Mac OS X Tiger
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Mac OS X Tiger

Updated Mar 25, 2005 by Steve Grenier

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Comment #61 Monday, February 21, 2005 6:35 PM
Steve I did do what you said and installing it again did not work so i am going to use OS X panther but i want to use tiger so much because when i used tiger the buttons didn't work and how do i get those icons
Comment #62 Monday, February 21, 2005 6:41 PM

Where do i find those icons? the ones in the upper right corner..
Comment #63 Monday, February 21, 2005 6:50 PM
nice skin by the way.. i love the mac look.. what kind of app do u use to make those restart, shutdown and log out buttons? and the icons ofcourse..
Comment #64 Monday, February 21, 2005 7:41 PM
Great skin. everything fits perfect. nice job

Where can I get this iTunes widget???...Thanks

Comment #65 Monday, February 21, 2005 8:54 PM
I'm new to Windowblinds and the skin looks great, but where would I get the dock, other, etc. Not even certain if I downloaded it right, can only see the taskbar.
Steve Grenier
Comment #66 Monday, February 21, 2005 9:15 PM
I will release the extras later with all links on how to get them. All in time

The Icons are just a collection of Mac OS X Panther icons. They are lined up like that using AveDesk. The iTunes widget is a skin for AveTunes, which is part of AveDesk. It's an incredible application.

The logoff and shutdown button ect are shortcuts not buttons. Search google for shutdown, logoff, restart shortcuts and just add them to the list

JasonAlexander88, What version of WB do you have. If you have 4.4 or lower upgrade to 4.5.
Comment #67 Monday, February 21, 2005 9:19 PM
I have 4 but how do i update
Steve Grenier
Comment #68 Monday, February 21, 2005 9:29 PM
Well if you bought Windowblinds just open Stardock Central. If you didn't, I can't help you out, but may god have mercy on you
Comment #69 Monday, February 21, 2005 9:43 PM
how do you get the dock?
Comment #70 Monday, February 21, 2005 11:34 PM
I did buy it
Comment #71 Monday, February 21, 2005 11:52 PM
Thanx.. how do i make the hdd info at the sides of the icons?
Comment #72 Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:17 AM
is it possible to make a suite with everythign allready in it so we dont ahve to go hunting it all down
Comment #73 Tuesday, February 22, 2005 6:26 AM
One excellent skin. Congrats!
Steve Grenier
Comment #74 Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:07 AM
Thanks, and yes it is impossible because a lot of programs in aren't used in suites. The icons are AveDesk which was mentioned before.

JasonAlexander88, go and download the new version of WB through Stardock Central then.
Comment #75 Tuesday, February 22, 2005 11:08 AM
One Question is still open: How do i remove the Throbber (the small animation in the top right edge)in my Windows File-Explorer? (like in your sceenshot, or do you edit it there in Photoshop...?) To get the clean look of the real Mac OS X Finder! Or is this not possible?!?!
Ian Macey
Comment #76 Tuesday, February 22, 2005 11:36 AM
Hi great theme. What did you use for the bottom and top bars?
Comment #77 Tuesday, February 22, 2005 1:40 PM
great skin, but where is the bg?
Comment #78 Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:53 PM
I came to WinCustomize looking for some cursors but I've found your nice looking theme (judging from the screenshot), but since I don't have Windowblinds... err... any plans to make a MSStyle version?
Comment #79 Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:55 PM
I came to WinCustomize looking for some cursors but I've found your nice looking theme (judging from the screenshot), but since I don't have Windowblinds... err... any plans to make a MSStyle version?
Comment #80 Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:56 PM
95% perfect, but still perfect

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