Icon-A-Day, Icon # 85, SD Card

Moving on through the Drive icons.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 by mormegil | Discussion: Icons

Icon 85 (SD Card)

Moving on through the Drive icons, these days I find myself using SD Cards as my primary form of flash memory. Since I use it the most I want to get it out of the way right away. The steps for this are almost identical to yesterdays icon. The only real different is the basic shapes. So lets do it.
Step 1:

First we draw out the shapes of the media with several rectangles, tweaking them a bit with the node edit tool.

Step 2:

Once more we group our objects together and use the Perspective Tool to lean our disk back.

Step 3:

Quickly we add some detail to the edge of the card with a few rectangles. I quickly fill in the shapes so that I can tell the shading is ok.

Step 4:

Now we give the Card their final colors, including the yellow lock. I also give the full card a bit of texture with our Interactive Transparency Techniques.

Step 5:

Now using simple Text Tools and the basic drawing tools to make an SD logo and some text to place on the card.

Step 6:

Now we use the Perspective Tool and some basic drawing tools to give the label some details. I also give the the label a bit of Gloss.

Step 7:

Once more our last step is to polish it off with our Shadow and Reflection Techniques.


Finished Icon Image.

Click here to download the finished icon.

There we go, a nice SD Card icon. I think tomorrow we will take care of the Ram Drive icon. See you all then.

Read the other Icon-A-Day Articles:
(Icon-A-Day Index)

Check out the CorelDRAW for Skinner Index, for links to all the related Video Tutorials.

And don't forget to check for all the Icon-A-Day icons as they get made, in the
Miscellaneous Icons Gallery at Wincustomize.com
All Images and Text in this tutorial are © Paul Boyer, and may not be reused without written permission.

Reply #1 Wednesday, May 4, 2005 6:09 AM
What a fun icon.

Thanks, Teach.
Reply #2 Wednesday, May 4, 2005 4:54 PM
It's like magic. Even when it's explained I STILL can't figure it out!
Reply #3 Wednesday, May 4, 2005 5:31 PM
What if it isnt a gig?



Teach is the magician.
Reply #4 Wednesday, May 25, 2005 1:20 AM
I am now using your incredible SD and CF card icons for my USB card reader. I hope you will make icons for SmartMedia and MemorySticks too. I am amazed at how impossible it is to find good icons for memory cards.

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