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Updated Jun 29, 2004 by CerebroJD

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Comment #1 Thursday, June 24, 2004 2:10 AM
Two Words... WOW

Opps, I guess that was one.
Jamie Macdonald
Comment #2 Thursday, June 24, 2004 3:07 AM
Nice and unique ...Dont think id use it myself i like having the extra bits but nice to see a lil difference in a skin
Comment #3 Thursday, June 24, 2004 5:21 AM
Very very nice clean classic look. There is a small margin adjustment needed in the prog list in the start panel. When using small icons you can see the first letter of each item.
Jamie Macdonald
Comment #4 Thursday, June 24, 2004 6:55 AM
Not a margin adjustment needed NightTrain is an issue with windowblins compact menus and having Large/Small icond set in the start menu ... Adjust the icon size not the theme otherwise all the people with the opposite setting of icon size to you will have the same issue.
Jamie Macdonald
Comment #5 Thursday, June 24, 2004 6:56 AM
Oooher @ My typing
Comment #6 Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:50 AM
Great work! I'll give you 10 points just for originality. I'd give you a few more for the nice, clean graphics, but 10 is as high as it goes. Well done.
Comment #7 Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:02 AM
Very well done. Clean sharp look. Creative layout without sacrificing usability. Does it support color changing?
Comment #8 Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:22 AM
I just loaded th eskin and noticed one issue. The pinned and MRU program lists both have the Icon names truncated. Now I have mine set to "small icon" does that make a different on how the start menu appears. I have noticed the same thing with the right pane in some "compact" skins as well.
Comment #9 Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:25 AM
I love this but I would prefer to see the program menu and the places menu switched, as in size. Also, with the min/max buttons on the side, a strip of the desktop shows on the right. Other than that, this is a great skin! I love the detail and the smallness.
Comment #10 Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:29 AM
OK, disregard the comment about the start menu. I'm beginning to like it now that I reset the icons to large.
I.R. Brainiac
Comment #11 Thursday, June 24, 2004 10:39 AM
has some neat features CJD...clean and minimal...good work.(pooh on that blue tho ,hehe)(I know...you can change the color with WB )
Comment #12 Thursday, June 24, 2004 11:25 AM
Very unique! I really like it, all ecept for the start menu. I cant get used to the narrow program list, it looks kinda funny. I tried a little size adjustment. Also, just FYI, the shutdown flag on the "please wait" screen is off kilter. It doesnt fit right. I found it much better to hide it by reducing it to 1X1 pixel, then you can put whatever graphic you want there, then all three screens will align properly. Again, very nice skin. Its clean ,simple, and unique
Comment #13 Thursday, June 24, 2004 12:59 PM
First WB skin and a nice one at that. Here's a couple of tips or tendencies that I found with SKS that this skin is experiencing....

First one is setting colors....anywhere that you can set a color, usually happens with black, if the 0,0,0 isn't showing the skin will show the previous skin's color setting. You have this problem with the Text-Normal under the Window attribute in colors. The little square showed it was supposed to be black, but everything was white on my system, because of the last skin I was using.

Second one is a color issue with the control panel header color not being set so it's magenta with a dark blue gradient.

Also, crissy14 made a good point about reducing the shutdownflag to a 1x1 pixel. A trick I didn't learn until after I did my first skin.

About the startmenu, don't worry about it. Set it up the way you use yours. It doesn't work with 16x16 icons or 48x48 icons, the two other options here. Alternative, if you want would be to include a single substyle with the default startmenu size showing text.

About the color, I agree with IR about the color blue, but that's a personal thing and it doesn't take away from the overall quality of the skin

For future skins, if you haven't created toolbar icons or animations, delete them and the skin will use the default on the user's system. It'll shrink yoru file size around 250K. Hep us poor folk who still be on dial-up and save WC a little bandwidth costs

The graphics are great, the clean and everything is easy to read and use. Has a nice classic look to all the buttons and scrollbar. This skin is very minimalistic and I can see you put a lot of work and thought into it. Good Job. BTW....hope your apetite is up for eating a few floppies LOL you know skinners are going to take you up on it....at least I might, if I can dig up one of the big old floppies, maybe one of those one's you find stuck to the bottom of some mildewy old box, where some little rodent made it's home for the past 10 years yum!! I'm sure I can find one of those
Comment #14 Thursday, June 24, 2004 1:46 PM
Holy cow! Clearly this is more popular than I thought it was gonna be! Thanks for the tons of comments guys. I really appreciate the feedback. I'm already working on an update for it, and I'll try to fix as many issues as I can, today and tomorrow.
Joan Polishan
Comment #15 Thursday, June 24, 2004 2:19 PM
Great skin
Comment #16 Thursday, June 24, 2004 4:20 PM
Essencay, this is his 2nd skin. And a very good one at that...

Nice job Cerebro.
Comment #17 Thursday, June 24, 2004 5:15 PM
Nice. Very clean and creative. A much needed quality that is neaded here. Something that does not look so "bandwagonish".. WONDERFUL. LOL
Comment #18 Thursday, June 24, 2004 5:19 PM
As for a more minimal skin. I beleve there is one. However it is for the great Enlightnment window manager for Linux. There are two versions.
1.) Hacker Purple
2.) Hacker Green
Just being freindly. In no way bashing your wonderful, rule bending skin!
Comment #19 Thursday, June 24, 2004 5:47 PM
DOH MyPod....

Essencay crawls under a rock
Comment #20 Thursday, June 24, 2004 5:49 PM
Hmmm red text don't work here.....well I'm 0 for 2.

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