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PDC: Parties by geeks, for geeks

It's good to be with ones own kind

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 by Frogboy | Discussion: PDC 2005

The night life of PDC is quite enjoyable. Picture a bunch of tech nerds being able to get together and talk shop without any spouse or significant other around to give them the "Would you QUIT talking about that stuff?" look.  I have pictures which I'll put up on the photo album soon enough.

Nate & Ed from Betanews, Mary Jo Foley from Microsoft-Watch, Robert Scoble, Scott from Tom's hardware, myself, and a few others had a good time talking shop at the press party.  I missed the PDC Underground party and while I did finally snag an invite to the very posh "Influencer's" party, I was too tired after the press party to get over there.

According to Scoble, tomorrow morning something very interesting about Virtual Earth will be announced.  Something very "newsworthy".  My prediction: Virtual Earth will be able to pinpoint where all my lost socks are (or the socks of whoever is logged in on it).  We'll see.


PDC 2005: Gadgets embraced by Microsoft

The widget/gadet wars heat up

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 by Frogboy | Discussion: PDC 2005

One of the things that has made Object Desktop so popular over the years is that users knew, with certainty that many of the concepts found in it would likely one day end up in the OS.  That's why its tag-line is "It's like running the next version of Windows -- today."  Whether that be ObjectZIP which preceded Microsoft's Compressed folders to the much better known example of WindowBlinds in which Windows XP came with a similar, though more basic, implementation.

Today at PDC, Microsoft announced "Microsoft Gadgets" on the same day Stardock opened for the public (the official announcement isn't until September 20th).  People had asked us what was DesktopX's future with Yahoo buying Konfabulator. Now people have their answer.  Like gadgets created by DesktopX Pro, Microsoft's gadgets can be put into a bar.  DesktopX's gadgets can sit on the desktop or be placed into an ObjectBar bar.  Microsoft's gadgets go into the Microsoft SideBar on Windows Vista.  DesktopX gadgets will also be able to go into Microsoft's sidebar too in the final version.

From reading the flame war over on Microsoft's Gadget blog, Mac zealots claim that Microsoft stole the whole thing from Apple.  They apparently forget that Apple was almost certainly "inspired" by Konfabulator.  And DesktopX has had user-created mini apps on the desktop since late 1999.  Of course, Mac zealots will point towards desktop accessories as some sort of "see, Apple did it first".  But desktop accessories are so divorced from the modern widget/gadget concept as to be nonsensical.  What makes widgets (and gadgets) interesting is that they can be created by end users who have little to know programming knowledge.  My 8 year old son has a DesktopX widget he made on his home page.  It's pretty unlikely that 8 year olds were cranking out desktop accessories.

Of course, the real question isn't whether Microsoft "stole" the idea from Apple or whether they were inspired by DesktopX (they certainly know about both). The question is what is Microsoft's plans with it and how will it affect Stardock's gadget strategy?

The short answer is - not much.  Gadgets can't -by definition- compete against one another because they are stand-alone entities. They don't require the user to download some sort of run-time (ala Konfabulator, DesktopX standard, Kapsules, etc.). Dashboard widgets are still widgets in that the key code is not in the widget but resides as part of the OS (i.e. they bundled the run-time) but that's really just a semantically difference.  The point being, few end users care whether their program was compiled with a Microsoft compiler or a Borland one.  Similarly, they won't likely care whether their gadget was made with DesktopX Pro or Visual Studio 2005.  When Windows Vista ships, there will simply be gadgets and DesktopX Pro will be, we plan, the best way to create them.

The real winner in the announcement will be since it can be expanded to support Microsoft gadgets as well.  With Microsoft supporting the gadget concept, it really opens the door for more developers to get into gadget making.  How Microsoft's embrace of gadgets will affect Yahoo who recently acquired Konfabulator remains unknown.

PDC Day 1: It's so big

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 by Frogboy | Discussion: PDC 2005

It's so big.  That's my first impression.  And I know so little.  There's nothing like a developer's conference to make a developer realize how little they know. Holy cow.

So far, the two things I'm most excited by are Indigo and Avalon.  Indigo looks like it'll make working with databases and other applications much less painful. But my knowledge on C# is pretty scampy, I've been doing C++ for so long and I've not beein inclined to do much with C# because I don't like having to require users download 20+ megs in libraries.

But as I listend to the keynotes, it become pretty obvious how I only have a surface knowledge on all these things.  So I've loaded up on some pretty cool sounding sessions:

11:45am FUNL02: WinFX/Win32 SDKs ie7
1:00pm PRS223: Making good SW writing a dynamic compiler
2:45pm TLN303: Mondad monad
4:15pm FUN405: Multithreading dat307: exploiting new capabilities
11am PRS205: Bulding Customizeable apps in .NET PRS317: Avalong Overview
1:45pm PRS315: Avalon Overview
3:15pm DAT310: WinFS
5:00pm PRS416: Direct3D and real-time apps
10:00am FUN412: Five things every Win32 dev should know
11:30am DAT317: Windows Sync Center TLN213: Building Avalon Interfaces
2:15pm DAT320: Building RSS enabled apps

So we'll see how it turns out. Stay tuned.

PDC goals & expectations

On the road..

Monday, September 12, 2005 by Frogboy | Discussion: PDC 2005

I'm on my way to PDC.  This is the first time I've gone there. I'm only 34 and yet feel like a bit of an old-fogey in that I'm not as up on the latest .NET techniques as I probably should be.  I'm less a developer these days and more of a technologist.  I want to see what technologies Microsoft is working on and see what is going to be beneficial to our company and our customers and which parts we can take a pass on.

I'm on the plane looking through blogs that I've archived with Blog Navigator and I've enjoyed reading Scoble's in particular.  He works at Microsoft so his rallying up for Microsoft is understandable (just as I tend to be pretty jazzed about Stardock's latest stuff).  Half the "good stuff" apparently is after-hours.  The parties and such.  I'm known enough in the industry to be aware of most of the good parties but not important enough to be necessarily invited to some (such as the PDC "Influencers" party).  Going to a show like this is humbling. I feel like the Comic book guy who is king of his little comic book store but is powerless beyond its confines "I shall return to my store where I dispense insults rather than absorb them..."

Last PDC I sent our lead R&D developer there and he came back with a lot of useful feedback.  At the time, the Longhorn side-bar was a big thing but our developer said it was quite hacky in its implementation.  The side-bar disappeared for awhile and recently resurfaced. Perhaps it's better implemented now.

What I'm going to be interested in learning (and talking to those in the know) is just how far Microsoft intends to take "managed code".  The overall preferred Windows Vista API is called WinFX which is essentially the name of a group of managed code APIs.  Managed code lets traditional developers get a lot done very fast but makes it harder for developers who are doing things that the OS vendor didn't think of to actually do.  Desktop enhancement software requires techniques such as API hooking and message hooking and all kinds of ways to get into a process to extend the base OS feature set.  When a program like WindowBlinds works, it actually gets inside a given process and directs its paint calls to WindowBlinds to take care of it.  In this way, we can extend the feature set of the Windows drawing routines.  But managed code is a layer on top of all those APIs.  You can't really "hook" them.

I'm not so much worried about Microsoft breaking our stuff (Microsoft, nVidia, ATI, Nintendo, Alienware, Good Year, GE, Dell, and countless other large companies use our technologies).  What I want to make sure is that the new goodies in Windows Vista are going to be extensible. And by extensible I mean..actually extensible and not marketing extensible (i.e. marketing extensible is where some marketing guy at Microsoft says how extensible their system is but really what it means is that they allow developers to change the configuration to a number of pre-set definitions). 

For example, could I get into the Explorer process and make use of the new graphical capabilities to have different folders in explorer windows be different sized based on how much "stuff" is in them?  I'm not saying we want to do that, but it's a good litmus test.  On Windows Vista, there are so much more potential to do neat things than there was on Windows XP.  I am not looking for Microsoft to put in APIs that make it trivial to jump in and do things, I just want to make sure it's reasonably possible.  After all, Stardock essentially acts as a free R&D lab for Microsoft anyway (as any long-time user of Object Desktop can tell you).  We're willing to invest in trying cool new things with all the engines but we have to be able to do things that Microsoft hasn't necessarily thought of.  Hence, the need to jump in there and extend (and sometimes replace) painting routines, APIs, etc.

I'm heading there with my Windows XP Thinkpad equipped with the WindowBlinds 5 beta. Amongst its other capabilities, WindowBlinds can do semi-transparent window frames ala Aero -- but on Windows XP.  I know for certain that Microsoft never thought that was possible, especially at the speed we have it running (i.e. on a decent machine it shouldn't affect performance).  So one can imagine the kinds of things that could be possible to do with Windows Vista as long as Microsoft doesn't close the door.  API hooking and getting in process allow developers to gain the same benefits as a developer of an open source OS. 

PDC Photo Gallery

Storing pictures

Monday, September 12, 2005 by Frogboy | Discussion: PDC 2005

I'm mirroring some images of Windows Vista over in my WinCustomize photo album and will be putting more pics up there shortly.

Windows Vista, PDC build, first shots.

Monday, September 12, 2005 by Frogboy | Discussion: PDC 2005 has some early screenshots of the new build of Windows Vista that's being shown at PDC.

It looks like the side-bar is back.

WinFX API Primer

Just the facts, ma'am.

Sunday, September 11, 2005 by Frogboy | Discussion: PDC 2005

There's so many technologies floating out of Microsoft these days that it's really difficult to fixate on what is and isn't important.  This series of guides is designed to provide you with a nuts and bolts overview of what developers should be paying attention to in Windows Vista.

Since 1994, Microsoft has been pushing a single overall API known as Win32.  Starting with Windows Vista, the new API is WinFX.  That doesn't mean Win32 is going away, it's still there. But WinFX is going to be the one that Microsoft is going to focus most of its attention on for most developers.


.NET is a rich sets of APIs Microsoft has been making available as a separate download for some time.  .NET 1.1 is the current official release but 2.0 is in beta.  While some will cringe at the comparison, .NET is kind of a much much better implementation of Microsoft's old MFC libraries.  The problem today with .NET is that it requires a separate download.  But in Windows Vista, it'll be part of the OS.  We've used .NET internally and it is very nice.  When used with C# or, you can create things much faster and much cleaner.  The main downside is that it's managed code which isn't really bad for most developers but if you want to get more low level, you still need Win32.  But very few people write code that wouldn't be better handled by .NET.  If you're a software developer, start learning more about .NET.


This is officially called Windows Presentation Foundation.  It's the new graphics subsystem in Windows Vista.  In some ways, it is similar to the various GDI implementations but has a very rich API.  Its functions can be accessed from .NET languages such as C# but it also includes a mark-up language for making visual applications very easily called XAML.  If you plan to create programs that are visual in nature, learn about AVALON.


This is officially called the Windows Communication Foundation.  I can tell you from experience that writing network aware applications can be a real pain in the butt.  INDIGO makes it much easier to create network programs.  If you write code that talks to other computers (over a LAN or the Net) you'll want to learn about INDIGO.

These APIs put together are called WinFX.  The other technologies in Windows Vista are interesting but for most developers, these are the key 3 that you will want to keep an eye on. 

From a developer's point of view, Windows Vista is going to be nice because WinFX is part of the OS.  On Windows XP, we don't tend to make use of .NET, even though it is so nice, because we don't want to require our users to have to download extra "stuff".  Developers who know these technologies will have a significant productivity advantage in developing software for Vista over those who stick to Win32 for general application development.

Cable broad-band internet...why can't we have different pkgs

Saturday, September 10, 2005 by terpfan1980 | Discussion: Internet

In answering another question a fellow blogger posted (or at least, in making some suggestions in an answer), I was just cursing my limited choices (again) in hi-speed/broadband internet services.

Where I live, I'm left with basically no choice of providers. The phone lines are old and brittle, the distance to the CO (Central Office) is too far, and DSL is not an option. Satellite based internet -- at least two way satellite internet -- is an option, but it includes an inherent delay because of transmission times, and as such, it's useless if you want to play any online games, use it for VOIP services, or anything else that needs "real time." FIOS hasn't made it to where I live, and lord knows when, or if it will.

Verizon is advertising a wireless "hi-speed" option that would be an option I guess, but it's cost for the service is really no different than what I pay for cable internet through Comcast, and Comcast does deliver 4 - 5 megabit service for that price.

I really long for choice here. I'd like to get the type of prices a friend gets -- $29 - $39 a month for Verizon DSL. He combines with his phone service, gets a discount on the package, and enjoys speeds that really aren't that different than what I see. (Granted, if we ran some speed tests, or if I was a person that downloaded huge piles of files, I might see the difference in speeds, but I don't so I don't, and I'd rather save some money!!)

I saw news not long back that Comcast was going to up the speed again, apparently preferring to enter into a speed battle against Verizon. That would be all fine, well, and good, if I actually needed more speed.

Why is it that Comcast doesn't seem to get the little light bulb over their head(s) and come up with some plan that would offer say 2 megabit service for half the current price, 4 megabit for the current price, and (as hinted at in the article I read) a higher speed "premium" service at a higher price. Sort of like walking into Starbucks and having a choice between Tall (small), Grande (medium) and Venti (large) { don't get me started on Starbucks labelling of sizes, that is a rant for another day.... }

I really wish somebody at Comcast would figure this out and offer the type of options I'm desiring. I really don't need more speed. 2 megabit or faster is plenty fast. Give me some speed throttled service at that price, and we might get somewhere. Help save me money, and I might even spend it on other "options" (like Comcast's own VOIP services).

Come on Comcast, think of the possibilities (without me having to be concerned about whether some other provider ever strings their own cables on the wires, though I guess I can hold out hope that at some point down the road my power company will offer some form of broadband over power lines that might actually be a competitor to Comcast).

Supporting Jark in a real way

The Save the alien campaign

Monday, September 5, 2005 by Istari | Discussion: Virtual Communities

In my last article, Rewriting DeviantArt history Link I talked about how Scott Jarkoff, the main founder of the art site, DeviantArt, was unceremoniously terminated.

After my article, somebody else posted a link to a leaked email that gives rise to some serious questions as to the motivation of why Jarkoff was fired. Scott was asking some tough questions and even though he's a stock holder, he didn't seem to be receiving the company financials. There was also some dispute over the percentages of ownership.

As an outsider, I know there's two sides to every story. But every indication seems to be that this is a text book case of one group trying to push out another. DeviantArt is a very popular website today. It is worth a lot of money. In the leaked email contained this passage:

During a conversation between you, Angelo and myself in August 2004, I
expressed extreme dissatisfaction with my vesting schedule and part-time
status. My signature on the founder's agreement was based on a promise
between you, Angelo and myself that if I were to work full-time hours
then the agreement would be amended as such.

Vesting schedule. This is where we, at outsiders, move into pure speculation. But if Scott Jarkoff (Jark) was on a stock vesting schedule, what happens to that schedule when he was fired? Would his shares suddenly be all vested? Or, more likely, would those shares cease vesting? Looked at in another way, was Scott Jarkoff fired in order to prevent his shares from vesting? If so, then Scott being fired isn't just a matter of principle. It is also a matter of money. A lot of money.

Late last week, Frogboy made an announcement that Angelo Sotira (Spyed) had made some statements that seemed to imply that they were trying to give Jark the respect he had earned But does that mean that this respect translates into anything beyond nice words?

The answer to that seems to come from Jark's new "Save the Alien Campaign". The campaign gives so-called deviants an opportunity to put their money where their mouth is. Users can donate money to Jark's legal defense fund. Since Spyed says that Jark was instrumental to DeviantArt's founding, then he should also share, in an instrumental way, in any financial windfall that DeviantArt receives if it were ever to go public or be purchased by another company. But, if they fired Jark and that just so happens to mean his stock vesting ends and he receives no new shares of stock, that could mean that the guy who actually founded the site could be left out in the cold. I don't know, I am just speculating but if Jark is preparing a legal case, then it is probably safe to assume that there is a lot more than just pride at stake here.

I for one will be very interested and watching to see how much support Jark really gets. The undying devotion that people claim to have towards Jark will now be put to the ultimate test.

Coming to a tube near you...

Monday, September 5, 2005 by LifeIs42 | Discussion: Personal Computing

Nerd Tv, finally after about two months of wait, Nerd tv will be starting tomorrow i.e. 6th Sept. and i can't wait to enlighten myself with the wisdom of the zen masters Max Levchin, Andy Hertzfeld and Bill Joy, although www is the only way for me to view it, i will be going in for a full length mp4,

so keep your calendar free for next 13 weeks and yes, dont touch that remote....
