Digital Revenge DX
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Digital Revenge DX

Updated Mar 04, 2005 by Chadamus

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Comment #61 Monday, March 7, 2005 4:15 PM
I'm not sure who requested it, but if you would like a standalone version of the wallpaper, it is available here:

GCube, pressing F10 hides the theme taskbar, but does not show the windows taskbar. This is expected. I have DesktopX set to do this. If you would like to see your windows taskbar, right click on the DX icon, select Configure DesktopX. Select the Theme tab. Uncheck "Hide Windows Taskbar" and restart DX.

All programs that are minimized should show in the taskbar or system tray. If they do not, this may be an indication of a larger problem.
Comment #62 Monday, March 7, 2005 5:43 PM

First off, very nice work! ....and I do mean work, I've been developing DX Widgets for a couple of months now and I know the time it takes.

On another note, I've made a couple of mods you might enjoy...what's a email addy I can send the 3mb file?

Comment #63 Monday, March 7, 2005 7:19 PM

I just found a tiny bug...on the extended weather info, the forecast icon aren't next to the correct text just need to move the icons to there correct location.

Comment #64 Monday, March 7, 2005 7:38 PM
Awesome! I have two monitors, any suggestions on how to get it to display on both monitors? Or have separate things on each monitor?


Comment #65 Monday, March 7, 2005 8:22 PM
The dual monitor versions will be out shortly. I think finally Dual monitors are becoming more mainstream! I've never had this many requests for a dual monitor theme...

Andrew, what resolution do you run on your screens?
ch waqar
Comment #66 Monday, March 7, 2005 10:10 PM
Well done....! works fine,Usefull...the best part it works for everybody.Thanks
Comment #67 Monday, March 7, 2005 10:15 PM
It seems like everyone has said it rather eloquently - so, Thank you very much!

It is obvious that you are one of the elite skinners that offer their wonderful work on this site.

I feel very fortunate to have stumbled upon such a windfall of great people, fabulous learning opportunities, and amazing acts of kindness.

Again, many thanks, Chadamus.
Comment #68 Monday, March 7, 2005 10:50 PM
Very unstable when changes are made to system displays. Seems buggy. When any formatting changes are made, except for theme colors, my desktopX crashes.
Comment #69 Tuesday, March 8, 2005 12:17 AM
Hey Chad..does seem to resist some minor changes..say font and text size.. particularly in the system info panel. Some of the text seemed too big at 1600x1200, and even though I had no problems changing time and date formats and text font/size on the bottom panels ( droping lead zero, respelling uptime to just Up , etc)..No problem rearranging weather lables..but when I moved to text in the system bar.. I did get a few DX crashes when i hit Apply after attempting only font/size change. Since I have more bar at 1600x1200..I also wanted to clone a few drive usage gauges (like add e,f and g ..a simpler safer way to do that in updates, and to move the cpu/mem gauges to allow room would also help. Love it..and am enjoying playing with it and learning.
Comment #70 Tuesday, March 8, 2005 1:38 AM
Right now I'm using a notebook with a secondary monitor. Soon enough I'll have a desktop with two equal sized monitors. My main monitor is 1440x900 and my secondary is 1024x768. I doubt you'll be able to make it work for separate resolutions, so just do what you can and I'll mess with it once its finished.

Awesome job!

Comment #71 Tuesday, March 8, 2005 4:21 PM
Great Job! Love the wallpaper toggle. Great for virtual desktop apps as well...
Quick question?
How do you re-format the performance meters without DX crashing? Is there a secret?
Comment #72 Tuesday, March 8, 2005 4:25 PM
Great Job! Love the wallpaper toggle. Great for virtual desktop apps as well...
Quick question?
How do you re-format the performance meters without DX crashing? Is there a secret?
Comment #73 Tuesday, March 8, 2005 4:25 PM
Great Job! Love the wallpaper toggle. Great for virtual desktop apps as well...
Quick question?
How do you re-format the performance meters without DX crashing? Is there a secret?
Comment #74 Tuesday, March 8, 2005 4:43 PM
BostonSteve, No trick that I know of. Thanks for letting me know it works with virtual desktop.
Comment #75 Tuesday, March 8, 2005 5:10 PM
Oh, your welcome.
...and thanks for your help! appreciate it. worked like a charm!
Martin Hald
Comment #76 Wednesday, March 9, 2005 11:39 AM
Great theme, maybe the best one yet. But even then, I do have a couple of small hickups to ask about:

1. When I close a maximised window ( or minimalise it for that matter ) I get the desctop behind the theme for a spilt second before the theme is avaiable. That has never happen with any other theme I have been running. Anyone know how to fix it?

2. When I choose to show the WB windows task bar, and hide the one in the theme, I get the windows to maximise at the wrong size, about 1/2 a inch over the taskbar...???????

3. last little thing: How do I change the text that is under some, but not all, of the icons in the dock? I normaly would do so in "states", but this time I can't find where to do so??

Any help will be greatly apreciated, as this is a keeper!!!!
Comment #77 Wednesday, March 9, 2005 11:56 AM
1) Low Video Ram, System Ram, or system performance often causes this behavor.
2) If you need to chance the workspace setting for DesktopX: Select Configure DesktopX. Click the Theme Tab. Click the Workarea button. Uncheck the "reduce workarea" box, or adjust the bottom setting from 43 according to your needs.
3) To change the mouseover text for the icons in the dock, right-click on the icon, select properties. Select the Summary Tab. Adjust the ToolTip field accordingly.
Martin Hald
Comment #78 Wednesday, March 9, 2005 12:03 PM
Thanks for the quick reply, will try that out later... guess my 256 MB ram videocard that I just ordered will come in handy
Robin Siebler
Comment #79 Wednesday, March 9, 2005 7:42 PM
I'm new to DesktopX. I have one problem: the visible portion of the "hidden" start bar (a thin white line across the bottom of the screen) is continually flickering. How do I stop that.

I also have one question: How can I remove the Weather pane and leave the cpu/memory bar?
Robin Siebler
Comment #80 Wednesday, March 9, 2005 7:53 PM
I am also having a problem with my mouse cursor going *behind* the taskbar, making it difficult to select a task.

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