Object Desktop: Status Report 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011 by Frogboy | Discussion: WinCustomize News

Greetings! Long time no see!

So what’s going on with Object Desktop these days?  The answer: A lot. Much of what we’ve worked on for the past year hasn’t gotten communicated very well to our consumers and I apologize for that. 

As some of you may know, we sold Impulse to Gamestop last year.  A lot of people couldn’t believe that we would sell our most profitable business unit. But I suspect some of you will understand why.  It was consuming us.  In another year, Stardock would have been Impulse and little else.  And if money were the only purpose in life, maybe that would be a good thing.  But Stardockians want to make cool stuff, not put all our time into selling other people’s stuff no matter how cool it is.


This past year

That isn’t to say we haven’t been able to release some really cool stuff in the past couple of years.  Fences was recently regarded as the “best. program. ever.” by CNET. WindowFX 4, DeskScapes 3 upped the ante and while not part of Object Desktop, ObjectDock 2 came out this past year. And there have been updates to WindowBlinds, SkinStudio, IconPackager and Theme Manager in recent times to keep building on their success.

The cost of compatibility

At this stage in the development of desktop enhancements, we have to make some tough choices.  The #1 slow down to our development cycles has been trying to get things to run on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64, Windows 7, and Windows 7 64.  And we are already developing for Windows 8 as well which is, in itself, a pretty significant departure.

So on the one hand, customers want new stuff and lots of updates but on the other hand they want their OS supported and we just don’t have the manpower to do that.  Back in the Windows XP days, we could crank out a ton of cool stuff.  Now, we have to worry about whether certain system DLLs will be available on Windows 7 “Ultimate” vs. Windows 7 “Home” or whether they were taken out entirely after Windows Vista Business.  Desktop Enhancements: Fun times.

Of course, in the old days, I was around to keep everyone in the loop on this stuff. For a lot of our long-time customers, it’s not the slow down in new programs but the lack of communication. Hence, the hidden cost of the focus on Impulse for the last couple of years.

Where we are now

So let’s talk about what’s happening NOW



Our most radical new program is called Tiles. There’s an early beta of it on Object Desktop right now. It’s designed to enable users to manage their tasks in “pages” of tiles that represent what they’re currently working on or will be working on.

In the old days, we made virtual desktops. That made sense when we were all running on individual, low resolution monitors.  But today and into the future, high resolution, multiple monitor setups are how power users work and what they need are things that let them make full use of that.  That is the purpose of Tiles.


In a similar vein, we’re working on a new program that will let you more effectively switch between running tasks via your keyboard.  Microsoft and Apple have each tried their hand with this but we have felt they spent too much effort in making it demo well versus being a practical tool.  And let’s face it, Alt-Tab is starting to get pretty long in the tooth.

WindowFX 5

WindowFX 4 was a significant departure from the old “special effects” concept of WindowFX.  That was because on Windows Vista, all those cool DWM effects were not hardware accelerated (Microsoft wasn’t hardware accelerating a lot of things in Windows Vista and had deprecated GDI+ and at first had removed hardware acceleration).  But in more recent times, hardware acceleration has returned, particularly in Windows 7’s DWM.  This has meant we can start adding lots of cool effects.

DeskScapes 4

DeskScapes is continuing to evolve as we prepare for the day of letting pretty much everyone make their own dynamic content for it.  The idea is to make it so that the desktop background isn’t limited to being pretty but can be made into a useful area.

WindowBlinds / SkinStudio

There’s not a lot to tell (publicly anyway) as a lot of work involved with Windows 8 that we can’t discuss.


There’s been screenshots of Fences 2 floating around. We have no ETAs on it yet as seeing what is (and isn’t) doable on Windows 8 is taking up some time.  But there’s a lot of interesting new features in the works including letting users define a directory as a Fence as well as having Fence “pages”.


We’ve had a hard time with Windows 7 folders and we’re not sure if this is going to be cured in Windows 8.  If it’s not, we may make changing the default folders of Windows 7/Windows 8 become a “hidden” (i.e. off by default, unsupported) feature.

imageProgram X

Not so much a secret but rather we haven’t come up with a name for it yet. It’s a program for skinning the new Windows 8 immersion UI.

Program Y

Same thing, not secret but a program that takes some of the non “FX” parts of WindowFX and graduates them to their own program.


I don’t have a lot of good news to report on this.  The effort in making it work well on all these versions of Windows is not going well at all.  We are still deciding its future.

Theme Manager

Theme Manager 4 has become our preferred method of applying suites.  We killed MyColors entirely.  So over the coming months you’ll see a lot of of the MyColors themes become Theme Manager .suite files.

CursorFX 3

We are looking at updating CursorFX to support the DWM but it is still in the planning stages as we’re not sure the demand vs. cost of this yet.

SoundPackager 2

This is more an area where we need to bring in more developers.  We’re hiring btw. Smile  If you’re a great developer you can even work from remote.

Tweak 8

Just waiting for Windows 8…

Legacy Programs

Some… a lot of programs are not going to make the cut.  One decision we have made is that if we can’t make it work on Windows 8, it’s dead. That doesn’t mean we won’t still have it available but we won’t be doing updates for it anymore.  Another decision is that we will be ending support for Windows XP pretty soon. We haven’t decided a date but what it means is that after that date, we won’t be testing on Windows XP anymore on new releases. So a program may work…or it may not.  The same is true with Windows Vista.  It’s absolutely murdering us trying to support all these OSes.

So let’s look at the programs that won’t be getting love:

RightClick, TweakVista, Virtual Desktops, LogonStudio, BootSkin, MyColors, ObjectBar, Keyboard LaunchPad.  They’re still available but we won’t be supporting or updating them.

GUI Championships

There will be a GUI Championships in 2012

WinCustomize 2012

There will be a revamp to WinCustomize 2012.  It will be more evolutionary than revolutionary. The main area will be performance and new features rather than a whole new look or something.

So that’s where we’re at.

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Reply #21 Friday, September 2, 2011 2:39 PM

Good to have an idea of how things look going forward, thanks for the update.

Reply #22 Friday, September 2, 2011 3:06 PM

Tiles is still in beta.  There are a few must-have features IMO to make it worthwhile that we're working on (and that are tough to do).

For example, I need to be able to drag and drop URL links to a page and when I click on those links for them to switch to specific active tiles on that page.  Same for documents.

Similarly, I need to be able to drag a window that has a document (or URL open) to a Tiles page and have it create an active tile (which it does) but once I close it it needs to become an inactive tile (short-cut to program with document/url).

The problem is that Windows only stores the caption (title bar text). Not the path to the document. So we can't get that information to and from Windows.  


Here's a video of what I mean:


Reply #23 Friday, September 2, 2011 3:09 PM

Re DesktopX:

We know what we *want* to do. Build in .NET (or Python) scripting support and use the DWM as our means of getting stuff done.

But it's hard to justify that kind of cost when we don't even know if Windows is going to support .NET heavily in Windows 8 (lots of talk about Javascript becoming the future of Windows scripting).

Frankly, we need Windows to become a more reliable development platform again like it was during the days of Win32 and GDI. I shoudl write up more on this topic.

Island Dog
Reply #24 Friday, September 2, 2011 3:13 PM

There's still so much up in the air about Windows 8, I guess literally time will tell.  If they are going to bring mini-apps back to the desktop, I wonder if that would be a good direction for DX to go in.  


Reply #25 Friday, September 2, 2011 3:13 PM

But it's hard to justify that kind of cost when we don't even know if Windows is going to support .NET heavily in Windows 8 (lots of talk about Javascript becoming the future of Windows scripting).

I wouldn't bet on .NET as it seems MS is moving away from it.

Frankly, we need Windows to become a more reliable development platform again like it was during the days of Win32 and GDI. I shoudl write up more on this topic.

Please do. 

Island Dog
Reply #26 Friday, September 2, 2011 3:17 PM

Looks like the 2012 Microsoft MVP summit will be the one to go to!

Reply #27 Friday, September 2, 2011 3:28 PM

I shoudl write up more on this topic.

Oh please do, but no need to throw Zubazinism's at us!!

Reply #28 Friday, September 2, 2011 4:04 PM

very interesting, so there is plenty going

on and it’s nice to give us this update on what’s happening,

nevertheless I have some questions at this point

if i have read over it correctly XP is causing trouble over vista and w7 so

dropping it would be easier and the most efficient way to deal with capability

issues and then vista - w7+8+ will be fine ?

correct me if i got this wrong...

But wasn’t MS also stating that they will stop supporting XP…

(edit: note to myself use your glasses next time )

And one more question how can you already develop something for a non-existing

or beta (Windows8) version...just thinking

PS : (lots of talk about JavaScript becoming the future of Windows scripting).

i have read something similar about it over at a german blog but i hope they

stick to Netframework for W8 also wasn’t it sure as far as i read what they
will actually support I have read something that it will be supporting
everything and even have mac support. But i still think those are only rumors
that spread across the infinite web

It sounded more like a hybrid mix OS if that can be even stable is questionable, in
that blog looking if i can find the link again

thanks again for the update

Reply #29 Friday, September 2, 2011 5:14 PM

There's still so much up in the air about Windows 8, I guess literally time will tell.  If they are going to bring mini-apps back to the desktop, I wonder if that would be a good direction for DX to go in.

The problem is that DesktopX's foundation is GDI and ActiveScript, both of which are legacy.

So you really need to rewrite it and the ROI just isn't there.

Reply #30 Friday, September 2, 2011 8:27 PM

Frankly, we need Windows to become a more reliable development platform

or.. just more reliable.. in general.

Reply #31 Friday, September 2, 2011 9:10 PM

Given this, what will be the requirement in future regarding OSes to be compulsorily skinned for saleable Masterskins?

Given that focus is moving 'beyond' XP I'd expect the same for requirements re Master skins.

EG, currently it may be XP/Vista/7 but it certainly is not 95/98 ....

Reply #32 Saturday, September 3, 2011 1:52 AM

Maybe a bit late but what I was referring to was the tiles of the Metro design, not the Software by Stardock.

Reply #33 Saturday, September 3, 2011 2:06 AM

Maybe a bit late but what I was referring to was the tiles of the Metro design, not the Software by Stardock.

Yep...bit late, Carl ....but we'd worked it out....

Reply #34 Saturday, September 3, 2011 2:40 AM

As I have not been very excited about Fences in the past I must admit that I now use and like it (fetch new files into a fence is really a great feature). And with new features announced I am very excited about what we can do then. Pages is all good and if we at some point could have tabbed fences that would be a burner.

Reply #35 Saturday, September 3, 2011 9:43 AM

Thanks for the update! I think whoever developed Tiles should get a gold star, I love this program and use it always.

Reply #36 Sunday, September 4, 2011 2:45 AM

Well this article is very welcome and quite frankly has brought back my respect and love of WC. What you said Brad about dumping Impulse because you wanted to concentrate on cool stuff well that was awesome. Awhile back I said a bunch of crap about the site and community that I now regret. How can I say I was wrong other than say I WAS WRONG.

As far as the future goes well that's going to be fun. I'm sure that Stardock will continue to come up with cool stuff. 

I'll be back posting stuff and I hope it's accepted. I hope I didn't burn my bridges here.

Fuzzy Logic
Reply #37 Sunday, September 4, 2011 3:58 AM

Windows 7 just... works...! Why do we need 8? lol, just as I'd started updating one of my skins for W7 the next version comes along.

Apart from a clean install 18 months ago for a failed mobo, I haven't had to do anything to W7, not a single thing

Reply #38 Sunday, September 4, 2011 8:28 AM

Fuzzy Logic
Windows 7 just... works...! Why do we need 8? lol, just as I'd started updating one of my skins for W7 the next version comes along.

Apart from a clean install 18 months ago for a failed mobo, I haven't had to do anything to W7, not a single thing

Agreed 100%. Windows 7 is extremely reliable and solid. 

I was even able to take my OS Hard Drive out, put it in a different PC for a week and then back to the original (after repairs to unit). It STILL worked without a reinstall.

Reply #39 Sunday, September 4, 2011 12:52 PM

Bookmark.  Thanks, Brad.

Reply #40 Sunday, September 4, 2011 8:37 PM

Indeed, thank you for the update on where things are within your development. I would also like to know where ObjectDock 2 stands in your development, and whether or not its going to get some attention to remedy the bugs that many have in that section.

I agree with many in that we love the apps you guys have developed. My favorites are ObjectDock and Fences, bar none! I had to go another route for theme alterations in Win7 64 bit because of the extensive DLL and explorer.exe tweaks needed to customize this environment. For their part, Microsoft (who I used to work for BTW) got it right and made one hell of an OS this time around. I hope Windows 8 is as good and doesn't turn into the "every other release" where they have tended to screw the pooch. It will be interesting to see how it goes, and I do hope for the best for them and your company.

Thank you...!

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