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Updated Jan 10, 2005 by ch waqar

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Comment #21 Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:11 AM
Yep, I understood you loud and clear. But it still doesn't work. There is no file that is automatically associated with Destop X. There's a file named 'DXSCRIPT2' which I concluded must be the one, as it's different from all the rest. But it doesn't want to open, even when I tell it to open with Desktop X. Could it be that I didn't get a complete download or something?
Comment #22 Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:12 AM
Okay, so I went ahead and downloaded the theme again. Now it works no problem. Something must have gone wrong the first time. Thanks for your help though.
Comment #23 Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:43 AM
The icons are amazing! A very nice piece of work indeed. I look foward to more high tech themes. Well done! Well done! ....and thank you

ch waqar
Comment #24 Tuesday, January 25, 2005 7:41 AM
Thank you for leaving comments nightwing68...and Arkt0s.
Comment #25 Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:32 AM
OK - here's the thing - i just began using DesktopX and I still can't figure out how to get the theme working unless it downloads as a shortcut. In other words- this theme downloads as a bunch of files as opposed to one file that automatically installs itself like the other themes i've downloaded. Think you could help me out ch wagar? I'd really appreciate it. Also, I'm using a 1024 b 768 resolution, so I know that works different with this particular theme, but after I know how to get it working- I know I can fix that too.
ch waqar
Comment #26 Tuesday, January 25, 2005 2:04 PM
installing any desktopX theme is very easy,i want you to read Comment# 20 on this page.if you still have problems..then explain what kind of problem is it... i will see what i can do.
here is another easy way to install,
when you press "download" window pops up... asking you where and how you want to download the open will start downloading and will install itself and next thing you will see the desktopX is starting this theme already.thats it you are done.when you will exit the desktopX u should save the theme for later use. enjoy
Comment #27 Thursday, January 27, 2005 12:43 AM

I'm really enjoying this theme more and more. I have to ask where you go the animated icons from or if you made them your self. I would love to learn how to make such remarkable objects! Thanks for the time

Comment #28 Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:23 AM
ch wagar

Awesome, awesome theme . For those of us who grew up with StarWars, and who are too old for having cartoon like themes but need some serious design but want the innovative ideas, you rock. Keep up the good work.
Being a newbie, i dont know how to adjust the theme to my 1024 b 768laptop screen. I see others have had the same issue, so maybe you should just upload the variation. Anyway, I'd be very grateful if you could send the adjusted theme and any additions like the above mentioned tool bar to

Any other things to complement the theme, like Sysmetrix, Rainlender, WB, separat iconpack -the works, would make all of us fans out here in cyberspace very happy. A suggestion - there is a skin called MetalX2 that has so much extra functionality built into in the windowframes. I dont like the look o
ch waqar
Comment #29 Tuesday, February 1, 2005 1:38 PM
Thanks a lot Arkt0s and mortensejr....Actually this theme is still under development..may be when it will finish i'll let you know how to do next update you guys will see lot of changes variations,functionality,interactivity and will add taskbar,start menu, bootscreen..and Flash logon(Animated),cursor i see you soon untill then good bye.
Comment #30 Tuesday, February 1, 2005 9:38 PM
WOW...Really kewl but the only thing I dont like is using up so much RAM, maybe can include some sound 2 go with it 4 those with high bandwich...Cheerz!
ch waqar
Comment #31 Friday, February 4, 2005 7:06 PM
senove thanks for the comment...and will add sounds too in next update
Comment #32 Monday, February 7, 2005 8:03 AM
Cool work!!! I've been hopeing for more wire frame work since Max did the first wire frame style, but most of that work is older DX version. We SO need wire fram WB and start bar. As another poster put it, it is so refreshing a change from the "cartoony sugery sweet" style that XP made popular. I also look forward to a 1024x768 versin of theme. Cant wait for Full version with cursor and log on!!
Comment #33 Monday, February 7, 2005 8:03 AM
Cool work!!! I've been hopeing for more wire frame work since Max did the first wire frame style, but most of that work is older DX version. We SO need wire fram WB and start bar. As another poster put it, it is so refreshing a change from the "cartoony sugery sweet" style that XP made popular. I also look forward to a 1024x768 versin of theme. Cant wait for Full version with cursor and log on!!
ch waqar
Comment #34 Saturday, February 12, 2005 7:12 AM
Thanks for leaving comment digicatz55..see you soon
Comment #35 Monday, March 7, 2005 10:43 PM
ch wagar,

you now hold the record for the skinnner on my desktop the longest (I did port and delete a few things to customize it to my needs but all the essentials are there) I really love the icons as I mentioned above (arkt0s) Any idea when the next update comes out? I've been waiting as patiently as possible but I'm really anxious to see the update. Just HAAAAD to poke you. Thanks so much for some really well crafted art. Look foward to seeing much more.

Comment #36 Monday, March 21, 2005 6:39 PM
I was wondering if anyone (or the author) had the objects from this theme for download? If so please email me at Thanks.

I like the theme but just want to add some of the objects to my existing theme.

Comment #37 Friday, July 8, 2005 5:06 AM
Could you make a 1024x768 version? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...
Thanks? Citizen SHMEEJEF
Comment #38 Sunday, August 21, 2005 10:46 PM
gr8 work dude... looks fantastic
Comment #39 Tuesday, January 1, 2008 7:26 PM
Hey man awesome theme!I would like permission to use these holo-icons in a theme based on Crysis.I'm using it in conjunction with "Hollywood OS" and a custom wallpaper that i've made.I currently use this theme as my own personal desktop theme,but I believe that others would like it also.I really appreciate the work that you did in removing the black background from these icons.That really opened up alot of creative options for me as well as others i'm sure.Well thanks again and i await your reply.

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