Altars Of Madness
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Altars Of Madness

Updated Nov 16, 2006 by cycoced

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Comment #61 Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:02 AM
Good answer.
Comment #62 Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:47 AM
The funniest thing is: I'm not a satanist, I believe in Jehovah (yes siree bob). I won't state here what I think about established religions, because this is not the place, but to me they all prevent humans from reaching God by creating some sort of pointless hierarchy, and adding dogmas to the bible which are not needed.
The Bible suffices to itself, I...

This is really funny. I mean, the guy who created the skin is a Jehovah Witness (at least is what it seems) and we all know that they are very religious and he doesnt feel the need to come here and preach about his religion. Simply put, he likes Morbid Angel and decided to create a skin to pay homage to one of the greatest death metal albuns in history (to me is Human by Death but, hey, who all have different opinions )

Then comes this moron Mr. Korper Arts saying: "Oh! I`m so offended, satanism is a crime, we all should be jews!" Well SCREW YOU PAL and all your stupid holier than thou atitude. Thats why the world is doomed, because people, instead of assuming their responsibilities and their mistakes, blame the media, videogames, the TV, music and religion for their own goddamn screwups. And wtf is that saying that satanism is a crime?! Do some goddamn research first before making yourself look stupid and ignorant. THE PROBLEM ISNT RELIGION, ITS THE GODDAMN PEOPLE WHO USE IT TO JUSTIFY THEIR ACTIONS!!!

Uff! Sorry about the rant, I just needed to let it out. Oh, and by the way, the skin is great, although I would make the bars a little thiner. Congrats cycoced!
Comment #63 Tuesday, November 21, 2006 10:38 AM
SpicyBlack, I am no Jehovah Witness, but I do agree with most things they say, I enjoy reading the Watchtower and Awake. I refuse to be part of an organization managed by humans though, therefore I'll never be a JW. I know a lot of people whom are JW, and there are a few things that I don't like in there, not the things they preach, but some behaviors or ways of thinking that I find disturbing. Anyhoo, that's not the place to discuss such a matter. And more importantly, I don't think humanity deserves to be saved, not even myself (well, except my daughter, obviously, she's just perfect, and she's not yet perveted by the outside world's filth).

So you find the bars to be thick? Tell me which bars: Window bars, menu bars? Give me a hint!
And thank you for the nice comment.

Oh, and "Altars of Madness" isn't my favorite MA album, "Covenant" is ("God of emptiness", the best song ever). Human by Death is a good choice, but there are so many good albums out there, it's sometimes hard to pick up a favorite one!

Nyteinc: I didn't plan on creating a full sized start menu version, but if you have Skinstudio, you can mess around with the size of the start menu UserPane, this will make the Places List larger, making the start menu a full sized one... I hope this will sort out okay graphic-wise...
Comment #64 Tuesday, November 21, 2006 3:08 PM
Well, then sorry about that cycoced, when you said that you believed in jeohvah I made the association.

Yeah youre right, its kinda hard to pick a favourite Death metal album, there are so many and so many of them are good, but Human by Death has a special place in my metal selection.

Regarding the bars, I was refering to the windows top bars and to the start bar. Maybe do them a litle thiner and more minimalistic. But, goddamn, I love that Start button.
Comment #65 Tuesday, November 21, 2006 8:30 PM
Hello everyone,
I think the this skin looks fantastic! All this talk about what symbols are "evil" is what gives them there evil conotations. They take on the personification of evilness because you believe that to be. Symbols can be powerful, yes, but you give them that power. If you are not a satanist, then the inverted pentagram is of no value to you outside of its artistic value. The masons or shriners, I forget which now, use the inverted pentagram. Take a trip to the cemetery, you will see them on their grave markers. To them, it has nothing to do with satanism.
I am a wiccan, I use a pentagram with the one point up. People see that & they think it is evil. To me it represents man/woman and a lot of other very positive things.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Look at all theses negative posts! These were made by people, not symbols. To look so deeply into something, that truly, in itself, is not there, is what we need to fear. A lot of these posts, are my proof of point.
Just a side note on halloween, Wiccans, pagans celebrate a day called Samhain. Usually Nov1 or 2nd. This is a day when we reflect & remember friends & family, who have passed on. A wiccan is a witch. But not the kind with a long nose, definately not evil and they are positive, caring people. Ghosts at holloween are the dead. This is what Samhain is about. Paying hommage to those close to us who have pasesd on. Samhain is a time when the veil between our physical world & the non physical is the thinnest. I hate using the word witch, because of the connotations associated with the word. Like I said, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

So people, be happy, care for one another, live live & respect one another.
Comment #66 Wednesday, November 22, 2006 1:01 AM

Its just a skin peeps. A beautiful skin.

Jesus is a c**t. Allah is not real.and all the other religions suck.

If a point of view offends you then tuff shit.

Again great skin and a great album and band.
Comment #67 Wednesday, November 22, 2006 1:03 AM
Thanks for the link to the wallpaper. Its great.
Comment #68 Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:22 PM
This is great work! My desk is a bad influence on me.I don't think just one more will do much more harm. Nice work !
Comment #69 Sunday, December 3, 2006 5:04 AM
Excelent theme! hail Morbid!

Comment #70 Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:29 AM
exelent theme thank you smile
Comment #71 Thursday, February 1, 2007 6:33 AM
I love it!!!
Comment #72 Tuesday, September 4, 2007 2:14 PM
You should create an alternate icon package for this theme. This theme is totally badass! It works into my other dark themes fantastic. If you have any updates for this theme please let us know. And if you can create a blue theme to go along with this would be great also.

Hial Natas!
Comment #73 Tuesday, June 17, 2008 9:45 AM
I downloaded it and didnt get the wallpaper.I noticed this happens alot with windowblinds(LONG LIVE DEATH METAL)�
Comment #74 Wednesday, May 27, 2009 10:23 AM
Great job. This is probable my favorite skin.And for those who think this skin is tasteless. That means you have NO Taste what so ever. And anyone who reads hate in this skin is full of hate them selves and they do not belong on this site. Again great job and I cant wait to see your next one. Have a great day.......From Darkwing. Metal will never die.
Comment #75 Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:50 AM

I would love to see this updated 

Comment #76 Friday, May 13, 2011 12:34 AM

i cant believe i never said how much i liked this skin when it came out......ive loved it for years

bro,  anyway, wikked work and where are you? miss you heaps actually!!


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