FreeForm Pantomime was created to be somewhat abstract, but at the same time remain out-of-the-way and usable. To that end I have used gestures in place of--the more commonly used--shortcuts to control WinAmp (dynamp), the desktop icons (icondesk), the VWM functions (rabidvwm), and the system clean-up module (cleanuppro).
The included manual contains an illustrated description of the gestures used and tables of the available hotkeys and shortcuts. Each gesture command has a hotkey counterpart for those times when gestures must be disabled (e.g. when using Adobe Photoshop) due to a software conflict.
Changes in version 1.1
* Added a theme setup menu (popuptheme.rc) which handles all the common theme settings and provides an easy way to execute the system cleanup modules.
* Added a WinAmp playback control panel to the status bar. The button next to the WinAmp display toggle hide/show of the control panel.
* Added a black color scheme... I really liked the clean look, but staring at white all the time was starting to burn out my eyes, I so added a black theme style.
* The VWM and stats boxes can now be made to hover above other windows. These options are controlled through the theme popup.
* The LSXCommand box will be revealed whenever the mouse hovers over the WinAmp display. The button to the right of the display no longer controls this feature. Both gesture and hotkey commands for this function have been left unchanged.
* xLabel lite has now replaced the complete version xLabel. The lite version proved to be have all the necessary features (and then some) so I decided to save a few kilobytes ^_^
* Eliminated the statslabel tweak. The amount of performance gained through the disabling of stats was so insignificant that it wasn't worth having as a tweak.
* Cleaned up the little "extras." There were a few images I used during development which accidentally got left in. If your looking for the Sakura wallpaper, check the downloads section on my website [link].
* Added gesture and hotkey commands for the hiding/revealing of WinAmp playback controls.
* Fixed a problem with the status bar overlapping the desktop icons at the 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 resolutions. The formula used to determine the number of icons per row was not being calculated correctly and extra icons were being added to each row. Not sure why this problem did not show up in earlier testing... Now tested for resolutions from 640x480 to 1600x1200.
Those are the major changes made in this revision, the remaining changes were just basic maintenance and minor fixes. This will probably be the final release for this theme unless a really serious problem comes up.
The manual also has a trouble-shooting section that addresses performance and international keyboard issues.
The wallpaper is done by pu-sama and can be downloaded here:
Comment #1 Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:59 AM