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Updated Jul 19, 2003 by Jiri Krivanek

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Comment #41 Monday, May 12, 2003 8:59 AM
I want to change the color of the skin. I gets ugly.

Do I have to do a new one to fit my color needs?

If yes: The skin.wmf looks complicated to me. I will try and post results here.
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #42 Tuesday, May 13, 2003 1:09 AM
Sorry for that, the skin really is a bit complicated to figure out how it works. But once you know it it is realy simple. For the first time you can try to recolor the existing skin with the update layer of the Photoshop. Later you could figure out how the areas of the skin co-create the final image and to try to create completely new skin. Sorry for that I am not going to program the skin editor as it would be much more work than the kkmenu itself. Please do not forget to publish the results of your work here.
Comment #43 Tuesday, May 13, 2003 3:03 PM
Ok! I know how the areas of the skin work. But if try to change the color or applying a filter, the skin gets ugly. Now, I figured out that maybe I was applying the effect or the color to the whole image and that, it was the mistake, so I selected each of the parts of the skin and it didn't worked.
Now I will try your suggestion and if that doesn't work I will have to figure how the skin works. Thanks.
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #44 Wednesday, May 14, 2003 1:15 AM
Some of you folks, do not know how to use the object dock. I tried to create a simple guide of how to accomodate the kkmenu into the object dock.

I suppose you are using the object dock 0.90 and kkmenu 1.10.

0. Extract the kkmenu into any empty folder you want to, e.g. C:\Program Files\KkMenu110.

1. Rightclick on the object dock - NOT on any icon of object dock. An object dock properties dialog appears.

2. Click Create|New Shortcut. Press OK to close the object dock properties dialog. On the object dock (at the right-most position), the questionmark icon appears. This is a new shortcut icon.

3. Right-click on the new shortcut icon. A dock item properties (shortcut) dialog appears.

4. Write-in the title, e.g. Office.

5. Browse to the kkmenu.exe file. E.g. the link edit should contain: C:\Program Files\KkMenu110\kkmenu.exe.

6. Fill the menu item section name to the arguments edit. E.g. "MS Office".

7. Select the icon for your menu by pressing the change image button.

8. Press OK. The dock item properties dialog disappears.

Jiri Krivanek
Comment #45 Wednesday, May 14, 2003 1:48 AM
I updated the kkmenu. The update contains the test skin. Its areas are colored by different colors. It does not look like very nice but it should help to those of you who want to create their own skin to figure how the areas of the skin co-create the final kkmenu image.

To use it, extract the Kk Menu Aqua Test.png into the folder where you installed the kkmenu to. Than modify the kkmenu.ini:
File Name = "Kk Menu Aqua Test.png"
//File Name = "Kk Menu Aqua.png"

The skin metrics should stay unchanged.

Shaggy Johnson
Comment #46 Saturday, May 17, 2003 8:05 AM
Am i just being stupid? I use the download link but I only get a zip file with the test.png file in it. Where do I get the executable from??

Comment #47 Saturday, May 17, 2003 11:48 AM
This is a realy nice skin, but where can i get kkmenu.exe?
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #48 Monday, May 19, 2003 3:06 AM
I was unable to check it as (for whatever reason) I never see my own skins in the libraries but I believe that you can download the executable from the previously published kkmenu. I published the image only to save the server space (and as the executable did not change).

I am wrong?
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #49 Monday, May 19, 2003 3:14 AM
As I do not know the exact behaviour of the wincustomize library I published the kkmenu 1.11. It is complete kkmenu 1.10 with one additional PNG file containing the test skin mentioned before.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

Jiri Krivanek
Comment #50 Monday, May 19, 2003 3:15 AM
As I do not know the exact behaviour of the wincustomize library I published the kkmenu 1.11. It is complete kkmenu 1.10 with one additional PNG file containing the test skin mentioned before.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

Shaggy Johnson
Comment #51 Monday, May 19, 2003 6:37 AM
Sorry, but I still can't tell where I can get kkmenu.exe from. I clicked the download link, but its still just the zip file with 1 test png file in it. Can you post a link in the comments section to the exe file?

Jiri Krivanek
Comment #52 Monday, May 19, 2003 7:24 AM
Well, the wincustomize library is currently being maintained. The exe file will be available immediately when the library is ready. I cannot influent that.

Shaggy Johnson
Comment #53 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 5:04 AM
Got the file - thanks for your help Jiri
Comment #54 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 8:59 PM
Jiri: How can I put shortcuts to webpages? I tried the url but didn't work!

Or I can't?
Comment #55 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 9:21 PM
Were can I download the kkmenu? I can't find it at wincustomize... Can you provide a direct link Jiri?
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #56 Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:40 AM
1. For adding shortuctus to webpages read please all the comments here. I already gave you the guide for this (see please comment dated 5/12/2003 6:50:37 AM).

2. About downloading the kkmenu: The wincustomize has some strange problems. The statistics say that the kkmenu was today downloaded 34 times (it may mean that the other users can see the kkmenu in the library). I myself have never seen my skins in the library (i.e. among other skins). Unfortunately I have no webpage I could direct you to.

Comment #57 Wednesday, May 21, 2003 8:06 PM
Sorry, Again
Comment #58 Wednesday, May 21, 2003 8:10 PM
Jiri: Can I mirror the file?

For those that can't find it!
Jiri Krivanek
Comment #59 Thursday, May 22, 2003 1:17 AM
No problem.

Comment #60 Thursday, May 22, 2003 9:33 AM
OK, Finally I understood how the skin of the menu works.

I will post and image of the progress and then i will make a skin from my own to match most popular suites colors. I hope this will be the same as changing the colors of the skin that comes with the menu.

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