Digital Revenge DX
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Digital Revenge DX

Updated Mar 04, 2005 by Chadamus

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Comment #81 Wednesday, March 9, 2005 11:00 PM
Robin, not sure about the white line. Never heard of that before. And for removing the weather, and leaving CPU... click "Customize your Display button and switch off the Weather. That simple.

And for your cursor, are you using Cursor XP?
Comment #82 Thursday, March 10, 2005 1:43 AM
Chadamus, first off, !!!!!Secondly, a quick question on your link to the DesktopX animation Script. I'm having a difficult time understanding the part under Photoshop instructions where it says to Import the Action File. Where is this Action File that I need to import. Probably a stupid question, but I would appreciate any help. Thanks!

Comment #83 Thursday, March 10, 2005 5:40 AM
nice theme, gratz.

One comment tho...
When in 1600*1200 ,the autohide taskbar on the left isn't complete. I'm missing the half of the "video" tab and the complete "urilities" tab
Any indeas on that ???? In any other res it's good
Comment #84 Thursday, March 10, 2005 7:36 AM
I'm having trouble with Desktop X or maybe it's your skin, I'm not sure. I get a Desktop X error that says "Stardock MCP not found or wrong version. Systray support disabled" It worked once (the first time) and hasn't worked since. I will download the latest version of DX but I'm unsure what's happening. I will comment further if the latest rev fixes the problem.
Spoon Gouge
Comment #85 Thursday, March 10, 2005 9:28 AM
Bengor, restarting DesktopX usually corrects that behavior. It forces DX to "reload" all of the graphics.

Spoon, it wouldn't be the theme. Did you restart your computer after installing DesktopX and before loading any theme?

Blanco, I'll answer your e-mail on that when I get a chance.
Comment #86 Thursday, March 10, 2005 2:12 PM
Can you use "Right Click" with these themes?
Comment #87 Thursday, March 10, 2005 4:26 PM
The Dude, as in the Stardock product Right Click? I don't see why not, but I have not tested it with this environment.
Comment #88 Thursday, March 10, 2005 5:22 PM
Awesome theme, the best I have seen. Only having one problem. As with all weather scripts, it keeps opening dialup windows until I have over a dozen or more. Is there a way to make the script more intelligent to know when I am online, instead of trying to bring me online? Sorry for not having broadband here in Costa Rica,
Comment #89 Thursday, March 10, 2005 6:54 PM
apfelwein, I'm not sure what you mean by minimized Trillian windows not showing. You want them to show in the systray? If I minimize a trillian window it shows as a regular task, so not sure what you mean there. And this theme does not include a "Show Desktop" shortcut, so where are you getting that shortcut from? and when you say "it doesn't work" please detail exactly the behavior you are experiencing please. Generalizing limits the support I can provide for this theme.

Sbnelson, if you would like to see the recycle bin, I would suggest using a recycle bin widget or dx object, as this theme will require hiding the built in wallpaper in order to see the desktop icons.
Comment #90 Thursday, March 10, 2005 6:55 PM
bkmo, I'm sorry, I don't know of a way to modify the script to tell if you are online or not.
Comment #91 Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:03 PM

Man... I'm a longtime fan. I think you've outdone yourself.
Comment #92 Friday, March 11, 2005 1:47 AM

I believe that's a setting in IE that you can turn off...something about "auto-dial" or "auto-connect"...hope that helps.

BlackHat Inc.
Comment #93 Friday, March 11, 2005 10:26 AM
Great Work! But is it just me,or is anyone else having problems with this theme or DX3 in general and PowerDVD? the only way I can get video to show and the flickering of skins to stop is to unload DesktopX.

Edit - I just checked with every theme that comes standard with DesktopX and I have no problem with Video whatsoever, Just this theme.
Comment #94 Friday, March 11, 2005 1:00 PM
This is the only theme I've seen that I will use. I love it. One question. The System Info, how can I change the drive D to another drive? Very cool. Peace
Comment #95 Friday, March 11, 2005 1:44 PM
Chadamus: Just did the 3.0 DX upgrade, rebooted:No appreciable difference or loss of functionality. Still having only minor problems with the system info bar, and systray read/task bar ( have experimented with going back to win task bar at bottom, etc) .. all minor problems, and all "work aroundable" . If you want detailed input and screen shot with comments, just ask..happy to help.
Comment #96 Friday, March 11, 2005 3:58 PM
Great theme!

Just 1 question, when I right click to extend (enlarge) a tray or an unassigned zoomer all I get is Delete. If I right click on a tab all I get is Delete.

Any suggestions?
Comment #97 Friday, March 11, 2005 4:12 PM
what can I say I used Indemnity Pro theme from Wb,Ip,winamp and of course the DX theme for months ,and now I think I will use this masterpiece for months ,it is great
Thanks Chad for making our windows beautiful
Comment #98 Friday, March 11, 2005 5:03 PM
Mr Tee: Using the new DX3? or if using the other DX, either way you need to be in create or edit mode instead of the User mode.
Comment #99 Friday, March 11, 2005 7:44 PM
WOW well done!! Your efforts are raising the bar for all future skins.

I have 1 question.....Is there a way to add tabs or rename the exsisting tabs on the left side?
When I tried to clone one of them it only showed a very small portion of it (1600x1200 resolution)and I am sensing that the tabs are images that need to be created individually?

Again thanks for your work on this great desktop theme.

Comment #100 Friday, March 11, 2005 8:46 PM
Using DX3 from SDC 2.99b[b].003, there is no edit/user mode as there was in DX2.

Ok, tried "create" that puts it in edit mode. Problem solved, thanks.

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