2012, since weather doesn't work i deleted the object related to. sorry but i don't find the time to work on it.
There the theme without the weather.
major update: résolution independante
but build in 1280x1024 with photoshop
most resolution for this theme is 1024x768 to 1280x1024 caution in smaller objects are big and in higher are small
(thanks to gef for his help)
update 2
new objects new wallpapers make by me
+ object to help you to configur
all Permissions included on current theme folder
in english:
This topic is for me a vision of what will be Vista.
I make a point of thanking all the authors who allowed me to carry out this topic.
In particular QX9 alias Webtrance (the gallery of Webtrance on DeviantArt) for its councils and its patience.
But also for the wallpapers which are all of him. For some objects with him which I more or less modified.
I make a point of thank you also saying to Martin for scripts of google search, weather, and the calendar;
Tolgor for the email checker; and Pjpowel for the calculator.
Moreover I make a point of saying also thank you to babasse and cameleonhelp of CrystalXP.net for some icones.
It is my first topic then are lenient if you see things which should be modified or improved comment on them,
I remain open to the suggestions
I hope that you will like that.
in french:
Ce thème est pour moi une vision de ce que sera Vista.
Je tiens à remercier tous les auteurs qui m'ont permis de réaliser ce thème.
En particulier QX9 alias Webtrance (la galerie de Webtrance sur DeviantArt) pour ses conseils et sa patience.
Mais aussi pour les wallpapers qui sont tous de lui. Pour certains objects à lui que j'ai plus ou moins modifiés.
je tiens à dire merci aussi à Martin pour les scripts de google search, météo, et le calendrier;
Tolgor pour l'email checker; et Pjpowel pour la calculette.
En outre je tiens à dire aussi merci à babasse et cameleonhelp de CrystalXP.net pour certaines icones.
C'est mon premier thème alors soyez indulgent
si vous voyez des choses qu'il faut modifier ou amélioré commentez les, je reste ouvert aux suggestions.
j'espère que cela vous plaira.
link to babasse's work:
Link link to cameleonhelp's work:
Link link to webtrance's deviantart galery:
Link link to webtrance's wincustomize galery:
Link link to tolgor's wincustomize galery:
Link link to martin's wincustomize galery:
Link link to PJPOWELL's wincustomize galery:
Comment #41 Sunday, February 25, 2007 3:58 AM