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Updated Jul 19, 2003 by Jiri Krivanek

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Comment #181 Sunday, June 29, 2003 7:30 PM
Can you send me the skin image, the skin ini file and the menu ini file to check them to this address:
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #182 Monday, June 30, 2003 4:12 AM
"Wow!! It looks like you have to reprogram your whole computer to make this work and the sad thing is, I don't even know what it's suppose to be! Every other skin on this site is easy to install but this stupid thing. Even reading the tutorial on here, I was shocked how much BS you have to do to get it to work. I don't think it's even worth it now. I actually had to call my neighbor to my house to show him this and even he was shocked and confused and he programs computers for a living! This is really mental!"

As the KkMenu is intended to work with the Object Dock, it does not contain any installer. I expected that everyone who understands the Object Dock shortcut creation should be able to use it. If any of you has an idea of how the installer of KkMenu for "computer users only" could work, please tell me.

Many thanks to those of you who wrote the tutorials. I would not be able to write bettes ones.

The separator height is of the same height as the menu item due to the scrolling feature (just try to imagine that in case of different size of separator, the menu whould have to resize during its scrolling!).

I am missing the point of your font problems. To realize that, could you please give me your font (

Openning the Explorer upon double-clicking the dynamic folders should be no problem. In te next release ...

Sorry, I have no idea how to get the dynamic folder into the "root" menu. I will try to think it up. May be in the next release ...

Jiri Krivanek
Comment #183 Monday, June 30, 2003 5:47 AM
"Acces violation at adress 0041B91A in module "KkMenu.exe.". Read of adress 0092FF88"

You wrote that it happens always, but I was unable to reproduce it (actually I have never expierienced this kind of problem). Could you please e-mail me the exact way (step-by-step) you achieved it and attach the ZIP of your menu directory (i.e. all binaries and skins and menus)?

Thank you,

Jiri Krivanek
Comment #184 Monday, June 30, 2003 5:52 AM
Do you know that you can launch the KkMenuEditor by right-clicking the opened KkMenu? It will even open with the current menu ...
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #185 Monday, June 30, 2003 5:58 AM
My appologies (and thanks) to all skinners who are trying to make a skin for KkMenu. You are right, I am changing the skin form. The reason is simple: I am adding the new functionality (requested by you folks) and it mostly REQUIRES the new parameters. I believe that after some time the format will stabilize. More, the changes are not so big, are they?

George Jungle
Comment #186 Monday, June 30, 2003 12:26 PM
"Acces violation at adress 0041B91A in module "KkMenu.exe.". Read of adress 0092FF88"

I never had any problems with any versions of KkMenu until I got the above error today. I got this errror when I tried to access a network drive I had identified as a dynamic folder. However, this error only occurred when I was using the skin pack recently posted by lalfonsob

I don't get the error when I use the default skin pack.
Big Doug
Comment #187 Monday, June 30, 2003 7:59 PM

Great little app. Personally, I think that those of you (including myself at first) having problems making your menus should perhaps try looking at the .ini files found in the Menu folder, learn the programs' format, and then copy one, adjust your entries, and reset your arguments line to the new ini file. It's not as big and bad as you might think if you just study it a bit.

Thank you Jiri. Good app.
Comment #188 Monday, June 30, 2003 8:21 PM
Hi George Jungle: I'm the guy that did the skinpack! I jus tried my menus in my Work PC, is a windows 2000Pro with 860 MHz Pentium 3, Intel graphics, you know a business PC! I have 3 network hard drives, 44 GB each them,9 GB free, I linked my menu to one of the. Nothing wrong, there was a big quantity of files, long names and I almost explored all the hard drive and nothing! Can you write your specs to see what's wrong? I got some errors when I was porting the menu to the new system, but it was just bad metrics! Also, we have to wait if Jiri knows about that violation! I want my skins to be bugs free
! Thanks for your help and for let us know about that! Besides, can you tell me how can I reproduce that error?
Comment #189 Monday, June 30, 2003 8:56 PM

In a previous version of KkMenu you included a shutdown.exe which is called from entries in the Powering menu. This is not included in 2.70. Where can I get this, or an older version of KkMenu that includes it?

Thanks for a gret prog.
Comment #190 Tuesday, July 1, 2003 2:17 AM

I love this release...Great work!

The only problem that I'm having is that if I add the "Programs" folder to a menu(the one from start menu)it dispays fine and the nested menus work, but no applications will run from it. When I click on an app nothing happens. Has anyone else had this problem?

A couple of feature suggestions: How about adding a option for a centered menu title. Maybe the text could be bold or a little larger than the rest and It would be great if we could also put a centered image on the menu kind of like the separater line but with a user defined image. Also just a blank line would be cool as well... These options would alow for more customization of the look.
mark petrick
Comment #191 Tuesday, July 1, 2003 4:40 AM
I can't get it to work. I extracted all files with sub-directories from version 2.70. I followed all instructions: create shortcut to KkMenu.exe, edit the KkMenu.ini to make my own menus (ini file that is not included with zip, btw) and add arguments in the shortcut properties with menu name between quotes. And when I click the shortcut in ObjectDock, I get an error message saying: Could not find menu: myMenuName. I don't understand what's wrong. KkMenu.exe and KkMenu.ini are at the root of ObjectDock folder (C:\Program Files\Stardock\ObjectDock) and my ini file content has correct path and syntax. Ex: - [Chat]
MSN Messenger 6 = "I","new ones\msn.ico","C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\msnmsgr.exe",""
ICQ Lite = "I","new ones\icq.ico","C:\Program Files\ICQLite\ICQLite.exe",""
AOL Instant Messenger = "I","new ones\aim.ico","C:\Program Files\AIM95\aim.exe","" - I am running W2K. Can somebody tell me what I do wrong? Thanks
Comment #192 Tuesday, July 1, 2003 8:46 AM
I am pleased with this release.
I think there is still a problem.That is : when the application starts, the folder seems to be located at the KKmenu's folder so that some application can't start properly and will fail to find some files . So I think it is necessary to add a option where the folder locates.
It makes me can't run many applications
Hope KK can solve it. ( ( (
Comment #193 Wednesday, July 2, 2003 2:11 AM
My only question is how to get Dynamic Menus working. Can anybody help me?
Comment #194 Wednesday, July 2, 2003 9:37 AM
I find your app great and really usefull. If you don't mind I have some suggestions/questions about it.
1. Is there a way to change the yellow icon for dynamic folders, I mean not the menu icon, the folder icon itself?
2. Can I change the delay time for submenu auto-openning to "0" for instant access open like nextstart?
3. Is there a way to open dynamic folders in the mein menu without menu title instead of as submenu?
Thanks a lot.
Comment #195 Wednesday, July 2, 2003 7:16 PM

In a previous version of KkMenu you included a shutdown.exe which is called from entries in the Powering menu. This is not included in 2.70. Where can I get this, or an older version of KkMenu that includes it?

Thanks for a great prog.
Comment #196 Wednesday, July 2, 2003 9:52 PM
I am getting the same error mark petrick is.

Jiri Krivanek
Comment #197 Thursday, July 3, 2003 3:07 AM
The shutdown.exe was created by someone else (I downloaded it from the Object Dock library together with some powering related icons). I removed it as I had no explicit permision from the author to publish is as a part of my program. My appologies to the author of the shutdown.exe again.

Jiri Krivanek
Comment #198 Thursday, July 3, 2003 3:12 AM
"when the application starts, the folder seems to be located at the KKmenu's folder"

I thought that I fixed this problem with the KkMenu 2.70. What version of KkMenu do you use?

Jiri Krivanek
Comment #199 Thursday, July 3, 2003 3:21 AM
Ducane, Mark Petrick,

please note that since KkMenu 2.00 things has changed significantly. I suppose that the tutorial you are using does not match the KkMenu version. Sorry for the changes, but I improved the functionality significantly and I really had to change the skin and menus formats. More, I will continue doing that as the comunity has many new reuirements.

Comment #200 Thursday, July 3, 2003 7:51 AM

A serach of WinCustomize did not show up shutdown.exe. Can you provide a link, or an old version of the KkMenu ZIP that has it....


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