Icon-A-Day, Icon # 73, Log Off

The Last of the "Start" Symbols

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 by mormegil | Discussion: Icons

Icon 73 (Log Off)

Once more my poor Icon-A-Day project is late, for this I firmly blame Charter Internet. Luckily I still have my work Internet.

Today we are finishing up the last of the "Start" symbols, and taking care of "Log Off". This one is once more almost identical with the other start symbols in the way it is made.

One thing to note with the last five icons, is that they are all almost exactly the same in construction, yet all have their own style. This is a good example of how a good technique can be used on different base graphics over and over and still look good. In theory you could do an entire icon pack with just this one tutorial, and have something pretty cool, if not perfect.
Step 1:

Once again we start with our glass background box and change the colors to blue.

Step 2:

Now I make a little key with some rectangles and squares welded together.

Step 3:

Now we give the key some perspective, tweeting it until it looks natural.

Step 4:

Now I use the Contour tool to give the key a "poor mans bevel"

Step 5:

Now with the Contour tool I give the key an inner contour to give it the appearance of depth.
We also give the it a nice bit of 

Step 6:

Now we give the key a standard Corel
Drop Shadow.

Step 7:

Last we give the new icon a standard

Finished Icon Design.

Click here to download the finished icon.

Tomorrow, assuming I have Internet as I have been promised, we will try and get back to the folder icons and start wrapping up that section of the Icon Package.

Read the other Icon-A-Day Articles:
(Icon-A-Day Index)

Check out the CorelDRAW for Skinner Index, for links to all the related Video Tutorials.

And don't forget to check for all the Icon-A-Day icons as they get made, in the
Miscellaneous Icons Gallery at Wincustomize.com
All Images and Text in this tutorial are © Paul Boyer, and may not be reused without written permission.

Reply #1 Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:09 PM

Better late than never!

Thank, Teach.
Reply #2 Friday, March 25, 2005 3:33 AM
Looks like I'll be buying IconPackager just so I can use your fantastic icons

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