World Clock 0.2
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World Clock 0.2

Updated Jun 01, 2005 by Judge

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Comment #21 Sunday, June 5, 2005 4:53 PM
Hi, alpha-prime -- I checked everything you mentioned. sysstatscom.dll was in \ObjectDock, where I understood we were to unzip the file; all the others were correct. So I moved sysstatscom.dll to \docklets\sysstats. Right-clicking the blue question mark and then choosing Load brought up world.ini; clicking that did nothing. Then I tried it with sysstatscom.dll in both \ObjectDock and \docklets\sysstats at the same time with the same result.

My copy of the original ObjectDock is under Program Files and is not open. ObjectDock Plus is under Stardock\ObjectDesktop. I'll take out the original program, and see if that helps. I can't understand why others were able to unzip and use immediately.

Thanks for all your efforts!
Comment #22 Friday, September 9, 2005 3:00 AM
Your clock is awesome, but I tackle a problem.
With MSXML4 I managed to load clock to ObjectDock with no crash, but whatever I do, no matter what city I choose, there's only Groton, MA on the background (clock title changes still) and it's always 10:52 AM. I can't figure out what I need to do to make it work corretly.
Comment #23 Thursday, September 22, 2005 11:54 AM
Great Job Judge The Best Clock I ever had Keep the good work
For People Having Trouble, Dudes Whats going on maybe i will
have to give you guys tips on how to install this docklet
its so easy.
Comment #24 Sunday, October 2, 2005 8:43 AM
I installed the clock, but it doesnt work... It always shows 10:52 Am, even when I change the place. How can I get it to work?
Comment #25 Monday, October 3, 2005 6:21 AM
i installed the clock - BUT:
1) i only seem to be able to change the location when i put it directly in the .ini file
2) the map only shows when i start the clock for the first time with the "Groton" (or whatever) location. when i click it or do anything else it vanishes and i have a black clock. even when i restart O-Dock with the manually changed location. it just wont show again

any advice? i meanits half the fun without the map
topy the sage
Comment #26 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 4:14 PM
I've the same problem of Greenglade.

What's "Groton"?
Why my clock is Black? Where is the world?
Comment #27 Wednesday, October 5, 2005 3:06 AM
"Groton" is the City which is "built in" in the .ini File - the City it starts with. Or so it seems...

topy the sage
Comment #28 Thursday, October 6, 2005 3:12 PM
Well... the clock now works, but it's black!
It doesn't show the "planet" in the background...

Anyone have the solution?
...and also a list of Zip code...
topy the sage
Comment #29 Monday, October 10, 2005 2:26 PM
A fast HELP!

The only problem now is he black background in the clock...
Where is the map?
Comment #30 Wednesday, October 12, 2005 9:33 AM
IS there any way to have the world clock display the time digitally above it instead of the location? I stink at reading analog clocks, but this one is so nice!
topy the sage
Comment #31 Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:35 PM
Well...I've three world clock: Los Angeles, New York and Tokyo... but all have a black backgroung instead the world map of the location.
How can I solve this problem?
Comment #32 Friday, November 25, 2005 9:23 AM
For those who still have the problem of the black background: I had it myself and I found the solution elsewhere on the internet.
It seems the World.vbs script had to be adjusted. With thanks to AndreasV.
Make a copy of your World.vbs script and replace the contents with (it's a bit long but hey...):

Const feedName = "Data Feed"

function stringToFloat(strFraction)
if IsNull(strFraction) then
stringToFloat = 0
exit function
end if

Dim strLength 'as Int
strLength = len(strFraction)

Dim dotPos 'as Int
dotPos = InStrRev(strFraction, ".")

Dim intValue 'As Int
Dim fractionValue 'As Int
intValue = Left(strFraction, dotPos - 1)
fractionValue = Right(strFraction,strLength - dotPos)

Dim valueAsFloat 'As Float
valueAsFloat = intValue + cdbl(fractionValue) / 100

stringToFloat = valueAsFloat

end function

Function MoveMap()
centerX = SysStatsModel.Width/2
centerY = SysStatsModel.Height/2

latitude = stringToFloat(SysStatsModel.Meters("Latitude"))
longitude = stringToFloat(SysStatsModel.Meters("Longitude"))

Dim world
Set world = SysStatsModel.Overlays("world")
w = world.ImageWidth - 512
h = world.ImageHeight

x = (longitude * (w/2) / 180) + (w/2)
y = (h/2) - ((h/2) * latitude / 90)

world.CenterX = x + 256
world.CenterY = y
End Function

function parseTimeToLong(strTime)
If IsNull(strTime) then
parseTimeToLong = 0
exit function
end if

Dim hours 'As Int
Dim minutes 'As Int
Dim AMPM 'As String
Dim colonPos 'As Int
Dim spacePos 'As Int
Dim totalTime 'As Int

colonPos = InStrRev(strTime, ":")
spacePos = InStrRev(strTime, " ")

hours = Left(strTime, colonPos - 1) ' 1-based string
minutes = Mid(strTime, colonPos + 1, 2) 'minutes are always 2 characters long
AMPM = Right(strTime, 2) 'AM or PM is always 2 characters long

AMPM = UCase(AMPM) 'uppercase it for comparison

If hours = "12" Then
hours = 0
End If

if AMPM = "PM" then
hours = hours + 12
end if

totalTime = cint(hours) * 3600 + cint(minutes) * 60

parseTimeToLong = totalTime
end function

Function localTime()
localTime = (SysStatsModel.Meters("UTC").GetAsLong("0") + (SysStatsModel.Meters("Zone") * 3600) + 86400) Mod 86400
End Function

function isDay()
Dim sunRise 'As String
Dim sunSet 'As String

sunRise = SysStatsModel.Meters("Sunrise")
sunSet = SysStatsModel.Meters("Sunset")

Dim curTimeAsLong 'As Long
Dim sunSetAsLong 'As Long
Dim sunRiseAsLong 'As Long

curTimeAsLong = localTime()
sunSetAsLong = parseTimeToLong(sunSet)
sunRiseAsLong = parseTimeToLong(sunRise)

'WScript.Echo "curTime: " & cstr(curTimeAsLong)
'WScript.Echo "sunSet: " & cstr(sunSetAsLong)
'WScript.Echo "sunRise: " & cstr(sunRiseAsLong)

isDay = (curTimeAsLong >= sunRiseAsLong) and (curTimeAsLong < sunSetAsLong)
end function

Function SetHands()
timeInSecs = localTime()
' SysStatsModel.Overlays("seconds").Rotation = (timeInSecs * 360 / 60) Mod 360
SysStatsModel.Overlays("minute").Rotation = (timeInSecs * 360 / 3600) Mod 360
SysStatsModel.Overlays("hour").Rotation = (timeInSecs * 360 / 43200) Mod 360
End Function

Function ScriptMeter_Update

ScriptMeter_Update = true
End Function

Function ScriptMeter_GetValue(selector)
Select Case selector
Case "DayNight"
Dim pmOrAM
ScriptMeter_GetValue = "Night"

if isDay() then
ScriptMeter_GetValue = "Day"
end If
Case "AMPM"
lTime = localTime()
If lTime >= 0 and lTime < 43200 Then
ScriptMeter_GetValue = "AM"
ScriptMeter_GetValue = "PM"
End If
End Select
End Function
Comment #33 Sunday, January 1, 2006 3:50 PM
is there a way to make the label an hh:mm display instead of just saying the location?
Comment #34 Monday, January 16, 2006 2:32 AM
very cool
Comment #35 Monday, April 17, 2006 3:36 AM
Im sorry but I am very new on all these docks...
I have installed the clock, but I dont know how to put a new location. I dont know where to right click... I can only see Groton !

Can someone help me ?
Comment #36 Friday, May 5, 2006 3:15 PM
The instructions are up in the description. Use ctrl-click.
Comment #37 Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:36 AM
Hello Judge,
I build GIS (Geographic Information Systems) data for a living (and I am a Land Surveyor) in Florida so I love anything that uses globes or maps. I was thrilled to see that you are re-centering the image to the users location (ctrl-click icon and change your zip code). That is very slick!!!
The one thing I seem to have trouble remembering throughout a days work is todays day and date. I like being able to quickly roll over the original ObjectDock Clock to see the day and date. Would you consider changing your world clock to display this info over the clock instead of the location name? (Usually I can remember where I am at any given time of day)

I love your work. keep it up and have fun with it!
Comment #38 Wednesday, August 9, 2006 1:38 PM
I wasted a day to install this world clock and I failed to change the location, the longitude/latitude, the time zone or anything else, because it restores all in a second.

Can anybody help me?
Comment #39 Saturday, February 24, 2007 10:17 AM
Comment #40 Saturday, February 24, 2007 12:56 PM
Find two files named SysStatsCOM.dll and Hook.dll in SysStats folder or somewhere else, and then copy them into ObjectDock folder.

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