Stargate Atlantis
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Stargate Atlantis

Updated Feb 24, 2010 by bradatharpe

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Comment #21 Tuesday, March 2, 2010 2:32 AM
The graphics in your blinds are what you would see if you were watching the shows everything is flat, as for the stargate border graphics they are squarish where as the star treks is more rounded so in that respect you have duplicated that fine,the only real commonality i see in any of your blinds is color,however that can't be helped as both SG & ST use those colors in the series themselves,yeah ok i could go on to say certain blinds have this & lack that & perhaps you could have done this or done that,one would assume that isn't the direction you wanted the blind to go in simply coz it's not how it should appear,my last comment on being the same is every single blind in the wincustomize gallery is exactly alike whether it is on the extreme end say like slider right down to windows own graphics,it's still only a task bar & borders whether it's flat & non textured or raised n fancy n stuff,add a glass look & shadow makes it look different again there's only so much you can do in a 2 dimensional screen,perhaps that's the prob we're spoiled for choice
Comment #22 Tuesday, March 2, 2010 12:44 PM
couldn't have said it better myself.
Comment #23 Tuesday, March 2, 2010 1:31 PM
If others were doing regular sci-fi themes and they were better,I might sympathise with a gentle criticism,but you're doing Star Trek,Stargate Atlantis and they're not bad at all. Any Babylon 5,DS 9,SG Universe etc ideas?
Comment #24 Wednesday, March 3, 2010 3:31 PM
Stargate Universe is a good one. The Destiny has the Ui floadting in mid air and I find the shape interesting. When I get through with repairing all the mistakes revamping my pcap skins I'll look into it. thanks.
Comment #25 Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:04 AM

First off let me say this. Brad good job on this and the LCARS HE wb's i'm running lcars he with the enterprise deskspace and it looks SICK!!!

to everyone who for some reason has a negative comment let me throw something that i havent seen touched. every windowsblind that i've seen brad do has been his interpretation and design on a technological computer system from a movie or tv series. if you take a moment and netflix the shows (star trek, stargate Atlantis, Tron) you will see that the actual systems he is trying to recreate are fairly abstract looking compared to your average looking windows system. for example LCARS is a touch based engineering system on a star ship that is designed to control all aspects of the ship. need i say more. to think that brad has been able to integrate something like that into a skin and make it mesh as well as he does with Windows XP, Vista, and windows 7 is pretty awesome. the only thing that i miss is glowin buttons on mouse over in lcars...(btw thats not really a request but ya). sorry for the rant guys i just think your looking at his skins out of context for which they were designed. these skins arent for everyone and unless your a big fan of a series and get a kick out of playing in a system that looks like the system from trek or atlantis then i think you wont like it.

anyway since i got off track, brad keep skinning man your doing great and i'm looking forward to your next design (still looking for the ancient tech skin)

Comment #26 Saturday, August 14, 2010 11:28 AM


Thanks for that. After I finnished Tron Legasey. I lost interest in skinning. I'm focused on Buying a house right now.

And nothing can interfere wuth that at the moment.

Comment #27 Monday, February 13, 2012 8:02 PM

So cool,i pround of you!You make my computer is the best place for my head ^^!

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