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Updated Aug 19, 2020 by cyberslober

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Comment #21 Thursday, September 10, 2020 6:26 AM

I will not insult the artist. I will only add. When we glorify an individual like this. His ego and pride get larger. Larger than it already is, to which I think is impossible. Trump thinks he's a God. But please pick up your Bible and read it and you will discover this man is no hero or friend to anyone. Trump is truly being sifted and used by Satan. Trump rides and thrives on one thing and that's pride. The absolute main thing God hates because of the Shinning One, you know, Lucifer. Trump is doing a great job bringing us closer to  Armageddon and I see it clearly through scripture. Now Trump is responsible for over 190,000 American lives. Why do I say that. 1 he claimed it was a hoax and lost valuable time tracking the first cases. 2 he flip flops on information and guidelines to protect the country and it's people, and not staying consistent. 3 coordinating a precise agenda and plan to combat this silent killer, he has still not done. Regardless of any leaders before him, he is the man in charge for 3 and 3/4 years now and he calls himself the greatest. This isn't great by any measure. 4 he needs to stop saying he thinks, and simply listen to the doctors and scientists and stop giving his imaginary genius mindless thoughts like his opinion on hydroxychloroquine, that was reckless and criminal.  And finally 5. The buck stops with him. He is responsible for the White House as you are responsible for your house. IN THE BIBLE. The man in charge is always responsible. Trump is our top government official and all agencies look to him and need to follow his lead and guidelines, to which he still to this day has no clear and precise policy, guidelines. Now for God sake's, Trump wears a mask, then he doesn't wear a mask. Trump calls for social distancing measures one minute. Then mocks social distancing efforts at rallies the next. How is that leadership or Christianity in your eyes. Do you honestly think God is proud of him as all of His children are dying. Honestly think biblically and not on party lines because you like Trump. Now what I laid out here are very strong facts, but only God knows the absolute truth and will severely judge come that day.  So please don't hate me or call my mom a garden tool, I just spoke my mind, not political talking points or a social agenda. Just facts. But like someone else mentioned, this isn't the forum to discuss politics as it is a soar spot for many, especially if you are effected like loss of a loved one, loss of a home or job due to COVID-19. So please God bless all those affected. I have enjoyed many pieces Cyberslober has shared with us and I appreciate his time and efforts he puts in for our enjoyment. Thanks Cyber for your shares and God bless all. PEACE!!!!!!

Thank you for your thoughts and comments BADBAX, I appreciate them!  

Comment #22 Monday, September 28, 2020 2:37 AM

Maybe if all these Trump haters would stay off Facebook , Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter and get some REAL news they may learn something.

Great work on the wall! (no pun intended ... lol)

Comment #23 Tuesday, October 13, 2020 5:48 PM

Maybe if all these Trump haters would stay off Facebook , Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter and get some REAL news they may learn something. Great work on the wall! (no pun intended ... lol)

Thank you for your comments, DarkKnight!  

Comment #24 Tuesday, August 9, 2022 9:44 AM

These @?&%. $mfs.!!!  Their times a coming..  Nice work, this is awesome  

Thank you ??

Comment #25 Sunday, September 4, 2022 9:41 AM

"... This is the type of irrational behaviour i mean. So what, you hate Trump, Thats fine. What isn't fine is using a windows customization group to get on that podium and start preaching. For the record, Trump didn't kill 150,000 people. COVID-19 did. Are you suggesting Donald Trump created the virus in order to kill people?. That's irrational. Trump never created the policy that saw children put in cages and removed from families. Obama did that. ..."

Blah, blah, point, point, blah, blah, reproach, turn around and do exactly as what you were admonishing against.  Typical.  Must be all the red dye in the Kool-Aid.

Comment #26 Friday, December 6, 2024 5:27 AM

Argument is fine. Real artists cause that with their art. However, please remain respectful of the site's TOU. Folks don't have to agree with the artist, but they do have to remain mutually respectful. Thanks.

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