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Updated Jul 19, 2003 by Jiri Krivanek

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Jiri Krivanek
Comment #21 Tuesday, April 22, 2003 6:27 AM

sorry for the delay, I was on holliday for a couple of days.

I will soon post the update fixing some bugs you reported and improving the graphical performace on weaker PCs.

Please note that I am not going to implement any GUIs for editing the INI file. The reason is simple: I am pretty sure that Stardock will soon include the KkMenu functionality directly into the ObjectDock. More they will probably make it much more complex. Thus the further development is an awful waste of time.

The less IT users simply have to ask someone for a help or wait for Stardock to write the menus support.

Also to write the instructions would eat me much more time than to write the entire KkMenu application (please note that it is so simple that I spent no more than 5 hours with the development - excluding the graphics work as I was learning the Photoshop - you can see that my graphics is not prefect).

Thank you for all you loopback.

Comment #22 Thursday, April 24, 2003 4:53 AM
Hope this will help:

Step 1: Create a new shortcut in ObjectDock

Step 2: Edit the new shortcut (Right Click)

Step 3: Set the link to KkMenu.exe (ex: C:\Program Files\Menu\KkMenu.exe)

Step 4: Type "MS Office" on the argument line with quotation marks

Step 5: You can modify several things by editing the KkMenu.ini file with NotePad.
For example, if you want to replace the original icon of your program, paste your own icon in the KkMenu directory and change its name in KkMenu.ini (ex: Word = "I", "MyIcon.png", "C:\Program Files...). Do not forget to specify the right extension (.ico or .png).

Step 6: If the program you try to launch does not work, see if its filepath in KkMenu.ini is correct or check if the quotation marks (,"") are at the end of each line

If you want to create a new menu, it is quite simple

Step 1: Open KkMenu.ini and create a new directory (with the name [Games], for example)

Step 2 : Type the shortcut commands and respect the right syntax: MyGame = "I","MyGame.ico","c:\Program Files\MyGame\MyGame.exe",""

Step 3: Make a new shortcut in ObjectDock and edit the items. Title: Games / Link: C:\Program Files\Menu\KkMenu.exe (for example) / Arguments: "Games" with the quotation marks

That's it !

NB: Everytime you reboot Windows and you try to launch KkMenu, it says "Could not load image Kk Menu Aqua.png"
Here is the solution: Make a right click, select "Browse", go to KkMenu.exe, select "Open" and "OK".
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #23 Thursday, April 24, 2003 6:12 AM
NB: Everytime you reboot Windows and you try to launch KkMenu, it says "Could not load image Kk Menu Aqua.png"
Here is the solution: Make a right click, select "Browse", go to KkMenu.exe, select "Open" and "OK".

Did you try to download the update (1.10)? I thought I fixed this bug.

Sven Lowry
Comment #24 Friday, April 25, 2003 11:18 AM
Ok, here's how I got it to work for custom menus:
extract all the files with pathnames to the object dock directory, then copy the kkmenu.exe, kkmenu.ini and the aqua png file to the actual objectdock directory (they should be in the objectdock\menu directory)
Open up the kkmenu.ini file, and delete everything after the first block of text, ie: everything after, and including the [MS office] line.
Enter the menu name in square brackets where [ms office] was - eg: [Programs] or [Games]
Then type the following for each item you want on the menu:
Program name = "I","icon you want to use.png","drive:\folder\program name.exe",""

For example:
Solitaire = "I","cards.png","C:\windows\system32\sol.exe",""

then right click on the kkmenu.exe file, and goto create shortcut.
Drag the shortcut to where you want it on the OD, then right click on the new image it just made for you. Set the display name to Games, and in the arguements box type Games. set the icon you want and go OK
left clicking on the new icon should bring up a menu with Solitaire on

to add a different menu, just change Games to Programs or whatever you want to call the menu
Comment #25 Friday, April 25, 2003 12:26 PM
I have changed the ini file a little to make icons on the menu bigger. Is there any way to add space between each icon to make them fit in the menu without overlaping?
Sven Lowry
Comment #26 Friday, April 25, 2003 5:51 PM
Argyle - add the line:
Separator = "S"
between each item in the kkmenu.ini
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #27 Saturday, April 26, 2003 2:08 AM
Swen Lowry - wrong, the key names in the kkmenu.ini must be unique in the scope of a particular group. I.e.:


[Your Menu]
Excel = "I", ...
Separator = "S"
Word = "I", ...
Separator = "S"


[Your Menu]
Excel = "I", ...
Separator 1 = "S"
Word = "I", ...
Separator 2 = "S"

More, the icons cannot exceed height of the menu item! I.e. adding separators will not help.
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #28 Saturday, April 26, 2003 2:12 AM
Have you already downloaded the kkmenu 1.10 (i.e. second update)

I like people reading this comments as it is much better than any manual/instructions/help I could ever create for my kkmenu.exe application
Comment #29 Saturday, April 26, 2003 11:42 AM
This thing is awesome! I have the first version and it works like a charm. I'm downloading this new version now. Thanks for this menu!
Comment #30 Sunday, April 27, 2003 2:51 PM
Simply incredible... just amazing. Excellent work. The only thing I'm wondering about is making more than one menu on the dock (one for ms office, one for adobe, etc.). How can this be done? Thanx!!
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #31 Monday, April 28, 2003 1:20 AM
To have multiple menus simply create a multiple sections in the kkmenu.ini file, like:

[My Games]



As an argument of the object dock shortcut specify the double quoted name of the menu (which corresponds to the name of the section in the example above) you want to be popped (i.e. "My Games" or "Powering").

Have you already updated to the lates version - 1.10?

Do you know that you can create your own skin for the menu?

Have you read all the comments here before asking a question?
Comment #32 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 12:49 AM
this is awesome, i got it too work perfectly on my first attempt, did one menu for games, and a few others, now my question is, how can i change different skins, cause i tried making my own green one to match my desktop, all i did was use photoshop to change colors, saved as, and it didnt work, it got all messed up, i also just tried openign aqau, invert colors, saved as, and also no work, even though i changed nothing else, it still doesnt work, anyways, great job on this kick ass addition
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #33 Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:21 AM
To create your own skin follow these steps:

1. Imagine what the Skin.wmf tries to specify: The metrics of skin areas. Hopefully, the Skin.wmf file is a part of the distribution.
2. Create your own skin image. Please note that finally it must be a PNG file, say yourskin.png.
3. Edit the following item in the kkmenu.ini:
File Name = "yourskin.png"
4. Edit the following item in the kkmenu.ini:
Metrics: A-V = 64,16,32,15,64,0,64,80,112,128,56,32,16,56,8,72,128,160,192,208,272
The "Metrics: A-V" item contains 21 comma-separated number values. These values correspond to the letters A, B, C, D, ... V. The meaning of the values A-V should be specified by the Skin.wmf.
5. If you succeed, do not forget to publish your work here (I mean WinCustomize). The required content of a new skin:
- a skin image (i.e. yourskin.png),
- a skin metrics (i.e. the complete Metrics: A-V = ... line of your kkmenu.ini file).

Hope this helped.

Stu L Tissimus
Comment #34 Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:40 AM
Dude, Russians always make the best programs!
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #35 Friday, May 2, 2003 1:35 AM
I am not Russian but Czech.

Comment #36 Monday, May 5, 2003 3:27 PM
Is there a way to make links in the menu launch web pages?
Comment #37 Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:48 PM
or is it possible to load folders? cause i have a program that will open but wont start because it says it cant find the INI file but it works normal if its a link on my desktop, or quicklaunch, etc
Jason Brooks
Comment #38 Sunday, May 11, 2003 12:04 PM
This is a very useful app. Thanks a lot. Argyle mentioned that he'd made the icons bigger by editting the .ini file, is this possible?



Jiri Krivanek
Comment #39 Monday, May 12, 2003 6:50 AM
To open folder try something like this:
Folder = "I","","explorer.exe","C:\Program Files"

To load the www page try something like this:
Google = "I","","C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE",""

Unfortunately, windows links (shortcuts - .lnk) do not work.

To increase the icons size you should only decrease the size of the Y botder, i.e.:
Menu Item Border Width Y = 1
or you can achieve this by changing the skin.

Thank you for reading the comments instead of mailing directly to me,

Comment #40 Monday, May 12, 2003 8:56 AM
I have been playing with the menu and I have a question. How Can I change the icon size in the menu?

Jiri Krivanek :
You cannot change it directly as its size computed by the following
- 2 * .

The menu item height is given by the skin metrics and the Y border
width can be changed in the ini file.

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