Icon-A-Day, Icon # 81, Search

Time to start tieing up the lose ends.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 by mormegil | Discussion: Icons

Icon 81 (Search)

Tonight we can finish off another lose end. The start menu is mostly done, however I seem to have skipped the Search icon. I always like to try and come up with something clever when doing these, but when it comes to Search, I never can. I almost always end up doing a Magnifying glass. The only thing I can think of to do to make these match the rest of the icons is to make sure the colors match, as well as the perspective.
Step 1:

First we will start with a few squares and circles. I Rotate them a bit, and group them.

Step 2:

Now we take our group that we just made and slant it back with the Perspective tool.

Step 3a:
Once I have a perspective I like, I ungroup the top of the glass, and do some Copying and Trimming to make a simple extrusion.

Step 4:

Now with two mesh fills and a bit of gloss, I draw over our boxes to make a handle for the glass.

Step 5:

Now I use standard Gradients to make the upper part of the glass look like metal.

Step 6:

Now we place a new circle in the center of the head and using the
interactive transparency tool I give it a radial transparency.

Step 7:

Now we give the glass some glare.

Step 8:

Now using our standard reflection techniques we give the icon a reflection,

Step 9:

Last we have to give the icon a new
shadow using our normal techniques as well.

Finished Icon Image.

Click here to download the finished icon.

I think that wraps up our Start Menu icons. This is also a good element that we may find more use for later. See you all tomorrow.

Read the other Icon-A-Day Articles:
(Icon-A-Day Index)

Check out the CorelDRAW for Skinner Index, for links to all the related Video Tutorials.

And don't forget to check for all the Icon-A-Day icons as they get made, in the
Miscellaneous Icons Gallery at Wincustomize.com
All Images and Text in this tutorial are © Paul Boyer, and may not be reused without written permission.

Reply #1 Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:34 PM
Wow! The hits just keep comin'

In 3a - is it Copying and Trimming?

Thanks, Teach.
Reply #2 Thursday, April 28, 2005 5:32 AM
yep. sorry about that.
Reply #3 Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:43 AM

A few questions on Copying and Trimming, if you do not mind:

1 - when copying and trimming, we create a copy > offset copy > select original and copy > trim command?

2 - do you use the "Shaping Docker" for the trimming in this icon?

3 - do you use the "Shaping Docker" in the case of the silica (glass, aero, etc.) look - specifically in the default file icon or the box in the "run", etc. icons?

4 - if you use the "Shaping Docker" - which original object do you leave: source, target, or both?

Sorry for all the questions, but this is the technique I am unclear on - and would really like to understand how to accomplish this look with your way.

Thank you for all your time - I look forward to your next release (maybe the Core WB, or a package of Core Gadgets - hint, hint).

Thanks, again.
Reply #4 Thursday, April 28, 2005 3:09 PM
Ooooh, pretty!
Reply #5 Friday, April 29, 2005 3:24 PM
Really, really nice. Can we expect an Explorer icon now?

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