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Updated Aug 09, 2004 by Sk6

the muffinator
Comment #1 Monday, August 9, 2004 9:06 PM
Very pretty theme, I have the Thunderstorm IP set and it matches perfectly. On a default install at 1024x768 though the popup text was unreadably small since I didn't have silkscreen installed. Perhaps use LSFonts to load it with the theme? The default font size is too small, makes me squint.
An option for a hotspot at the top would be nice to reveal the taskbar.
I love the clock mouseover date.
An option to hide the tray would be nice, or to put it onbottom on the desktop, autohidden. (okay so i don't like the tray in windows )

Good fitt's law along the taskbar, but you could use the upper corners for something, mouseover or click

I miss an lsxcommand bar

Nice work!
Comment #2 Monday, August 9, 2004 10:40 PM
Nice job on a Treetog port (something I know something about;).
Comment #3 Tuesday, August 10, 2004 7:20 AM
lol, PharOe
I never seen this one done it is!
Honestly I didn't spend a whole lot of time making this one.
So maybe I'll add some extra's in there soon.
Comments in consideration Muffinator
Thanks M8's

Comment #4 Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:39 AM
Something i don't know at all : what is exactly LiteStep ? a shell replacment ? if so, what kind of differnce between a shelle replacment and a windows integration like WB ?
Comment #5 Wednesday, November 17, 2004 4:48 PM

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