Have You Made the Vista Switch Full-Time?

Or are you still dual-booting?

Tuesday, March 6, 2007 by Island Dog | Discussion: Windows Vista

Well Windows Vista has been out for a little while now, and several us have written about our experiences at the beginning.  I have read probably hundreds of forums posts across many communities about peoples experience with Vista, and how some are using Vista as their main OS, and some just using it as a secondary on a dual-boot system.  The reactions have been very mixed, but the biggest complaints seem to be hardware compatibility, especially in the video card area that is stopping people from running it full-time.

I recently built a new PC and tried to run Vista as my primary OS, but with my printer not working with Vista, and a few other incompatibilities I had to partition off some space and go back to dual-booting again.  Now I have been reading many posts here at WinCustomize and have noticed a few people who have purchased Vista, so I was interested in knowing how many members here are using Vista full-time, or are dual-booting still.



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Reply #61 Sunday, March 18, 2007 6:57 PM
they still use 95/98

Why fix it if it ain't broke?
Reply #62 Monday, March 19, 2007 2:12 AM
School: well, they still use 95/98 so I can't change that. (NEVER have the money, the damned government!!!)

Thank yourself very fortunate.....my old school (from back in the 60's) is still using the abacus. The cheapskates got in 'A' calculator once...but that went South the moment the batteries died.

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