Comment #2 Sunday, October 8, 2006 10:21 AM
As a first skin it's pretty basic, but it's not awful. It's also a lot different to the thousands of other vista clones that litter the net.
So before you comment on people's work, make sure you've got something behind you so you don't sound like a complete loser.
Comment #3 Sunday, October 8, 2006 10:31 AM
but leave the skinning to the pros, or become a pro a make you own s[h]it. |
oh you mean a pro like yourself? *googles skins made by ramesese*
Comment #6 Monday, October 9, 2006 3:33 AM
"Windows Vista meets Windows XP Media Center Edition" a funky looking crossover of the two. Very Interesting.
Also, in the control panel, on the left , I see blank spots where text should be.

Comment #8 Monday, October 9, 2006 6:07 AM

Comment #9 Monday, October 9, 2006 9:24 AM
Bottom line, you used a pre-existing skin[s] and recolored it, and submitted it as your own. No orginalitiy there. Sorry.
By no means am I attacking you, I'm just pointing out what you did, which is a fact. Don't shoot the messenger.

Comment #10 Monday, October 9, 2006 9:49 AM
However, it's like going to the grocer and buying some maple/Jimmy Dean sausage, take it home and prepare it, and you don't like it, so instead of throwing it away and saying 'forget about it' you go a step further and contact Jimmy Dean Enterprises and tell them 'look I bought your sausage and tried it, I had dislike to it'. It's like Jimmy Dean himself, or a spokesperson [such as yourself] saying to you 'Well, if you don't like it make your own or attempt to'.
So Mr. wiseguy, it's ok to cheerlead, but don't take it to another-level, because if it's all that great cheerleader, go back and tell him messenger-boy, to submit it to the gui-champs, oh I forgot, it has to be original, your own designs, no elements of a previous submitted work. I guess that don't qualify for that. Did I mention there is this one skinner whom submitted a blind to the GUI CHAMPS'S it's is first time ever skinning as well, as a matter-of-fact I'm using his blind right now, and I must say it's one of the best blinds I've seen.
If you don't like or can't stand constructive-criticism, this business is not for you, because believe me, the well established skinners heard it all.
Just you 2 dimwits, probably coming over from d.a., submitting ripped skins over there, and using alias's on this site.
Well, this is one dude, who aint buying your submitted junk or bum comments. -Don't shoot the messenger

Comment #11 Monday, October 9, 2006 9:50 AM
P.S. I have used Skin Studio NUMEROUS times, as well as Stylebuilder for visual styles, i have tinkered with MANY skins and visual styles, i have actually completed a visual style (but didnt submit it) and i could bet money that this "skinning is not for me" excuse is total crap - it was just too hard and time consuming for you.

Comment #12 Monday, October 9, 2006 11:15 AM
However, it's like going to the grocer and buying some maple/Jimmy Dean sausage, take it home and prepare it, and you don't like it, so instead of throwing it away and saying 'forget about it' you go a step further and contact Jimmy Dean Enterprises and tell them 'look I bought your sausage and tried it, I had dislike to it'. It's like Jimmy Dean himself, or a spokesperson [such as yourself] saying to you 'Well, if you don't like it make your own or attempt to'.
So Mr. wiseguy, it's ok to cheerlead, but don't take it to another-level, because if it's all that great cheerleader, go back and tell him messenger-boy, to submit it to the gui-champs, oh I forgot, it has to be original, your own designs, no elements of a previous submitted work. I guess that don't qualify for that. Did I mention there is this one skinner whom submitted a blind to the GUI CHAMPS'S it's is first time ever skinning as well, as a matter-of-fact I'm using his blind right now, and I must say it's one of the best blinds I've seen.
If you don't like or can't stand constructive-criticism, this business is not for you, because believe me, the well established skinners heard it all.
Just you 2 dimwits, probably coming over from d.a., submitting ripped skins over there, and using alias's on this site.
Well, this is one dude, who aint buying your submitted junk or bum comments. -Don't shoot the messenger

Comment #13 Monday, October 9, 2006 11:46 AM
However, if or if not I choose to submit a skin is my choice, but even if I choose to do so it will be crappy, not taking anything away from myself..just keeping it real. But if I do, it won't be a RIPPED, RECOLORED SKIN as in this preview. You're not listening you're just talking trying to take up for something and coming down on someone who sad something about a skin. Don't get made because I spoke on it. I hate thieves. I hate thousands of these vista-like skins, especially ripped vista-skins. I was'nt being rude. I was telling the truth. THE SKIN IS RIPPED AND RECOLORED. If you can't understand that something is wrong with you dude..Oh let me guess public-school right.
P.S. I did'nt call the skin awful, I called it ridiculous. Go over to d.a. it is so many vista-skins that some is ripping other peoples' vista skins, and calling it their own. I even caught some and reported it. This is crazy what's going on, and now them same dudes, who AINT never skinned nothing before in their natural born life, tries to skin a vista skin a RIPPED one at that. Them same boys is coming over here with that same crap. So it's getting too numerous and I can't catch'em all, oh but when I do... I said the same thing over there to them low-life WANNABE SKINNERS and I'll say the same thing here. Take that shit somewhere else. Only real artists allowed over here. If you can't understand that do some checking bro.
-Don't shoot the messenger

Comment #14 Monday, October 9, 2006 11:54 AM
This theme is ridiculous! This is nothing but a ripped skin and recolored. If you toyed around with skinstudio [most likely a downloaded pirated warez nut job] you could've made something let's say...a little more original. Not to sound too harsh on ya, but leave the skinning to the pros, or become a pro a make you own s[h]it. |
This isn't a professional site. It's a community of individuals supporting each other and devoting their personal time so people like you can have free user submitted downloads. The whole concept relys on people supporting each other and helping each other out to make the quality of all the free content better. If everyone were professionals you'd be paying for everything. If you don't like the quality of the submissions then instead of being an asshole and spewing your useless negativity, do something or suggest something to make it better, constructively. Otherwise leave the criticism to the "pros".
Comment #15 Monday, October 9, 2006 11:58 AM
This theme is ridiculous! This is nothing but a ripped skin and recolored. If you toyed around with skinstudio [most likely a downloaded pirated warez nut job] you could've made something let's say...a little more original. Not to sound too harsh on ya, but leave the skinning to the pros, or become a pro a make you own s[h]it. |
This isn't a professional site. It's a community of individuals supporting each other and devoting their personal time so people like you can have free user submitted downloads. The whole concept relys on people supporting each other and helping each other out to make the quality of all the free content better. If everyone were professionals you'd be paying for everything. If you don't like the quality of the submissions then instead of being an asshole and spewing your useless negativity, do something or suggest something to make it better, constructively. Otherwise leave the criticism to the "pros".
Comment #17 Monday, October 9, 2006 12:05 PM
Seriously. If you want to go ahead and post derogatory stuff about other people's "work" then go ahead, but have a go at being constructive rather than destructive, which is all too easy.
I agree that there are far too many wannabe vista skins knocking around, I said so myself, but there you go - the same thing happens with each OSX version, it happened with XP. Just because this one didn't match your expectations of what should and shouldn't constitute a good skin, don't get angry at me for pointing out that you have no place beating newcomers down.
There are few enough new WB skins without the few that arrive being torn down because they don't fit your exacting standards. Now kindly shut up and stop acting like you own the place.
Comment #18 Monday, October 9, 2006 1:27 PM
Don't rip, or mod a skin, and recolor it.
My expectations is not really the matter here because I prefer dark themes, and it does'nt fit into my category anyways.
I never mentioned the do's or dont's of what constitutes a good skin. I simply stated and will continue to state, the skin is a ripped mod[ification] of a submitted skin[s] and recolored. What part of that don't you understand? Don't take up for thievery - you banish it.
I'm going to tell you what this other dufus over at d.a. told me personally when I confronted him about him ripping and modding of other people's works, he stated 'I don't care..look at all these downloads I'm getting..if you don't like it don't download it'
Genius, what does that tells you? If I'm not mistaken this Rebel2206 is one of those rippers that was over at d.a.
Before you try to come down and scrutinize me you need to do some research, and believe me you will draw the same conclusion as have I and countless others.
I don't care if someone makes a replication of vista as they did xp that is not the point. It's those wannebe skinners who steals other people's works, especially without permission,do some recoloring and mod[ifications] submit it and call it their own.
So what if it's free, just because it is I'm not accepting stolen property!
All the number 1 skinners has thousands of downloads, and their popularity increases on their original concept works, so you mean to tell me, that this thief is going to be included with the pros' amongst thousands of download awards, that what these rippers want is to be included with the upper echelons of the pro skinners.
So this thief will not get my download.
Citizen Vinny212,
You must be new here as well, this is a professional site, if had'nt noticed or properly navigated this site, they sell skin packs here as in addition to free skins. There are plenty of professional skinners on this site, you must be the asshole if you have'nt figured that out. Let me guess public school for you to huh.
You mentioned the quality of submissions, with a plural submission[s] it's only 1 submission I'm talking about.
Did your mother drop you on the head when you was a baby? That's an awful comment. You was'nt stolen right? Well, this skin is.
For you to comment on and take up for thievery makes you one of those bandits to. Therefore, you can't be trusted.
It would be much different if this so-called newcomer designed and submitted is own skin we would'nt be having this conversation right now, however he did'nt he stole it and recolored.
Do some meditation, some breathing techniques, some enhanced learning, maybe go back to school, if you're still in school, in which I think you are finish it up, and get your mind right. Before, you want to step up and open your mouth and comment on something bogus.
P.S. How can anyone give any kind of feedback or any type of critique of this skin i.e, pink spots, edges not right, or etc., on something ripped because those elements are missing. Not to say this guy did something right, and that's why some elements is not there, maybe for the exception of some blank spots intentionally done on purpose to take away from this skin being stolen.
Wake up and drink some coffee, but ask mommy first.
-Dont shoot the messenger

Comment #19 Monday, October 9, 2006 2:25 PM
Citizen Vinny212, You must be new here as well, this is a professional site, if had'nt noticed or properly navigated this site, they sell skin packs here as in addition to free skins. There are plenty of professional skinners on this site, you must be the asshole if you have'nt figured that out. Let me guess public school for you to huh. You mentioned the quality of submissions, with a plural submission[s] it's only 1 submission I'm talking about. Did your mother drop you on the head when you was a baby? That's an awful comment. You was'nt stolen right? Well, this skin is. For you to comment on and take up for thievery makes you one of those bandits to. Therefore, you can't be trusted. It would be much different if this so-called newcomer designed and submitted is own skin we would'nt be having this conversation right now, however he did'nt he stole it and recolored. Do some meditation, some breathing techniques, some enhanced learning, maybe go back to school, if you're still in school, in which I think you are finish it up, and get your mind right. Before, you want to step up and open your mouth and comment on something bogus. P.S. How can anyone give any kind of feedback or any type of critique of this skin i.e, pink spots, edges not right, or etc., on something ripped because those elements are missing. Not to say this guy did something right, and that's why some elements is not there, maybe for the exception of some blank spots intentionally done on purpose to take away from this skin being stolen. Wake up and drink some coffee, but ask mommy first. -Dont shoot the messenger |
The kids 15! Give him a little direction. He probably doesn't even understand what he did wrong to the extent that you claim. You're more than twice his age, fucking act like it. Yes there's a professional section dedicated to people who want to make money off of their creations, but the free submissions are for people that want to learn, contribute and refine their skills. I'd much rather have this site full of kids making mistakes but at least showing an effort to learn and contribute rather than a bunch of morons like you doing nothing but bitching at the amateurs and discouraging people from taking the time to get it right.
Comment #20 Monday, October 9, 2006 2:35 PM
If memory serves, your debut to this site was quite eloquently marked with you sticking your foot in your mouth up to the knees.
I see nothing has changed.
I agree that this skin is a rip/recolor and should go away, but that is where the agreement ends.
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Comment #1 Sunday, October 8, 2006 9:19 AM