered it was fuller of bugs than a pastry shop. It's so called safety and speed protocols aren't smoothed out yet, Like most other Microsoft apps. They rushed it through. It's only 2 steps above a beta program right now. I love Fire fox. But it's not perfect yet either, I've had to reinstall it 4 times to make it work right. even then sometimes I have to revert to IE7 to upload or download on certain sites. here is a link to my private messages. Give me an email address I can send you the .uis files direct.
Comment #20 Monday, March 1, 2010 5:14 AM
To those of you who think All my skins look alike. I did a really quick study. I picked all the skins which at first blush appeared to me to be hatched out of the same egg. here are the results of just the 1st 6 pages. this doesn't even scratch the surface. These are all fine skins. Extremely well done. but they all have a commonality to them that is striking at first site. My point is this. How do you know what it really looks like until you pull it out and play with it. If you just look at the screen cap. you can't really tell the difference.

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