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Updated Feb 17, 2006 by -scion-

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Comment #61 Saturday, February 18, 2006 3:58 PM
Great idea Viscan!

I noticed you posted on my screenshot useing Aten scion. The thing I like
the most about this Windowblind is that it goes with EVERY blue background
that I can find. It is so difficult to choose just one wallpaper because
everything looks so good.
starbucks angel
Comment #62 Saturday, February 18, 2006 9:45 PM
I love this skin.
And the lights beside the small windows are very lovely and unique!
Thank you!
Comment #63 Sunday, February 19, 2006 2:23 PM
Thanks for the top dock version, this has become my default skin. I noticed that the taskbar Group menu is still the default "Luna blue". Just wanted to point it out in case there is an update coming.
Comment #64 Sunday, February 19, 2006 8:29 PM
This is a great skin indeed.

However I was just working in Microsoft word and I noticed that I couldnt see a few things like the little button that switches between what kind of inded you want to put on your paper (the one with the L, backwards L, upsidedown T, etc...)

But this shouldbe easy to fix. Great job regardless.
Comment #65 Monday, February 20, 2006 8:07 PM
Any chances for WB4 version? This skin is awesome, but doesn't work with WB4.6 well...
Comment #66 Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:37 PM
wow..mixed reactions to say the least. it seems this is a "love it or hate it" skin. i'll try to answer some of the questions the best that i can...

Button glows - with the skin containing 3 substyles (4 including the default)...removing these for an update would require an additional 4 substyles to accomodate every user. i had thought of creating one default substyle with no glows but that would leave out the compact start panel users, as well as the top dock in reality, to accomodate all of you it would require 8 substyles and a MASSIVE download. the time it would take to edit and test those substyles would also be considerable.

WB 4x version - with the release of WB5, all of my design focus has gone to the new software. in other words, they are designed from the gound up specifically for WB5. it's difficult to design from a neutral standpoint with much more capable software available. it's simply "more fun" when not tied down by the limitations of WB4.x. i'm well aware that many users have not made the switch to WB5, or simply can't make the switch. i'm not intentionally ignoring those users, but for me it's just more fun to create a WB5 skin. again, sadly there will be no WB4.x version.

Start panel issue - Simply change the start panel icons from small to large (or vise-versa) and change them back and the issue is corrected.

Firefox issues - Firefox uses alot of "System" settings from Windows XP. in other words, firefox uses settings from XP's code rather than from windowblinds. from my understanding the issue is centered around the tabs, which are blue. there are two ways to fix this, you can either create a firefox specific skin to match the windowblinds skin, or you can change the system text color in skinstudio (which changes just about every font color in windows). not a good thing. in the end, i thought it was livable the way it was. it was either sacrifice design or usability, in this case i chose design.

Toolbar icons - another choice of design over function. quite simply i liked the clean look of the blank icons in context with this skin. Nebula had the same design scheme for the icons. With XP there is always something telling you what you're clicking on either via a tooltip, or text labels under the icons. the fact that i liked the clean icons coupled with the fact that something will tell you what it is, i didn't feel the need to have little "pictures" depicting what is being spelled out on the screen.

i certainly appreciate all of the feedback (good and bad) and will certainly apply all of it to my next project "Galaxy Two". each time you post a skin, you learn a little more about the various ways people use their computers and how they apply to what you've created. the good, great, bad and the ugly...every bit of feedback helps.

Thank you all for your support and the feedback!!
Comment #67 Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:52 AM
Zenquibo votes for MASSIVE download...
skin would be perfect without the glow imo
Comment #68 Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:50 AM

Jafo wanders in..... does the odd 'promotion thing' .....wanders out again....

[blame Good Morphing]...

Comment #69 Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:02 PM
wow..i'm honored...does this mean i get a special tee-shirt or hat?? lol

thank you jafo and wincustomize team for the promotion...i truly am honored!!
Comment #70 Monday, February 27, 2006 10:54 AM
This skin is the best all-around skin available. I like the top dock feature, which I use all of the time.

The design is classy. I like the small, easy to read fonts and the conservation of screen real estate.

Great job!
Comment #71 Monday, March 20, 2006 10:45 PM

Comment# 44 By Citizen juneyong - 2/17/2006 2:26:36 AM

hi -scion-
great job you did
i report a bug with Aten about #22
to fix that star panel issue you should change TopHeight in [StartPanel.ProgList] & [StartPanel.PlacesList] , its too high.

for example:


Thanks juneyong, that fixed the strange transparent start menu issue and I can now use this excellent skin! FYI, not only did I have to change the TopHeight value in the [StartPanel.ProgList] section, I also had to change it in the [StartPanel.PlacesList] section (I changed both values to 25).

-scion-: You did an amazing job on this skin, cheers!
Comment #72 Monday, July 31, 2006 7:50 PM
Hi mate I just download your skin a long time ago,but I wanted to ask you a big big favour,if there is any chance u could put the main task bar colour into a green colour as I like it alot,

it would be much aprichiated
Comment #73 Wednesday, October 17, 2007 3:06 PM
one of the best skins around!

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