MAPI EMail Notifier
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MAPI EMail Notifier

Updated Jul 14, 2004 by Judge

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Comment #21 Thursday, August 18, 2005 6:04 PM
Hi there Quinne, and those of you who suffer from the "An application is attempting to access your address book" nag: try out the little freeware found here:

Just remember that the reason for the nag is to prevent viruses from sending themselves through Outlook, so only use this tool if you have an updated and powerful antivirus installed.

I hope this helps!
Comment #22 Thursday, August 18, 2005 6:49 PM
For those of you who use Outlook, and suffer from the fact that clicking on the docklet tends to open a second instance of Outlook (since the docklet is dependent on having your email client running to begin with), simply set the shortcut configuration to "Outlook" (no quotation marks, no need for path) as the application, and "/Recycle" (again, no quotation mark) as the argument. Now a click on the docklet will maximize the running instance of Outlook.
Comment #23 Thursday, August 18, 2005 8:58 PM
Actually with outlook the docklet seems to just connect to the exchange server so it isn't dependent on Outlook actually running (or maybe I'm just imagining things). Whatever the truth of the matter, this is a really useful tip. I'm forever running multilple copies of Outlook.
Comment #24 Friday, August 19, 2005 6:01 AM
It does connect to the exchange server, and can consequently tell you what was your unread mail situation when Outlook was last running, but for those of us who do not check their email through exchange, Outlook has to be already running in order for new mail to be received. At least, this is the way I understand it...

The way I do it now is this: I created a shortcut to outlook.exe on the desktop (here you must provide the full path), and selected for it to open in a minimized window (strangely enough, it appears that Microsoft did not provide a switch for that). I then dragged it to the startup folder, and life became very nice, although the startup time became much longer.

Judge, thank you for a wonderful app. I hope you submit a pattent for it, because if you don't, Microsoft might, and they will come to you asking for money.
Comment #25 Thursday, May 25, 2006 2:47 PM
Is there any way to get the icon to pop up and down when a message arrives in my inbox, so the icon gets my attention more easily? (I'm still a newbie to these docklets so thanks!!)
Comment #26 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:48 PM
This is a really nice docklet that worked first time for me.

only 2 slight problems - outlook2003 asks me every 10 minutes if it is ok for an 'application' to access it. I cant seem to set this by default to yes.

The other issue is that the same message tells me that aplication is tying to access email addresses stored in my contacts! Why would it be doing that?

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