Multiplicity 2.0 is currently in BETA and you're invited to try it!

Thursday, July 19, 2012 by Island Dog | Discussion: WinCustomize News

Multiplicity gives you the ability to control and quickly switch between multiple computers with one keyboard and mouse, reducing complexity and freeing up desk space for more efficient use.  Multiplicity 2.0 is currently in BETA and you're invited to try it!

Features in Multiplicity 2:

  • NEW! Simple Setup
    Install Multiplicity 2 on both computers, enter the secondary computer name and passcode, and you're connected!
  • NEW! Transfer Data Between Your PCs
    Copy and paste text, images, and files between your PCs. Multiplicity 2 also adds support for drag and drop of files and folders between machines.
  • NEW! Centralized Audio
    Centralize audio from all of your PCs to a single PC ensure you never miss an email, chat or stock price alert. This capability is perfect for stock trading environments and call centers.
  • NEW! Data Security
    User data is AES-256 encrypted for additional security in sensitive work environments like financial institutions and emergency management centers. Multiplicity’s settings can also be locked to prevent non-administrative users from altering the configuration.
  • NEW! Send Keyboard Input to All Computers Press CTRL three times and Multiplicity starts sending keyboard input to all connected PCs.
  • Control up to 9 machines
    With a purchased copy of Multiplicity 2, control up to 8 secondary computers in addition to your primary machine.

The Multiplicity 2 BETA is available as a free download for controlling one additional computer from

Note: If you currently have MP1 installed, you will need to uninstall and reboot (the installer prompts this).

mp2_01 mp2_04
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Island Dog
Reply #1 Thursday, July 19, 2012 2:29 PM

If you have purchased Multiplicity within the last 90 days, the MP2 beta will be in your Stardock account.


Reply #2 Thursday, July 19, 2012 2:45 PM

Note: If you currently have MP1 installed, you will need to until and reboot (the installer prompts this).




Neil Banfield
Reply #3 Thursday, July 19, 2012 2:49 PM

RedneckDude: It was supposed to say uninstall.  ID has corrected it now.

Reply #4 Thursday, July 19, 2012 2:58 PM

I would have PMd him, but he usually takes days to read them. OK, good that it's fixed.


I will be trying this, I hope I have better luck than I do with the last version.


Thanks for the update, Neil.

Reply #5 Thursday, July 19, 2012 3:51 PM

The file drag-n-drop is seriously unreal.

Reply #6 Thursday, July 19, 2012 4:50 PM

Has this issue been fixed:

If you have UAC turned off, ctrl-alt-backspace (which sends ctrl-alt-del ) to secondary machine does not work?

Neil Banfield
Reply #7 Thursday, July 19, 2012 5:01 PM

Has this issue been fixed:

If you have UAC turned off, ctrl-alt-backspace (which sends ctrl-alt-del ) to secondary machine does not work?

I believe so.

Reply #8 Thursday, July 19, 2012 5:32 PM

NEW! Transfer Data Between Your PCs
Copy and paste text, images, and files between your PCs. Multiplicity 2 also adds support for drag and drop of files and folders between machines.

Clipboard sharing has been available since at least v1.26.....

Neil Banfield
Reply #9 Thursday, July 19, 2012 6:12 PM

quoting post
NEW! Transfer Data Between Your PCs
Copy and paste text, images, and files between your PCs. Multiplicity 2 also adds support for drag and drop of files and folders between machines.

Clipboard sharing has been available since at least v1.26.....

Since v1 I think, however this is better than before.

Copying from Word will maintain fonts etc unlike the plain text that MP1 used.  File copies now include date and attributes and can be cancelled and drag & drop is brand new.  Drag & drop supports one file, multiple files, even folders and you can drag them to pretty much any folder on the target system.

Reply #10 Friday, July 20, 2012 4:42 AM

MPC Pro has been part of my ThinkDesk subscription. I guess I have to purchase 2.0 now ? Question just for informational purposes, don't want to complain. I would really love to test 2.0 with my 4 machines setup.

Neil Banfield
Reply #11 Friday, July 20, 2012 5:13 AM

MPC Pro has been part of my ThinkDesk subscription. I guess I have to purchase 2.0 now ? Question just for informational purposes, don't want to complain. I would really love to test 2.0 with my 4 machines setup.

Multiplicity Pro was never part of ThinkDesk, only the standard one was - It used to cost more than ThinkDesk cost!

The paid version of Multiplicity 2 replaces Pro and alas would need a purchase.

Reply #12 Friday, July 20, 2012 5:18 AM

See, I have had that thing so long, I did mix that up. Okay, no problem then.

Reply #13 Friday, July 20, 2012 5:19 AM

BTW, the new fetures make a great product even greater.

Reply #14 Friday, July 20, 2012 1:57 PM

So I purchased MPC Pro 2 today, no Impulse setup anymore and I have to unsinstall MPC Pro via Impulse. Downloaded the *'?/=? Gamestop App and am completely lost. Can anyone point me to a howto ? I was able to login but I don't find any hints to Stardock apps...

Neil Banfield
Reply #15 Friday, July 20, 2012 2:15 PM

So I purchased MPC Pro 2 today, no Impulse setup anymore and I have to unsinstall MPC Pro via Impulse. Downloaded the *'?/=? Gamestop App and am completely lost. Can anyone point me to a howto ? I was able to login but I don't find any hints to Stardock apps...

Thats an interesting question.  Is Multiplicity Pro showing in the add / remove programs list in Windows?

It might be easier to uninstall the service from an admin command prompt using Multisrv64 -uninstall (assuming thats a 64 bit OS), then killing multipl.exe and MPVista.exe, delete the entire Multiplicity folder and then delete the registry keys in HKLM and HKCU (software\stardock\multiplicity)

Reply #16 Friday, July 20, 2012 9:22 PM

I'm a current Multiplicity Pro and Stardock Acoustic Bridge owner.   Does the new "Centralize Audio" feature replace/duplicate Stardock Acoustic Bridge or is that something different in functionality?  Should I uninstall Acoustic Bridge along wide my installation of the new Multiplicity 2?

Reply #17 Friday, July 20, 2012 10:11 PM

Just got all of my computers upgraded to the new beta version and was hoping that things would be better.  Doesn't appear to have anything new except for design layout.  I was really looking forward to the drag and drop feature but it doesn't appear to be working.  I do have it enabled (checked) with in the "settings" tab configuration panel, but it doesn't work. I have tried restarting as well as turning off all my firewalls, but it still doesn't work.  Seems to be a feature that is not ready yet. I am running windows 7 on all my computers, and have no clue to what is causing the problem.

Reply #18 Saturday, July 21, 2012 3:56 AM

Okay, I was able to uninstall MPC only with the Gamestop app installed. I don't have to start it or logon but MPC then doesn't rant about missing impulse anymore upon unistall from within the control panel. Thanks Neil nevertheless.

And woohoo, Drag and Drop ist THE feature !!! Everything seems working fine. Have to play with audio sharing still.

Update : Hm, while testing Drag & Drop just stopped working.

Neil Banfield
Reply #19 Saturday, July 21, 2012 6:16 AM

I'm a current Multiplicity Pro and Stardock Acoustic Bridge owner.   Does the new "Centralize Audio" feature replace/duplicate Stardock Acoustic Bridge or is that something different in functionality?  Should I uninstall Acoustic Bridge along wide my installation of the new Multiplicity 2?

You would need to uninstall Acoustic Bridge before install and the installer will actually detect it and tell you to do so.

Neil Banfield
Reply #20 Saturday, July 21, 2012 6:24 AM

Just got all of my computers upgraded to the new beta version and was hoping that things would be better.  Doesn't appear to have anything new except for design layout.  I was really looking forward to the drag and drop feature but it doesn't appear to be working.  I do have it enabled (checked) with in the "settings" tab configuration panel, but it doesn't work. I have tried restarting as well as turning off all my firewalls, but it still doesn't work.  Seems to be a feature that is not ready yet. I am running windows 7 on all my computers, and have no clue to what is causing the problem.

Firstly are you using the LEFT mouse button to drag?  We had an issue in internal testing where someone was using the right mouse button and wondering why it was not working (ex OS/2 user).

Assuming you are using the left, some things to try :

1) Does normal clipboard copying work for text etc?  If not this is probably a firewall issue blocking port 30565.

2) When you drag does it let you switch computers, or does the mouse remain stuck on the computer you started the drag on?

3) Does it work either direction?

4) Is MP2Drag.exe running on the machine you started the drag from?

5) Are you dragging from explorer and dragging a file rather than say the recycle bin (which cannot be dragged between machines as it is not a real object)

6) Are you able to switch machines if you stop dragging?

7) Make sure you are not holding down any other keys while dragging like shift or ctrl or switching computers will be blocked.

8) Make sure you did unlock the features on the primary.  You can tell if you did this as the upgrade tab will no longer be visible on the primary.

There are many new things in MP2 as well as the enhanced UI such as the drag & drop, the enhanced clipboard, the audio feature (not on XP though), the abilty to switch when an elevated app has focus, the lock all computers when the primary is locked feature, the echo keyboard input to all computers feature, the ability to play a custom sound when certain MP events occur (See OS sounds control panel), the ability to switch machines even when the primary is locked, has a UAC prompt up, or is not even logged in yet.  Plus the protocol level changes like compression for clipboard transfers and AES-256 encryption for security.

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