Symantec sticks Microsoft with law suit...

Trying to halt Vista...

Friday, May 19, 2006 by RPGFX | Discussion: Microsoft

An aritcle on talks about Symantec suing Mircosoft to stop development of Vista...
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Reply #21 Sunday, May 21, 2006 11:38 PM
...but their premise is to stop Vista reaching the shelves...

Exactly! If Symantec is really "defending" their so called businesses, then why are they asking the court of law to immediately stop the development of Windows Vista?!! Stop the development of a whole OS that 2 billion people around the world are waiting for!!! Can't they just ask the court to "warn" Microsoft not to produce its final product with that technology on it? Can't they just warn Microsoft it self to remove that technology? Oh no, Symantec has to run around like kids and go to mama or papa to tell on Microsoft, Just like a scared kid.

See schekker, in business world everything has a different & hidden meaning, when a big company such as Symantec starts such move, it is so clear that they are scared of Windows Vista new competition, in other words, if the Windows vista has enough security, then no one will buy the symantec products, which means the end of symantec on PC's.

And by the way, the Symantec storage technology that they are talking about is one that has to do 99% with virus detection and deletion; a technology that Symantec has been using it wrong all the time, which explains the leading of other anti-virus and storage management products over any symantec product.

A company such as symantec dose not care about if its technology is stolen or not; what they want is not to see any other company (especially Microsoft) become better than them in security and storage sector. I don't want to talk about the Symantec products as I do not use them anymore, but Symantec as a company who is leading the world (at least theoretically) must get scared from the giant Microsoft coming into the line of there expertise.

After this act, I find symentec very funny and unrealiable compney. what's next? sue MAC for not having enough viruses! haha.
Reply #22 Monday, May 22, 2006 2:01 AM
After this act, I find symentec very funny and unrealiable compney. what's next? sue MAC for not having enough viruses! haha

Please....don't go giving them ideas! If their suit against MS fails, that might be their next step....if not Moby Dick, the minnow will do.
George Rogers Jr
Reply #23 Monday, May 22, 2006 3:00 AM
Please....don't go giving them ideas! If their suit against MS fails, that might be their next step....if not Moby Dick, the minnow will do.

Sir starkers,..... .....
Reply #24 Monday, May 22, 2006 11:02 AM
If this was such a big problem, why did Veritas not sue Microsoft before they were bought?

As I said, I wouldn't be surprised if Symantec bought Veritas so they'd have some type of excuse to sue Microsoft.
Reply #25 Monday, May 22, 2006 3:13 PM
If time is money..Symantec owes me big time. Anyone wanna start a class action suit against em for time lost?
Reply #26 Monday, May 22, 2006 11:54 PM
If this was such a big problem, why did Veritas not sue Microsoft before they were bought?

As I read it, Microsoft & Veritas had a mutual agreement about the sharing of certain technologies.

I wouldn't be surprised if Symantec bought Veritas so they'd have some type of excuse to sue Microsoft.

It wouldn't surprise me either....Symantec saw the direction MS was taking with security in Vista, became scared and saw an opprtunity to thwart the project with claims of illegal intellectual property use. Had Symantec actually created it, I could see some legitemacy to their claim, but seeing as it was created prior to the purchase of Veritas, and MS's existing agreement, I hope the suit fails miserably, at enormous cost to Symantec.

If time is money..Symantec owes me big time. Anyone wanna start a class action suit against em for time lost?

Haven't got the money to start it, but I'd jump on the bandwagon to help increase that enormous cost
Reply #27 Tuesday, May 23, 2006 12:19 AM
[edited due to comments about Symantec}
Reply #28 Tuesday, May 23, 2006 5:29 AM
Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer is confident that Symantec's suit will not delay Vista.....

Certainly hope not....MS delays to release a better OS is one thing, but due to Symantec's sniveling would be unacceptable.
Reply #29 Tuesday, May 23, 2006 6:45 AM

To be fair, clearly there are people out there that are totally happy with Symantec and their products......

There are also Martians....


Good dietary reasons NOT to nuke Macdonalds.....

Dr Guy
Reply #30 Tuesday, May 23, 2006 8:34 AM

....MS delays to release a better OS is one thing, but due to Symantec's sniveling would be unacceptable.

How can you tell the difference?

Reply #31 Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:18 AM
How can you tell the difference?

The delays or the sniveling?

Delays....that'd be MS trying to release a stable/functional OS

Sniveling....that'd be the complainant (in this case) whining about future lost business.

Given Symantec's propensity to trash people's systems....seems they're doing a good enough job without MS contributing there.

Seems they're all at it!! Creative and Apple are also in court over a portable music technologies dispute....
Reply #32 Tuesday, May 23, 2006 10:38 AM
Hah the Apple/Creative dispute is a lot more interesting. The way I see it, Apple created the UI for the iPod, but never got a patent for it. Creative, uh, got 'inspired' by the Apple UI, and created their own version and did get a patent. So now Creative can sue Apple.

This'll learn ya' for tha next time Apple!
Reply #33 Tuesday, May 23, 2006 10:59 AM
little-known art of self-defense: AHSUYOU!

little-known art of retaliation: SASUMI!

Reply #34 Tuesday, May 23, 2006 11:39 AM
little-known art of self-defense: AHSUYOU!

little-known art of retaliation: SASUMI!

LOL....good description, very apt anim....tryin' ta beat the crap out of eachother sums it up pretty well
Reply #35 Tuesday, May 23, 2006 3:49 PM
Reply #36 Thursday, May 25, 2006 4:25 PM
Researchers: Antivirus Software Has Flaw


WASHINGTON (AP) - Symantec Corp. (SYMC)'s leading antivirus software, which protects some of the world's largest corporations and U.S. government agencies, suffers from a flaw that lets hackers seize control of computers to steal sensitive data, delete files or implant malicious programs, researchers said Thursday.

Symantec said it was investigating the issue but could not immediately corroborate the vulnerability. If confirmed, the threat to computer users would be severe because the security software is so widely used, and because no action is required by victims using the latest versions of Norton Antivirus to suffer a crippling attack over the Internet.

Symantec has boasted its antivirus products are installed on more than 200 million computers. A spokesman, Mike Bradshaw, said the company was examining the reported flaw but described it as "so new that we don't have any details."

Researchers from eEye Digital Security Inc. of Aliso Viejo, Calif., discovered the vulnerability and provided evidence to Symantec engineers this week, said eEye's chief hacking officer, Marc Maiffret. He demonstrated the attack for The Associated Press.

Maiffret's company - which has discovered hundreds of similar flaws in other software products - also produces intrusion-protection software, called "Blink," that he said already blocks such attacks and can operate alongside Symantec's antivirus products.

Maiffret published a note about the company's discovery on its Web site but pledged not to reveal details publicly that would help hackers attack Internet users until after Symantec repairs its antivirus software. eEye said it intends to describe the problem in detail privately for some of its largest customers.

"People shouldn't panic," Maiffret said. "There shouldn't be any exploits until a patch is produced."

The reported flaw comes at an awkward time for Symantec. Its chief executive, John Thompson, has campaigned in recent months to convince consumers they should trust Symantec - not Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) - to protect their personal information.

Maiffret said eEye's testing showed the problem affects Norton Antivirus Version 10, including its corporate editions. He said Symantec's current security suite - which includes both antivirus and firewall features - did not appear to be vulnerable.


Theres The truth!!!
Reply #37 Thursday, May 25, 2006 5:59 PM
well... interesting, now isnt't it?

I think this and other stuff will delay Vista until late Summer 2007 if that.
Reply #38 Thursday, May 25, 2006 11:27 PM
The reported flaw comes at an awkward time for Symantec. Its chief executive, John Thompson, has campaigned in recent months to convince consumers they should trust Symantec - not Microsoft Corp.

Awwwww....poor Symantec! I'm glad it has come at at awkward time for them....trying to sabotage 'probably' the most important release of Windows to date.

As for Symantec convincing users to trust them over MS, they're not going to do that with the multitude who've had their systems slushed up by resource hogging, invasive software that breaks BITS and much more.

Furthermore, if Symantec has any regard for its customers, it needs to clean up its act with regards to customer relations, technical resolve the communication/language barriers with the majority of users not being able to understand tech support staff. It's not the fault of the Indian or Pakistani workers, but that of Symantec....they should have envisaged such issues and taken more appropriate steps for consumers to begin with.

Since my discontinuing the use of NAV/NIS, and my sister having issues with it, all my PC using family members and various friends have switched to other products, so Symantec's market share is diminishing, if somewhat slowly, and I doubt they'll get too much sympathy or support with their claim against MS from similarly dissatisfied people worldwide.
Reply #39 Friday, May 26, 2006 1:34 AM
needs to clean up its act with regards to customer relations, technical resolve the communication/language barriers with the majority of users not being able to understand tech support staff. It's not the fault of the Indian or Pakistani workers, but that of Symantec....they should have envisaged such issues and taken more appropriate steps for consumers to begin with.

Well said! We are, after all, a global community. I once got a call center in Delhi, couldn't understand quite, had to switch to "street" Urdu I'd picked up there, and issue was was very knowledgeable, just not fluent. Appropriate steps in this case being English fluency at an Engl.-language redirect.
Reply #40 Friday, May 26, 2006 6:30 AM
Furthermore, without MS OSes, Symantec would be a security software manufacturer/ developer with few or no places to go....seems insane Symantec would bite the hand....

Despite the security measures being built into Vista, there will be users who prefer to remain with Norton/Symantec.....those who cannot afford Vista....those whose machines cannot accomodate Vista, can't afford to upgrade.

Seems to me, given worldwide anticipation of Vista, Symantec will lose supporters with this law suit against MS....biting the hand...disillusioning consumers who await Vista with bated breath.

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