Multiplicity 2.0 is currently in BETA and you're invited to try it!

Thursday, July 19, 2012 by Island Dog | Discussion: WinCustomize News

Multiplicity gives you the ability to control and quickly switch between multiple computers with one keyboard and mouse, reducing complexity and freeing up desk space for more efficient use.  Multiplicity 2.0 is currently in BETA and you're invited to try it!

Features in Multiplicity 2:

  • NEW! Simple Setup
    Install Multiplicity 2 on both computers, enter the secondary computer name and passcode, and you're connected!
  • NEW! Transfer Data Between Your PCs
    Copy and paste text, images, and files between your PCs. Multiplicity 2 also adds support for drag and drop of files and folders between machines.
  • NEW! Centralized Audio
    Centralize audio from all of your PCs to a single PC ensure you never miss an email, chat or stock price alert. This capability is perfect for stock trading environments and call centers.
  • NEW! Data Security
    User data is AES-256 encrypted for additional security in sensitive work environments like financial institutions and emergency management centers. Multiplicity’s settings can also be locked to prevent non-administrative users from altering the configuration.
  • NEW! Send Keyboard Input to All Computers Press CTRL three times and Multiplicity starts sending keyboard input to all connected PCs.
  • Control up to 9 machines
    With a purchased copy of Multiplicity 2, control up to 8 secondary computers in addition to your primary machine.

The Multiplicity 2 BETA is available as a free download for controlling one additional computer from

Note: If you currently have MP1 installed, you will need to uninstall and reboot (the installer prompts this).

mp2_01 mp2_04
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Neil Banfield
Reply #21 Saturday, July 21, 2012 6:25 AM

Okay, I was able to uninstall MPC only with the Gamestop app installed. I don't have to start it or logon but MPC then doesn't rant about missing impulse anymore upon unistall from within the control panel. Thanks Neil nevertheless.

And woohoo, Drag and Drop ist THE feature !!! Everything seems working fine. Have to play with audio sharing still.

Update : Hm, while testing Drag & Drop just stopped working.

Both directions or just one way.  Check if Mp2Drag.exe is running as a process or not.  Did it allow you to switch computers, or do you get stuck on the one computer when you try a drag?

Reply #22 Saturday, July 21, 2012 9:23 AM

If I choose the super mode they want money, if I chose the free mode it doesn't list the features I use. It didn't tell me if I'm eligible for a reduction in price.

Where do I click for the beta?



** Purchase/upgrade Multiplicity to get access to the BETA now and receive a full copy on release.


I don't have the money, sniff.

Neil Banfield
Reply #23 Saturday, July 21, 2012 9:34 AM

Liz :

If you already own Multiplicity 1 or Multiplicity 1 Pro then you can click the Check Eligibility link below the Get it Now button and you should be asked to enter your email address and the page will then refresh with a line under the download and Get it now buttons saying something like "You are eligible to upgrade to Multiplicity 2 for only $29.95" and a text Get it Now link to the right of that which you would click to order.  I don't know if the price changes depending on if you owned Pro or standard before.


Reply #24 Saturday, July 21, 2012 11:53 AM

Neil: Was from primry to secondaries. Othe way round it works. Cursor is stuck on the primary.

Another one that needs attention: Even with all secondaries off MPC 2 uses 25 % CPU constantly. Watched that one for half an hour, then switched it off.

Neil Banfield
Reply #25 Saturday, July 21, 2012 1:35 PM

Neil: Was from primry to secondaries. Othe way round it works. Cursor is stuck on the primary.

Another one that needs attention: Even with all secondaries off MPC 2 uses 25 % CPU constantly. Watched that one for half an hour, then switched it off.

What process is using the cpu, thats not normal and is not something thats been discovered in any of our testing,

Reply #26 Sunday, July 22, 2012 9:15 AM

Neil Banfield

Quoting c242, reply 24Neil: Was from primry to secondaries. Othe way round it works. Cursor is stuck on the primary.

Another one that needs attention: Even with all secondaries off MPC 2 uses 25 % CPU constantly. Watched that one for half an hour, then switched it off.

What process is using the cpu, thats not normal and is not something thats been discovered in any of our testing,


"Multipl2.exe." Couldn't reproduce that yet.

Neil Banfield
Reply #27 Sunday, July 22, 2012 9:53 AM

Quoting Neil Banfield, reply 25
Quoting c242, reply 24Neil: Was from primry to secondaries. Othe way round it works. Cursor is stuck on the primary.

Another one that needs attention: Even with all secondaries off MPC 2 uses 25 % CPU constantly. Watched that one for half an hour, then switched it off.

What process is using the cpu, thats not normal and is not something thats been discovered in any of our testing,


"Multipl2.exe." Couldn't reproduce that yet.

I suspect whatever that was it was also why drag & drop stopped working from the primary to the secondary.  We will have to take a close look at the code that handles that logic and see if it could get stuck in a loop without stopping switching too.

If it happens again try to remember what you had been doing just before as it might let us narrow it down further.

Reply #28 Sunday, July 22, 2012 10:21 AM

Thanks, Neil

Reply #29 Monday, July 23, 2012 5:48 PM

I'm having trouble installing the beta on my secondary machine. It tells me that I need to uninstall the old version of multiplicity first and then reboot. I did that and still got the same message. I rebooted again. Same message. I installed Stardock Central, reinstalled the old version, then uninstalled it and rebooted and still got the same message.

Now I'm trying revo uninstaller...

Reply #30 Monday, July 23, 2012 9:08 PM

Just saw a  post on Addictive Tips about the program

Neil Banfield
Reply #31 Monday, July 23, 2012 9:21 PM

I'm having trouble installing the beta on my secondary machine. It tells me that I need to uninstall the old version of multiplicity first and then reboot. I did that and still got the same message. I rebooted again. Same message. I installed Stardock Central, reinstalled the old version, then uninstalled it and rebooted and still got the same message.

Now I'm trying revo uninstaller...

You are not running the installer from a network drive are you?

That can confuse the installer and it shows the MP 1 installed message.

Reply #32 Tuesday, July 24, 2012 4:43 PM

I've paid for the upgrade, unistalled MP1 and Acoustic Bridge, and am running MP2 from a primary where there is a computer to the left and to the right of it.  8)

First, this is an AWESOME upgrade!  Really takes this application to the next level in every way. Well worth the upgrade price for me.  


The only bugs I have found so far are follows:

My main computer used to be on a domain but isn't anymore.  MP2 had a problem resolving the primary IP address, reporting some out to lunch IP address registered in Maine or somesuch for each of the secondaries (same IP).  Unlike MP1, there was no way to manually enter/lock the IP addresses to fix this. Note that the main GUI reported the correct local subnet address in the display, but the little "always connect to" checkbox option reported the wrong IP address, if that info helps.   I was able to resolve this by changing the computer from the old domain to the local workgroup.

Unlike with MP1, if I use the "lock mouse to primary when fullscreen application is used" option with MP2, use of Deskscapes causes the mouse to always be locked to the primary.  8P 

When running Diablo 3 on the Primary, I can move the mouse to the left secondary no problemo, just like in MP1, and I have to alt tab the application to move the mouse to the right secondary, also like MP1, so no problems there at all (re: expected and desired behavior).  However, in moving to the left secondary, sometimes the mouse curso disappears completely on a return to the main game.  The only way to get it back is to force a full screen redraw by teleporting back to town, etc.  This did not happen with MP1 under the identical situation, so something must have changed somewhere for this little bug to have popped up.  I'm not exactly sure what mouse actions cause the loss of cursor, however, as I can't duplicate it reliably...yet.

Drag and Drop does not work from Computer A across to Computer B (primary) to Computer C.  The image and cursor drag as if it should work and wants to work (which is just amazing to see!), it's just that the copy command never occurs.  I have to drag from A to B, then B to C, or vice versa.

All of these are expected in a beta.  But to be honest, these are all minor quibbles and this is one amazing, polished, solid piece of code. 

Reply #33 Tuesday, July 24, 2012 10:34 PM

I've paid for the upgrade, unistalled MP1 and Acoustic Bridge, and am running MP2 from a primary where there is a computer to the left and to the right of it.  8)

First, this is an AWESOME upgrade!  Really takes this application to the next level in every way. Well worth the upgrade price for me.  


The only bugs I have found so far are follows:

My main computer used to be on a domain but isn't anymore.  MP2 had a problem resolving the primary IP address, reporting some out to lunch IP address registered in Maine or somesuch for each of the secondaries (same IP).  Unlike MP1, there was no way to manually enter/lock the IP addresses to fix this. Note that the main GUI reported the correct local subnet address in the display, but the little "always connect to" checkbox option reported the wrong IP address, if that info helps.   I was able to resolve this by changing the computer from the old domain to the local workgroup.

Unlike with MP1, if I use the "lock mouse to primary when fullscreen application is used" option with MP2, use of Deskscapes causes the mouse to always be locked to the primary.  8P 

When running Diablo 3 on the Primary, I can move the mouse to the left secondary no problemo, just like in MP1, and I have to alt tab the application to move the mouse to the right secondary, also like MP1, so no problems there at all (re: expected and desired behavior).  However, in moving to the left secondary, sometimes the mouse curso disappears completely on a return to the main game.  The only way to get it back is to force a full screen redraw by teleporting back to town, etc.  This did not happen with MP1 under the identical situation, so something must have changed somewhere for this little bug to have popped up.  I'm not exactly sure what mouse actions cause the loss of cursor, however, as I can't duplicate it reliably...yet.

Drag and Drop does not work from Computer A across to Computer B (primary) to Computer C.  The image and cursor drag as if it should work and wants to work (which is just amazing to see!), it's just that the copy command never occurs.  I have to drag from A to B, then B to C, or vice versa.

All of these are expected in a beta.  But to be honest, these are all minor quibbles and this is one amazing, polished, solid piece of code. 
Thanks for the good report.  We'll look into the issues.

Reply #34 Wednesday, July 25, 2012 10:10 AM


We'll look into the issues.


Thank you!  I can't seem to reliably duplicate the Diablo 3 bug.  It is still happening, but irregularly.  It might be related to dragging an item across from inventory to something else...but...will advise when I can actually be of some use on this one.  8)

Reply #35 Wednesday, July 25, 2012 1:07 PM

So far it's been a dud for me. Been a Multiplicity user for years and for the first time my link between computers has been broken. Will uninstall and get back to the previous version. I use Windows 7

Neil Banfield
Reply #36 Wednesday, July 25, 2012 1:16 PM

So far it's been a dud for me. Been a Multiplicity user for years and for the first time my link between computers has been broken. Will uninstall and get back to the previous version. I use Windows 7

Could you be a little more specific about the issues you are having please.

Reply #37 Saturday, July 28, 2012 6:23 AM

I wrestled with it for a couple of hours trying to get it to work. No luck. The primary sees the secondary fine, i can add it to the grid and that's about it.

No way it will connect. I went as far to disable the firewalls completely using gpedit.msc but all i see is when i open the primary, on the grid the secondary will light up for a few seconds as if trying to connect and then goes blank.


Win7 and Win 2008 r2 both x64

Neil Banfield
Reply #38 Sunday, July 29, 2012 8:14 AM

I wrestled with it for a couple of hours trying to get it to work. No luck. The primary sees the secondary fine, i can add it to the grid and that's about it.

No way it will connect. I went as far to disable the firewalls completely using gpedit.msc but all i see is when i open the primary, on the grid the secondary will light up for a few seconds as if trying to connect and then goes blank.


Win7 and Win 2008 r2 both x64

When you say the primary sees the secondary fine, do you mean when you clicked add computer it showed in the list, or you had to manually enter the machine name?

If you ping the secondary machine name (the one Multiplicity is showing on the primary for the secondary) from a command prompt on the primary does it return the correct IP address?  I would also check that Multisrv.exe is running on the secondary.

Reply #39 Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:00 PM


When you say the primary sees the secondary fine, do you mean when you clicked add computer it showed in the list, or you had to manually enter the machine name? If you ping the secondary machine name (the one Multiplicity is showing on the primary for the secondary) from a command prompt on the primary does it return the correct IP address?  I would also check that Multisrv.exe is running on the secondary.


I clicked and added it. It showed up automatically.

But pinging doesn't work indeed strange because it's accesible via all computers attached. The IP adress is correct.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>ping mediaserver

Pinging mediaserver.lan [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),


Neil Banfield
Reply #40 Sunday, July 29, 2012 5:35 PM


When you say the primary sees the secondary fine, do you mean when you clicked add computer it showed in the list, or you had to manually enter the machine name? If you ping the secondary machine name (the one Multiplicity is showing on the primary for the secondary) from a command prompt on the primary does it return the correct IP address?  I would also check that Multisrv.exe is running on the secondary.


I clicked and added it. It showed up automatically.

But pinging doesn't work indeed strange because it's accesible via all computers attached. The IP adress is correct.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>ping mediaserver

Pinging mediaserver.lan [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),


The firewall may be blocking pings.

The odd thing is the code to show the machines is the same as the code to check if a machine is live and so light it up in the UI.  I cannot explain why it does not show as live unless the name lookup is failing.

If you double click on the computer on the grid what does the label on the checkbox say?  It usually says "Always use the IP address (x.x.x.x)".

As a test delete the machine from the UI and manually enter the machine and instead of the name on the add computer dialog, put as the name.

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