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I Dreamed My Genesis DomenLombergar 11/1/2004 5:45:05 AM 12 0 2094
Guardian Angel n3o2501 6/23/2004 11:19:03 PM 10 1 6830
What Have I Become? n3o2501 3/28/2004 12:38:20 AM 4 1 3404
Beneath The Stain Of Time n3o2501 3/28/2004 12:38:20 AM 3 1 4395
das Traumbild n3o2501 3/28/2004 12:38:20 AM 4 1 3100
Remanufacture Revisited n3o2501 3/28/2004 12:38:20 AM 4 1 3472
Birth Revisited n3o2501 3/28/2004 12:38:20 AM 3 1 3817
Dissected Thoughts Revisited 2 n3o2501 3/28/2004 12:38:20 AM 3 1 5175
Drawing Hands n3o2501 3/28/2004 12:38:20 AM 5 0 7733
Mother Nature One n3o2501 3/28/2004 12:38:20 AM 3 1 6802
It Only Hurts When I Breathe n3o2501 3/28/2004 12:38:20 AM 2 1 6546
Spacely Sprockets n3o2501 3/28/2004 12:38:15 AM 9 1 5643
Drawing Hands n3o2501 3/9/2004 6:40:07 PM 6 0 6321
It only hurts when I breathe n3o2501 3/9/2004 6:40:06 PM 6 1 708
Dissected Thoughts Revisited 2 n3o2501 2/2/2004 1:24:29 PM 12 1 1440
Mother nature one n3o2501 12/31/2003 12:00:00 AM 8 1 2914
Spacely Sprockets n3o2501 12/9/2003 8:58:02 PM 10 0 631
Remanufacture Revisited n3o2501 12/8/2003 9:47:38 AM 0 1 543
What have I become? n3o2501 11/26/2003 2:42:40 PM 2 1 1110
Remanufacture n3o2501 11/26/2003 2:41:12 PM 0 0 1590
Beneath the stain of time n3o2501 10/27/2003 1:57:31 AM 4 0 1354
Birth 1.1 Revisited n3o2501 10/27/2003 1:57:29 AM 2 0 1205
Handomen 3.0 n3o2501 10/27/2003 1:57:27 AM 9 0 1663

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8. don5318 3709
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